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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

17 Documents Found in Legislative Session 94 (2025-2026)
for Authors of "Gillman"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0728 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Hicks Out-of-home respite care for children services modified.
House HF0499 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Zeleznikar Nurse temporary permits extended from 60 to 90 days.
House HF0288 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Davis Legislative approval required to extend a declared emergency beyond five days, citizen rights protected, legislative enactment required before certain executive orders and rules may have the force and effect of law, terms defined, and criminal penalties repealed.
House HF0234 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Gillman Hutchinson Area Transportation Services funding provided for a tempered vehicle and equipment storage and fueling facility, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0228 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Gillman Biscay; water infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0189 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Zeleznikar Surcharge on all-electric vehicles amended; surcharges on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, electric motorcycles, and plug-in hybrid electric motorcycles imposed; types of electric motorcycles defined; and surcharge rate adjustment required.
House HF0183 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. E. Imposition and allocation of certain taxes amended, and retail delivery fee repealed.
House HF0146 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Gillman 2023 aid penalty forgiveness provided to the city of Stewart, and money appropriated.
House HF0098 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Fischer Case management associate, mental health behavioral aide, and mental health rehabilitation worker supervision requirements modified; mental health residential program critical incident reporting requirements modified, and other mental health policies modified.
House HF0092 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Gillman Vaccine recipient bill of rights established.
House HF0075 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. H. Hydroelectric capacity that qualifies as an eligible energy technology under the renewable energy standard modified.
House HF0059 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Gillman Notice of violent school incidents to teachers and each student's parents required, and retaliation for reporting prohibited.
House HF0042 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. H. Definition of sustainable aviation fuel modified.
House HF0040 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Burkel Requirement that fencing prevent physical contact between farmed Cervidae and free-roaming Cervidae removed, and authority to revoke registrations under certain conditions removed.
House HF0022 4 02/13/2025 Text icon Gillman Parent's bill of rights created.
House HF0002 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Davis Fraud reporting required when an employee of a state agency has reason to suspect fraud, grants management requirements strengthened, and criminal penalty established.
House HF0001 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. E. Office of the Inspector General established, powers provided, duties specified, fraud reporting hotline required, agencies required to halt payments when fraud is suspected, agency-based offices of inspector general eliminated, report required, and money appropriated.