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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

16 Documents Found in Legislative Session 94 (2025-2026)
for Chief Authors of "Olson"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0983 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Olson Local road wetland replacement program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0881 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Olson Sales and use tax exemption on precious metal bullion expanded to include coins and other forms of currency.
House HF0822 1 02/17/2025 Text icon Olson Martin County West Independent School District; refundable sales and use tax exemption provided for construction materials used in certain projects.
House HF0742 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Legislature's authority to place proposed statutory changes on the ballot for a public vote clarified.
House HF0741 2 02/17/2025 Text icon Olson Income tax subtraction established for volunteer fire and rescue workers.
House HF0740 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Sales and use tax exemption provided for nonprofit animal shelters.
House HF0739 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Husbandry speed limit increased relating to transportation.
House HF0738 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Construction materials special permit application expanded relating to transportation regulations.
House HF0737 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Cadmium paint prohibition eliminated.
House HF0736 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Blue Earth County supplemental housing support rate established.
House HF0735 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Shared time pupils definition expanded.
House HF0734 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Career and technical education course pupils extended time use expansion provided.
House HF0733 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Electronic gambling devices and games restrictions removed.
House HF0732 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Peacetime emergency extension legislative approval required and duration limited.
House HF0731 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Lewisville water and wastewater infrastructure improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0730 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Blue Earth water filtration plant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.