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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

78 Documents Found in Legislative Session 94 (2025-2026)
for Authors of "Burkel"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0770 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. H. Rural Finance Authority funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0733 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Olson Electronic gambling devices and games restrictions removed.
House HF0723 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Skraba Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0711 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. H. Agricultural education and leadership council grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0694 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Burkel River watch program funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0693 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Burkel Red River mediation agreement funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0692 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Burkel Red River Basin flood hazard mitigation projects funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0649 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Burkel Annual open season for wolves required.
House HF0646 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Gander Dairy development and profitability enhancement and dairy business planning grant program funding provided for continuation, and money appropriated.
House HF0636 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Altendorf Right to carry without a permit provided, and optional permit to carry provided.
House HF0604 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Burkel Karlstad; airport relocation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0603 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Burkel Kennedy; underground water storage tank funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0602 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Burkel Stephen; water and sewer infrastructure and street reconstruction improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0601 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Burkel Depredation compensation payment funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0489 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Skraba Parks and trails fund money appropriated.
House HF0486 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Mekeland Electric generation facility decommission and repurpose plan submission required for a scheduled retirement.
House HF0485 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Mekeland Small modular certificates of need authorized.
House HF0484 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Mekeland Natural gas hookup ban prohibited in residential construction.
House HF0483 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Lawrence Political subdivision bans prohibited on natural gas or propane service to any building.
House HF0482 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Mekeland Choose Life special license plates established, and money appropriated.
House HF0481 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Mekeland Discrimination against an individual prohibited for the refusal of medical interventions for reasons of conscience, including religious conviction.
House HF0451 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Jacob Statutory appropriation of the pollinator account eliminated, and lawns to legumes grant program repealed.
House HF0363 1 02/13/2025 Text icon Jacob Property tax credit established for certain acres certified under the Minnesota agricultural water quality certification program, and money appropriated.
House HF0288 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Davis Legislative approval required to extend a declared emergency beyond five days, citizen rights protected, legislative enactment required before certain executive orders and rules may have the force and effect of law, terms defined, and criminal penalties repealed.
House HF0271 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Burkel Wolf and elk depredation compensation payments funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0254 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Schultz Public water inventory revision process modified.
House HF0253 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Schultz Public water inventory temporary modifications prohibited, and report required.
House HF0199 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Burkel Rural Finance Authority funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0192 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Burkel Requirements governing cost participation on trunk highway projects established, and money appropriated.
House HF0183 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. E. Imposition and allocation of certain taxes amended, and retail delivery fee repealed.
House HF0170 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Davids Ten-year phaseout of the estate tax provided.
House HF0169 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Robbins All lawful gambling receipts subjected to a flat rate tax, and combined net receipts tax repealed.
House HF0168 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Robbins Process for seniors to receive an advance credit of the homestead credit refund established, and advance credit established.
House HF0167 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Robbins Unlimited Social Security individual income tax subtraction allowed, individual income tax rates modified, and property tax refunds modified.
House HF0163 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Burkel Application requirements for special agricultural homestead modified.
House HF0147 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. H. Estate tax; general subtraction amount increased.
House HF0126 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Davis Lawful carry and possession of firearms at the State Fairgrounds authorized.
House HF0114 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Lillie County fairs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0081 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Heintzeman Off-highway vehicles, snowmobiles, and electric-assisted bicycles exempted from prohibitions on PFAS in certain juvenile products.
House HF0075 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. H. Hydroelectric capacity that qualifies as an eligible energy technology under the renewable energy standard modified.
House HF0072 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Engen Entities or organizations that receive state funding prohibited from making campaign expenditures or otherwise expending money for any political purpose.
House HF0070 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Quam Designation and election of presidential electors provided, and Minnesota withdrew from the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote.
House HF0067 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Quam Automatic voter registration repealed, and conforming changes made.
House HF0066 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Quam Set filing period for special elections established.
House HF0049 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Robbins Taxes imposed on all lawful gambling receipts repealed, and technical changes made.
House HF0048 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Robbins Certain social media algorithms that target children prohibited.
House HF0043 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. H. Biofuel infrastructure grant funding provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF0042 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. H. Definition of sustainable aviation fuel modified.
House HF0041 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Burkel Meat, poultry, egg, and milk processing facilities funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF0040 2 02/13/2025 Text icon Burkel Requirement that fencing prevent physical contact between farmed Cervidae and free-roaming Cervidae removed, and authority to revoke registrations under certain conditions removed.
House HF0039 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. H. County agricultural inspector grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0038 1 02/10/2025 Text icon Gander Agricultural Utilization Research Institute funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0026 3 02/14/2025 Text icon Roach Governor's power to declare emergency repealed, legislative emergency declaration and extension process established, governor's authority to adopt orders and expedited rules during an emergency repealed, citizen rights protected, and technical corrections made.
House HF0025 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Zeleznikar Program established to provide grants to women's pregnancy centers and maternity homes, appropriations reduced, and money appropriated.
House HF0024 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Knudsen Born alive infant provisions modified.
House HF0023 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Robbins Whistleblower protections for public employees modified.
House HF0022 4 02/13/2025 Text icon Gillman Parent's bill of rights created.
House HF0021 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Robbins Supermajority approval by each house of the legislature required to extend a peacetime emergency beyond 14 days.
House HF0020 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Niska Classification of certain data maintained by the attorney general clarified.
House HF0019 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Kresha Education savings accounts established, and rules required.
House HF0018 4 02/13/2025 Text icon Engen Sales and use tax exemption for certain baby products expanded.
House HF0017 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Bliss Minnesota Personal Protection Act amended, lifetime permits to carry handguns created, and application fee reduced.
House HF0016 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Rymer Immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies prohibited, use of immigration-related data provided, and county attorneys required to notify federal immigration authorities when an undocumented person is arrested for a crime of violence.
House HF0015 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Engen Student and staff safety measures required to be included in each school district's long-term facilities maintenance school facility plan, safe schools funding increased, school security systems grants created, and money appropriated.
House HF0014 5 02/13/2025 Text icon Robbins Temporary moratorium on certain light rail transit expenditures established.
House HF0013 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Bliss Duty to retreat before using reasonable force in defense of self or others eliminated.
House HF0012 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Scott Female sports team participation restricted to the female sex.
House HF0011 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Baker Minnesota Paid Leave Law implementation delayed by one year.
House HF0010 4 02/13/2025 Text icon Schultz State-funded services prohibited to undocumented noncitizens, and undocumented noncitizens made ineligible for MinnesotaCare and the North Star Promise scholarship program.
House HF0009 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Swedzinski Hydroelectric capacity that qualifies as an eligible energy technology under the renewable energy standard modified; electric utility requirements relating to energy, solar, or carbon-free standards delayed under certain conditions; and sales tax exemption for residential heating fuels and electricity expanded.
House HF0008 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Heintzeman Efficiency of Wetland Conservation Act determinations improved, permitting efficiency reporting requirements modified, permit application process improved, Pollution Control Agency permit provisions modified, environmental assessment worksheet provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0007 4 02/13/2025 Text icon Novotny Public safety; various public safety provisions modified related to data held by law enforcement agencies, agency custody notice requirements, mandatory minimum sentences, stays of adjudication, the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission, legislative approval of Sentencing Guidelines, dismissing of charges, liability and vicarious liability, crime for trespass recruiting or educating, assaulting a police officer, fleeing in a motor vehicle, stolen motor vehicles, obstructing traffic, tracking devices, criminal penalties, and money appropriated.
House HF0006 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Bennett Read Act modified, appropriations cancelled; education innovation provisions modified; P-TECH approval process modified; Office of Achievement and Innovation established in the Department of Education; equity, diversity, and inclusion appropriation modified; and school performance reporting system established.
House HF0005 4 02/13/2025 Text icon Joy Imposition and allocation of certain taxes modified, tax analysis required, transportation funding impacts analysis required, retail delivery fee repealed, unlimited Social Security subtraction provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF0004 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Johnson, W. Portion of projected budget surplus required to be returned to state taxpayers, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0003 4 02/13/2025 Text icon Nash Legislative auditor required to submit a report to the legislature related to an agency's implementation of internal control or fiscal management recommendations, and money appropriated.
House HF0002 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Davis Fraud reporting required when an employee of a state agency has reason to suspect fraud, grants management requirements strengthened, and criminal penalty established.
House HF0001 3 02/13/2025 Text icon Anderson, P. E. Office of the Inspector General established, powers provided, duties specified, fraud reporting hotline required, agencies required to halt payments when fraud is suspected, agency-based offices of inspector general eliminated, report required, and money appropriated.