Body | Bill Status |
Official Actions |
Last Action |
Law | Bill Text |
Chief Author |
Short Description |
Senate | SF3756 | 6 | 04/03/2008 | Koch | Brevet promotion eligibility modification | ||
Senate | SF3755 | 5 | 03/25/2008 | Koch | Persian gulf war ribbon authorization repeal | ||
Senate | SF3754 | 2 | 03/17/2008 | Koch | Employment discrimination against military family member prohibition | ||
Senate | SF3689 | 2 | 03/13/2008 | Koch | Jobs, economic development and housing appropriations and reductions; miscellaneous state government finance provisions modifications | ||
Senate | SF3619 | 2 | 03/10/2008 | Koch | Saline amniocentesis abortion procedure prohibition | ||
Senate | SF3547 | 2 | 03/06/2008 | Koch | DWI motor vehicle forfeiture family or household member definition modification | ||
Senate | SF3524 | 2 | 03/06/2008 | Koch | Home and community based waiver services for persons with disabilities wheelchair accommodation requirement and waiver amendment | ||
Senate | SF3515 | 2 | 03/06/2008 | Koch | Legislative coordinating commission economic status of women duties repeal | ||
Senate | SF3460 | 2 | 03/05/2008 | Koch | Artisian distillery license authority | ||
Senate | SF3459 | 2 | 03/05/2008 | Koch | School districts staff development revenue use for CPR and automatic external defibrillator training | ||
Senate | SF3117 | 2 | 02/25/2008 | Koch | Substance abuse treatment effectiveness annual report requirement | ||
Senate | SF3055 | 8 | 03/25/2008 | Koch | Military reservist economic injury loan program | ||
Senate | SF2781 | 2 | 02/18/2008 | Koch | Minnesota Blue state poem designation | ||
Senate | SF2691 | 2 | 02/14/2008 | Koch | Rockford flood hazard mitigation grant bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF2652 | 2 | 02/14/2008 | Koch | Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) drug testing requirement for eligibility requirement | ||
Senate | SF2626 | 2 | 02/14/2008 | Koch | Public employer discretion for leaves of absence | ||
Senate | SF2456 | 2 | 02/12/2008 | Koch | Wright county Bertram chain of lakes regional park bond issue and appropriation | ||
Senate | SF2118 | 2 | 03/23/2007 | Koch | Constitutional amendment for right to keep, bear and use arms | ||
Senate | SF1888 | 2 | 03/15/2007 | Koch | Oversight of human services appeals board establishment | ||
Senate | SF1737 | 2 | 03/12/2007 | Koch | Clearwater sales and use and motor vehicle sales taxes imposition and bonding authority | ||
Senate | SF1562 | 2 | 03/07/2007 | Koch | Rockford sales and use tax imposition authority | ||
Senate | HF1409 | 7 | 05/19/2007 | 124 | Koch | Well contractor license surety bond modification | |
Senate | SF1400 | 2 | 03/01/2007 | Koch | Sales tax exemption for Buffalo wastewater treatment facility construction materials, supplies and equipment | ||
Senate | SF0837 | 7 | 05/17/2007 | 102 | Koch | Hennepin and Wright counties boundary change process modification authority | |
Senate | SF0797 | 3 | 03/08/2007 | Koch | Jobs and economic development appropriations; construction codes and licensing provisions recodification and modification | ||
Senate | SF0278 | 2 | 01/25/2007 | Koch | Drug paraphernalia crime provisions modifications | ||
Senate | SR0216 | 2 | 05/13/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution Joshua Edeen for receiving the Eagle award | ||
Senate | SR0215 | 2 | 05/13/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Michael Panuska for receiving the Eagle award | ||
Senate | SR0214 | 2 | 05/13/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Alexander Weeks for receiving the Eagle award | ||
Senate | SR0213 | 2 | 05/13/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Jesse Slimmer for receiving the Eagle award | ||
Senate | SR0212 | 2 | 05/13/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Zachary Fernholz for receiving the Eagle award | ||
Senate | SR0195 | 2 | 04/24/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Michael Jacobs of Rockford Township, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award | ||
Senate | SF0188 | 2 | 01/22/2007 | Koch | Candidate proof of citizenship and voter picture identification requirements | ||
Senate | SR0175 | 2 | 04/02/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Kristen Carlson for receiving the Girl Scout Gold award | ||
Senate | SR0174 | 2 | 04/02/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Elizabeth Logas for receiving the Girl Scout Gold award | ||
Senate | SR0173 | 2 | 04/02/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Emily Bischoff for receiving the Girl Scout Gold award | ||
Senate | SR0172 | 2 | 04/02/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Kirsten Ask for receiving the Girl Scout Gold award | ||
Senate | SR0171 | 2 | 04/02/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Christina Schultz for receiving the Girl Scout Gold award | ||
Senate | SR0170 | 2 | 04/02/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Jenn Minke for receiving the Girl Scout Gold award | ||
Senate | SR0169 | 2 | 04/02/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Emily Carlson for receiving the Girl Scout Gold award | ||
Senate | SR0149 | 2 | 02/28/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution honoring Gabrielle Thompson of Buffalo, Minnesota for receiving a Prudential Spirit of Community award | ||
Senate | SR0132 | 2 | 02/14/2008 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Matthew Northenscold of Maple Lake, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award | ||
Senate | SF0094 | 2 | 01/16/2007 | Koch | Hennepin and Wright counties boundary change process modification authority | ||
Senate | SR0073 | 2 | 04/11/2007 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating the Buffalo high school boys basketball team on winning the 2007 state high school class AAAA boys basketball championship | ||
Senate | SR0070 | 2 | 03/31/2007 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating the Buffalo high school Mock Trial team on winning the 2007 Mock Trial state competition | ||
Senate | SR0069 | 2 | 03/31/2007 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Caitlin M. Scott for receiving the girl scout Gold award | ||
Senate | SR0018 | 2 | 01/08/2007 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating John Tokkesdal of Buffalo, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award | ||
Senate | SR0016 | 2 | 01/04/2007 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Sara Marquette of Buffalo, Minnesota for receiving the girl scout Gold award | ||
Senate | SR0015 | 2 | 01/04/2007 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Allison Krause of Montrose, Minnesota for receiving the girl scout Gold award | ||
Senate | SR0013 | 2 | 01/04/2007 | Koch | A senate resolution congratulating Zachary Johnson of Foley, Minnesota for receiving the Eagle award |