Body | Bill Status |
Official Actions |
Last Action |
Law | Bill Text |
Chief Author |
Short Description |
Senate | SF2577 | 5 | 03/29/2012 | Senjem | Omnibus bonding bill | ||
Senate | SF2506 | 2 | 03/19/2012 | Pederson | Safe routes to school program establishment, bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF2492 | 3 | 03/20/2012 | Olson | School district aid payment shift modification | ||
Senate | SF2437 | 2 | 03/14/2012 | Pederson | St. Cloud economic development authority tax increment financing district (TIF) use authorization | ||
Senate | SF2436 | 2 | 03/14/2012 | Pederson | Tax exempt property held for economic development time limit modification | ||
Senate | SF2423 | 2 | 03/13/2012 | Fischbach | Minnesota state colleges and universities (MnSCU) leveraged equipment acquisition funding appropriation | ||
Senate | SF2355 | 4 | 03/22/2012 | Nelson | Small business investment credit provisions modification | ||
Senate | SF2326 | 9 | 04/19/2012 | Pederson | Barbers licensing, fees and regulations modifications and appropriations increase | ||
Senate | SF2324 | 18 | 05/07/2012 | 262 | Pederson | Satellite system contractors and installers licensure and regulation | |
Senate | SF2283 | 2 | 03/05/2012 | Pederson | University Enterprise Laboratories expansion bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF2276 | 2 | 03/05/2012 | Pederson | State trails land acquisition and development bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF2272 | 2 | 03/05/2012 | DeKruif | Accelerated payments of monthly sales tax liability elimination | ||
Senate | SF2263 | 2 | 03/05/2012 | Carlson | Lottery tickets in lieu of sales tax natural resources fund revenue distribution modification | ||
Senate | SF2247 | 2 | 03/05/2012 | Reinert | Appeals court judges residential eligibility requirements modification | ||
Senate | SF2243 | 5 | 03/22/2012 | Pederson | Public-private partnership pilot program and regulations for transportation contracts | ||
Senate | SF2224 | 12 | 04/23/2012 | 201 | Pederson | Unemployment insurance federal conformity, policy and housekeeping provisions | |
Senate | SF2154 | 2 | 03/01/2012 | Pederson | Solid waste disposal facility permit local approval requirement establishment | ||
Senate | SF2082 | 4 | 03/13/2012 | Michel | Solicitor definition for federal nexus and internet sales tax purposes | ||
Senate | SF2074 | 2 | 02/23/2012 | Pederson | Financial institutions construction loans permitted inquiry provisions modification | ||
Senate | SF2073 | 2 | 02/23/2012 | Pederson | Housing finance agency (HFA) housing infrastructure bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF2065 | 4 | 03/08/2012 | Daley | Residential building contractor recovery fund provisions modifications | ||
Senate | SF2019 | 2 | 02/23/2012 | Dahms | Southwest Minnesota state university science lab renovation design bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF1993 | 10 | 04/16/2012 | 159 | Pederson | Sump pumps installation licensing exemptions expansion | |
Senate | SF1989 | 2 | 02/20/2012 | Pederson | Greater Minnesota transit bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF1972 | 5 | 03/30/2012 | Ortman | Omnibus jobs and tax relief bill | ||
Senate | SF1968 | 2 | 02/20/2012 | Pederson | St. Cloud area cities local sales and use tax extension and termination delay | ||
Senate | SF1962 | 4 | 03/08/2012 | Ingebrigtsen | Scopes on muzzleloaders authorization | ||
Senate | SF1957 | 8 | 03/30/2012 | Nelson | Employment and economic development department (DEED) permit management and coordination requirements | ||
Senate | SF1946 | 2 | 02/20/2012 | Nelson | State government continuing appropriation establishment | ||
Senate | SF1943 | 6 | 03/23/2012 | Ingebrigtsen | Game and fish provisions modifications and appropriation; wolf taking authorization | ||
Senate | SF1929 | 2 | 02/20/2012 | Pederson | Natural resources acquisition and development bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF1927 | 2 | 02/16/2012 | Michel | Small Business Regulatory Relief Act; business property tax reduction; small business regulatory review board establishment | ||
Senate | HF1923 | 11 | 03/30/2012 | Pederson | Water supply demand reduction measures requirement | ||
Senate | SF1922 | 13 | 04/27/2012 | 238 | Pederson | State agency rulemaking regulation and reporting methods provisions modifications | |
Senate | SF1902 | 2 | 02/16/2012 | Ingebrigtsen | Capital equipment sales tax exemption at time of purchase | ||
Senate | SF1869 | 3 | 03/08/2012 | Miller | Greater Minnesota internship program establishment and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF1860 | 12 | 04/16/2012 | 161 | Pederson | Concrete diamond grinding and saw slurry disposal solid waste exemption for highway construction, improvement, or repair activities | |
Senate | SF1859 | 2 | 02/15/2012 | Carlson | Subsurface sewage treatment systems local ordinances rules adoption delay implementation modification | ||
Senate | SF1780 | 9 | 03/13/2012 | Carlson | Minnesota state colleges and universities (MnSCU) system operations during a budget impasse clarification | ||
Senate | SF1742 | 3 | 03/13/2012 | Pederson | Legislators retirement plan provisions modification and clarification | ||
Senate | SF1741 | 5 | 03/05/2012 | Daley | Local governments additional budgetary information reporting requirement and electronic budgetary information system expenditure type reporting | ||
Senate | SF1732 | 3 | 02/09/2012 | Pederson | Parks and trails grant program provisions modifications | ||
Senate | SF1729 | 2 | 02/08/2012 | Gimse | Publicly owned airports capital improvements bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF1703 | 2 | 02/02/2012 | Rosen | Truman storm water lines grant bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF1686 | 2 | 02/02/2012 | Pederson | Local bridge replacement and rehabilitation bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF1685 | 2 | 02/02/2012 | Pederson | Local road improvement bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF1653 | 14 | 05/09/2012 | 295 | Pederson | Independent contractors provisions modification; labor and industry technical conforming provisions | |
Senate | SF1624 | 3 | 02/02/2012 | Pederson | Business property taxes reduction | ||
Senate | SF1579 | 2 | 01/26/2012 | Pederson | St. Cloud correctional facility capital improvements bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF1576 | 2 | 01/26/2012 | Pederson | Minnesota state colleges and universities (MnSCU) board of trustees prior appropriation modification | ||
Senate | SF1575 | 2 | 01/26/2012 | Pederson | St. Cloud technical and community college capital investment bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF1574 | 2 | 01/26/2012 | Pederson | St. Cloud state university hockey center project appropriation modification | ||
Senate | SF1560 | 5 | 03/28/2012 | Pederson | Water supply demand reduction measures requirement | ||
Senate | SF1551 | 7 | 03/12/2012 | DeKruif | Electrical inspections continued operation without biennial appropriation enactment | ||
Senate | SF1531 | 6 | 03/20/2012 | Olson | Postsecondary enrollment options (PSEO) program expansion and appropriation adjustment | ||
Senate | SF1524 | 8 | 03/29/2012 | Pederson | Architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, geoscience, and interior design professional licensing provisions and fees modifications | ||
Senate | SF1397 | 2 | 05/05/2011 | Pederson | Property tax incentive valuation reductions for vacant properties | ||
Senate | SF1383 | 2 | 05/04/2011 | Pederson | Constitutional amendment to limit the level of budgeted spending to 98 percent of the amount forecast to be collected in the biennium | ||
Senate | SF1363 | 13 | 05/23/2011 | Ingebrigtsen | Legacy bill; outdoor heritage fund, clean water fund, parks and trails fund, arts and cultural heritage fund appropriations and provisions modifications | ||
Senate | SF1359 | 3 | 05/09/2011 | Pederson | Legislative commission on planning and fiscal policy duties expansion | ||
Senate | SF1291 | 3 | 02/23/2012 | Pederson | Special education provisions repeal; providing special instruction and services meeting minimum federal special education requirements | ||
Senate | SF1290 | 2 | 04/26/2011 | Pederson | City alternative sales tax sharing in lieu of local government aid (LGA) | ||
Senate | SF1265 | 7 | 05/21/2011 | 62 | Pederson | Professional athletes drug and alcohol testing program provisions | |
Senate | SF1230 | 2 | 04/18/2011 | Pederson | Parks and trail fund money allocation modification | ||
Senate | SF1229 | 2 | 04/18/2011 | Pederson | Unemployment compensation provisions modifications | ||
Senate | SF1220 | 2 | 04/18/2011 | Miller | Minnesota public educational radio stations association grants appropriation | ||
Senate | SF1204 | 6 | 05/18/2011 | Nelson | Governor's workforce development council public library member addition | ||
Senate | SF1199 | 11 | 04/18/2012 | Pederson | Prevailing wage provisions modifications | ||
Senate | SF1189 | 2 | 04/14/2011 | Sparks | Auto body repair business registration requirement and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF1130 | 11 | 05/21/2011 | 84 | Pederson | Unemployment insurance and workforce development provisions modifications | |
Senate | SF0901 | 2 | 03/17/2011 | Pederson | Early childhood services and programs for full kindergarten readiness coordination | ||
Senate | SF0852 | 4 | 04/14/2011 | Pederson | Worker classification regulation, penalties and fees modification | ||
Senate | SF0803 | 2 | 03/14/2011 | Howe | Small business loan guarantee program establishment and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF0785 | 2 | 03/14/2011 | DeKruif | Motor vehicle reregistration requirement to operate at excessive gross weights repeal; special permit fee surcharge imposition authority | ||
Senate | SF0784 | 4 | 03/23/2011 | Senjem | Youth job skills development grant appropriation | ||
Senate | SF0780 | 2 | 03/14/2011 | Pederson | Contractor two percent withholding tax requirement repeal | ||
Senate | SF0769 | 2 | 03/14/2011 | Senjem | Wastewater infrastructure funding program bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF0756 | 4 | 04/14/2011 | Dahms | Subsurface sewage treatment systems ordinance adoption delay extension; local ordinances adoption requirement modifications | ||
Senate | SF0730 | 3 | 03/23/2011 | Pederson | African development center training and programs appropriation | ||
Senate | SF0712 | 10 | 05/22/2011 | 98 | Carlson | Omnibus state lands bill | |
Senate | SF0708 | 2 | 03/10/2011 | Pederson | Twin Cities RISE! job training programs appropriation; job training and retention grant requirements modifications | ||
Senate | SF0657 | 2 | 03/09/2011 | Ingebrigtsen | Clean water fund appropriations; Clean Water Legacy Act modifications; clean water council duties and membership modifications | ||
Senate | SF0634 | 2 | 03/07/2011 | DeKruif | Labor and industry department administrative, rulemaking, enforcement, and safety and health provisions modifications | ||
Senate | SF0564 | 2 | 03/03/2011 | Pederson | Independent school district #742, St. Cloud; onetime fund transfer authorization | ||
Senate | SF0551 | 9 | 04/27/2011 | 16 | Gimse | Cities stadium liquor license issuance modification | |
Senate | SF0539 | 2 | 03/03/2011 | Pederson | Tax increment financing (TIF) spending increments to stimulate construction deadline extension | ||
Senate | SF0510 | 5 | 03/21/2011 | DeKruif | College in the schools classes 9th and 10th grade pupils inclusion | ||
Senate | SF0504 | 2 | 02/28/2011 | Miller | Higher education institutions administrative spending cuts requirement | ||
Senate | SF0500 | 3 | 03/09/2011 | Pederson | Capital requests return on investment analysis requirement | ||
Senate | SF0468 | 2 | 02/28/2011 | Kelash | Youthbuild work experience components expansion and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF0454 | 2 | 02/24/2011 | Thompson | Prevailing wage and hour provisions for state construction and highway projects modifications | ||
Senate | SF0412 | 6 | 04/11/2011 | Pederson | Web site posting of proceedings, official notices, and summaries of political subdivisions in lieu of newspaper publication authorization | ||
Senate | SF0364 | 5 | 03/09/2011 | Pederson | State tree nursery operations closure and nursery tree land sale requirement | ||
Senate | SF0358 | 2 | 02/17/2011 | Ingebrigtsen | Beaver control by road authorities authorization | ||
Senate | SF0298 | 3 | 02/21/2011 | DeKruif | Minnesota rural preserve property tax program modification | ||
Senate | SF0297 | 2 | 02/10/2011 | Limmer | Fire sprinkler installation requirement in single-family detached homes prohibition | ||
Senate | SF0292 | 2 | 02/10/2011 | Pederson | St. Cloud civic center expansion grant bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF0288 | 17 | 05/07/2012 | 269 | Howe | Dental laboratories regulations | |
Senate | SF0225 | 7 | 05/12/2011 | Pederson | Manufactured homes retailer, alternative design plan, reinstallation, notice, enforcement, and fee modifications | ||
Senate | SF0219 | 2 | 02/03/2011 | Pederson | Public housing rehabilitation bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF0196 | 5 | 03/16/2011 | Pederson | Water rulemaking moratorium and study requirements | ||
Senate | SF0179 | 6 | 05/21/2011 | Ingebrigtsen | Gold star license plates eligibility expansion to surviving legal guardians and siblings | ||
Senate | SF0175 | 2 | 01/31/2011 | Ingebrigtsen | English as official state language | ||
Senate | SF0162 | 4 | 03/23/2011 | Pederson | Environmental laboratories certification provisions modifications | ||
Senate | SF0161 | 4 | 03/09/2011 | Pederson | Lake Pepin phosphorus standard establishment | ||
Senate | SF0158 | 5 | 05/09/2011 | Ingebrigtsen | Outdoor heritage fund appropriations and provisions modifications; Clean Water Legacy Act modifications; clean water council revisions | ||
Senate | SF0114 | 6 | 03/03/2011 | Pederson | Unemployment insurance eligibility modification for children of business owners and extended unemployment compensation federal-state conformance | ||
Senate | HF0103 | 8 | 03/14/2011 | 6 | Pederson | Unemployment insurance eligibility modification for children of business owners and extended unemployment compensation federal-state conformance | |
Senate | SF0102 | 2 | 01/24/2011 | Ingebrigtsen | Criminal sexual conduct in the first degree penalty increase | ||
Senate | SF0101 | 2 | 01/24/2011 | Brown | Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) provisions modifications; Green Acres and agricultural classifications to pre-2008 status restoration; working group establishment | ||
Senate | SF0097 | 2 | 01/24/2011 | Pederson | St. Cloud state university integrated science and engineering laboratory facility construction bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF0096 | 2 | 01/24/2011 | Pederson | Unemployment insurance eligibility modification for children of business owners | ||
Senate | SF0089 | 4 | 02/10/2011 | Benson | Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards and residency requirements modifications; photo identification requirement | ||
Senate | SF0079 | 3 | 04/14/2011 | Ingebrigtsen | Resolution urging Congress to delist gray wolves in Minnesota from the Endangered Species Act | ||
Senate | SF0064 | 4 | 04/28/2011 | Jungbauer | Well regulation authority modification | ||
Senate | SF0060 | 8 | 02/02/2011 | Robling | State finance appropriation reductions for higher education, department of human services (DHS), state (executive) agency general fund recipients, constitutional offices, and legislature; political contribution refund repeal; local government aid (LGA), property tax refund, and sustainable forest incentive modifications; federal tax conformance | ||
Senate | SF0042 | 8 | 02/17/2011 | Ingebrigtsen | Environmental permitting efficiency provisions and environmental review requirements modifications |