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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

239 Documents Found in Legislative Session 92 (2021-2022)
for Authors of "Edelson"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4900 3 05/23/2022 Text icon Morrison Out-of-state law or action application limited regarding the provision or receipt of reproductive health care services, and civil action established.
House HF4851 1 04/29/2022 Text icon Edelson Fire department personal protective equipment grant funding providing, and money appropriated.
House HF4845 1 04/28/2022 Text icon Edelson Education; nonexclusionary discipline provided.
House HF4822 1 04/24/2022 Text icon Reyer Persons seeking gender-affirming care provided protections from out-of-state laws.
House HF4746 3 04/08/2022 Text icon Nash Anti-scale fencing, pedestrian doors, and vehicle gates funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF4488 5 05/05/2022 Text icon Her Coalition of Asian American Leaders grant funding provided to address disparities, and money appropriated.
House HF4476 1 03/21/2022 Text icon Edelson Jewish war veteran special license plate established.
House HF4468 2 05/06/2022 Text icon Ecklund Minnesota Army National Guard holistic health and fitness program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4458 3 03/23/2022 Text icon Boe Open meeting law modified.
House HF4404 2 04/21/2022 Text icon Reyer Public building solar energy generating system installation program established to award grants, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF4335 1 03/17/2022 Text icon Edelson Veterans service organization grant program established and funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4304 1 03/14/2022 Text icon Edelson Wellness in the Woods grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4303 2 03/17/2022 Text icon Edelson Examination of a victim of criminal sexual conduct required to be paid by the state for costs incurred by a hospital or health care provider.
House SF4233 8 05/06/2022 54 Text icon Ecklund Veteran and military affairs funding provided, Veterans Service Office grant program created, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF4233 5 04/04/2022 Text icon Edelson Teacher due process forms and procedures time required.
House HF4230 1 03/14/2022 Text icon Edelson Inmate mental health unit pilot program established, and report required.
House HF4051 1 03/07/2022 Text icon Her Lost or stolen firearms prompt reporting to law enforcement required.
House HF4005 2 03/17/2022 Text icon Edelson Safe school revenue program modified, and money appropriated.
House HF3979 2 03/28/2022 Text icon Howard Mental health grants authorized for federal instructional setting level 4 for special education sites, and money appropriated.
House HF3964 2 03/10/2022 Text icon Edelson Cannabis; commissioner of health required to apply for federal Schedule I exemption for medical use.
House HF3963 1 03/03/2022 Text icon Edelson High-cost special education activity additional state aid provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3936 1 03/03/2022 Text icon Edelson Legal representation for children in need of protection or services and children in out-of-home placement grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3881 10 05/21/2022 Text icon Grossell Sexually explicit material involving children creation, possession, or distribution penalties increased.
House HF3877 1 03/03/2022 Text icon Edelson Medical cannabis transport staff modified.
House HF3876 1 03/03/2022 Text icon Edelson Medical cannabis provisions changed.
House HF3875 1 03/03/2022 Text icon Edelson Medical cannabis transportation to testing laboratory by third-party testing laboratory staff allowed.
House HF3840 3 04/04/2022 Text icon Edelson Home care services medical assistance rates increased.
House HF3774 5 03/23/2022 Text icon Hansen, R. Minnesota Swan Protection Act established, breeding-swan waters designation allowed, criminal penalties provided, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF3772 1 02/24/2022 Text icon Edelson Criminal and Juvenile Justice Information Advisory Group provided with more comprehensive use in its review of Bureau of Criminal Apprehension issues.
House HF3729 8 04/19/2022 Text icon Edelson Nursing facility payment rates modified, elderly waiver rates modified, customized living services provided under disability waivers payment rates modified, and money appropriated.
House HF3724 8 03/28/2022 Text icon Robbins Social media algorithms that target children prohibited.
House HF3657 2 02/28/2022 Text icon Jurgens Hastings; Minnesota Veterans Home improvement funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3656 3 03/30/2022 Text icon Jurgens Hastings; Minnesota Veterans Home improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3644 1 02/21/2022 Text icon Edelson Statutory procedure to assess defendant competency to stand trial established, contested hearing provided, forensic navigator established, forensic navigators required to provide services to defendants, continuing supervision for defendants found incompetent to stand trial established, neuroleptic medication administration authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF3605 13 05/05/2022 Text icon Rasmusson Broadband; financial assistance program established to extend service to unserved areas, and process established to allow existing easements for use of service.
House HF3596 3 03/14/2022 Text icon Edelson Community education programming funding increased, and money appropriated.
House HF3595 5 03/30/2022 Text icon Edelson Cannabinoid product regulation provided, sale of cannabinoid products limited to individuals 21 years of age or older, cannabinoid product labeling required to contain a barcode or matrix barcode, additional requirements provided for edible cannabinoid products, food definition modified, and cannabinoid products that meet regulation requirements established as not controlled substances.
House HF3594 1 02/17/2022 Text icon Edelson Volunteer guardian ad litems in the Second and Fourth Judicial District recruitment funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3593 1 02/17/2022 Text icon Edelson Licensed acupuncture practitioner requirements and scope of practice modified.
House HF3581 3 04/04/2022 Text icon Winkler Peace officer education and training program established for highly qualified college degree holders, peace officer college scholarship program established for highly qualified high school graduates, scholarship program established for students preparing to be licensed social workers, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3570 1 02/17/2022 Text icon Edelson Regional centers of excellence reorganized.
House HF3434 8 03/31/2022 Text icon Frazier Ethnic studies requirement created, Ethnic Studies Task Force created, rulemaking authorized, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3402 5 03/23/2022 Text icon Edelson Exclusion from recess prohibited as student discipline.
House HF3398 13 04/28/2022 Text icon Hollins No-knock search warrants prohibited.
House HF3363 8 04/07/2022 Text icon Liebling Medical assistance enrollees allowed to opt out of managed care enrollment.
House HF3360 5 03/30/2022 Text icon Morrison Commissioner of health required to study issues of statewide register development for provider orders for life-sustaining treatment, and report required.
House HF3305 1 02/10/2022 Text icon Edelson Disposable face covering temporary exemption provided.
House HF3304 2 03/14/2022 Text icon Edelson Youth intervention program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3300 2 03/28/2022 Text icon Edelson Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3283 3 02/21/2022 Text icon Kotyza-Witthuhn Dependent care credit expanded, and great start child care credit established.
House HF3268 3 03/17/2022 Text icon Boldon Community residential setting alternate overnight supervision modified, home and community-based services employee scholarships modified, ICF/DD operating rate increased, direct support professional child care relief grant established, direct support professional and frontline supervisor employee retention payment established, and money appropriated.
House HF3260 10 03/17/2022 Text icon Hanson, J. Education; malicious and sadistic conduct prohibited involving race, gender, religion, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and sexual exploitation.
House HF3183 3 02/14/2022 Text icon Wolgamott Growler sale by brewer prohibition eliminated.
House HF3163 3 03/14/2022 Text icon Moller Out-of-house respite provided to minors in unlicensed setting background study requirements modified, unit of service definition modified for individualized home supports with training, additional time-limited extensions permitted of cosigned leases in community-living settings, and disability waiver respite service market rates authorized.
House HF3157 3 03/14/2022 Text icon Moller Employment exploration service base wage index modified.
House HF3153 10 03/17/2022 Text icon Morrison Tobacco and nicotine cessation treatment medical assistance coverage expanded.
House HF3148 4 03/03/2022 Text icon Reyer Palliative care definition modified relating to nursing homes.
House HF3140 3 03/14/2022 Text icon Edelson Fleeing a peace officer in a reckless or negligent manner enhanced criminal penalty imposed.
House HF3139 2 03/14/2022 Text icon Edelson Fleeing a peace officer in a stolen motor vehicle enhanced criminal penalty imposed.
House HF3119 1 02/03/2022 Text icon Edelson Medical cannabis program patient enrollment fees modified.
House SF3107 7 05/20/2022 78 Text icon Howard School board members employed by a school district maximum earnings increased.
House HF3100 12 05/03/2022 Text icon Hanson, J. Disability waiver service reimbursement rate modified.
House HF3077 2 02/14/2022 Text icon Morrison Pollinator research account eligible uses modified, and money transferred.
House HF3072 5 03/07/2022 Text icon Her Maximum student loan tax credit increased, student loan income credit threshold increased, and student loan credit made refundable.
House HF3055 3 03/07/2022 Text icon Becker-Finn Missing and murdered Indigenous relatives information reward fund established, and money appropriated.
House HF3050 3 03/03/2022 Text icon Noor University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus; chemistry undergraduate teaching laboratory funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3036 5 03/14/2022 Text icon Edelson Metro Meals on Wheels funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3010 3 03/21/2022 Text icon Edelson Sexual harassment of abuse settlement payment prohibited as severance, and state income tax subtraction allowed for damages received.
House SF3008 18 05/20/2022 86 Text icon Stephenson Intoxicating liquor; various provisions modified regulating sale and production, various licensing provisions modified, local on-sale licenses authorized, small brewer growler off-sale limits modified, and money appropriated.
House HF3003 8 04/21/2022 Text icon Acomb Lead in drinking water testing and remediation provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3001 13 05/21/2022 90 Text icon Dettmer Armed forces discharge certificates allowed to be recorded with the county recorder without a fee.
House HF2959 3 02/10/2022 Text icon Pinto Public safety; grant funding provided to combat sex trafficking, and money appropriated.
House HF2950 6 02/10/2022 Text icon Hassan Educator support, crisis online learning, and short-call substitute teacher pilot provided.
House HF2920 7 05/18/2022 Text icon Howard School board members employed by a school district maximum earnings increased.
House HF2910 9 03/10/2022 Text icon Moller Tracking device expanded use during stolen vehicle investigations authorized.
House HF2867 4 02/24/2022 Text icon Huot Soft body armor reimbursement grant eligibility expanded.
House HF2859 9 03/28/2022 Text icon Howard Assigned student responsibility for state grant program decreased, and existing appropriation increased.
House HF2849 8 03/21/2022 Text icon Richardson Office for Missing and Murdered Black Woman and Girls created, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2846 2 02/03/2022 Text icon Edelson Automobile theft prevention special revenue account funds required to be used for youth pretrial diversion programs, motor vehicle theft intervention pilot program established, motor vehicle theft intervention pilot program expiration provided, and report required.
House HF2845 4 03/31/2022 Text icon Edelson Commerce Fraud Bureau investigation of automobile theft and financial fraud authorized.
House HF2774 16 03/28/2022 Text icon Greenman Warehouse distribution worker safety requirements established, and money appropriated.
House HF2767 11 05/12/2022 Text icon Stephenson Intoxicating liquor; various provisions modified regulating sale and production, various licensing provisions modified, liquor regulation advisory council established, malt beverage tax provided, direct shipments of wine provided, small brewer growler off-sale limits modified, local licenses authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2750 9 03/24/2022 Text icon Feist Menstrual product access required from school districts, operating capital revenue increased to fund school district purchases of menstrual products, and money appropriated.
House HF2746 14 04/29/2022 49 Text icon Youakim Hometown Heroes Act assistance program eligibility clarified, and fund transfer provided.
House HF2743 6 03/28/2022 Text icon Becker-Finn Marriage and family therapist, licensed professional clinical counselor, and social worker supervision requirements modified.
House HF2738 5 04/04/2022 Text icon Becker-Finn Public Defense board funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2734 4 02/10/2022 Text icon Bahner Domestic violence-related offenses qualified definition modified to include additional crimes.
House HF2733 5 03/03/2022 Text icon Bahner Intensive residential treatment services modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2726 2 03/10/2022 Text icon Edelson School year hours of instruction requirements modified.
House HF2725 22 05/22/2022 99 Text icon Edelson Defendant competency; various provisions established and modified relating to defendant competency, medication administration provided, forensic navigators established, dismissal plans established, providing for competency restoration programs, State Competency Restoration Board and certification advisory committee established, mental health provisions and permits created, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2724 6 02/24/2022 Text icon Frazier Office of Public Safety Innovation established, POST adoption of rules directed, POST directed to amend portable recording systems policy, civilian oversight council discipline permitted, councils required to provide information, POST authorized to take licensure action, task force established and funding provided, independent evaluations required, funding provided, reports required, money transferred and appropriated.
House HF2715 2 02/03/2022 Text icon Edelson Home and community-based employee scholarship program modified to permit loan forgiveness, and employment requirements temporarily modified for nursing assistants.
House HF2704 1 01/31/2022 Text icon Sandell Appointment confirmation through senate inaction established.
House HF2703 1 01/31/2022 Text icon Edelson Edina; community health and safety center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2702 2 02/02/2022 Text icon Edelson Edina; allowable revenue collection amount increased for the Braemar Park project.
House HF2701 8 03/14/2022 Text icon Klevorn Supplemental funding established for youth intervention program grant receipts, and money appropriated.
House HF2689 5 03/03/2022 Text icon Reyer University of Minnesota; Higher Education Asset Preservation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2637 11 05/05/2022 Text icon Lillie COVID-19; cultural community rescue restart grant program funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2603 3 05/05/2022 Text icon Richardson Catalytic converter purchase requirements established, and penalties provided.
House HF2553 5 04/27/2022 Text icon Huot Veterinary technicians, veterinary assistants, and veterinary technology practice regulated.
House HF2535 1 04/17/2021 Text icon Klevorn India Day established on August 15 every year.
House HF2517 5 03/03/2022 Text icon Reyer Palliative Care Advisory Council funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2502 2 04/12/2021 Text icon O'Neill Criminal sexual conduct provisions modified and clarified, and new sexual extortion crime created.
House HF2458 3 02/07/2022 Text icon Gomez Blind parents rights provided.
House HF2421 2 04/06/2021 Text icon Boldon Commissioner of health required to make human herpesvirus cytomegalovirus information available.
House HF2414 4 03/17/2022 Text icon Freiberg Breast cancer diagnostic services and testing availability and coverage increased.
House HF2338 3 05/12/2021 Text icon O'Neill Pregnant and postpartum inmate placement in community-based program authorized, and reports required.
House HF2284 11 04/09/2021 Text icon Berg Carbon monoxide alarm requirements modified for hotel and lodging houses, and safety warning required for violation of carbon monoxide alarms.
House HF2215 1 03/15/2021 Text icon Edelson 911 emergency telecommunications service account unspent funds directed to be used for grants to counties to design, develop, implement, operate, and maintain the geographical information system; and money appropriated.
House HF2214 1 03/15/2021 Text icon Edelson Summer education program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2191 2 02/01/2022 Text icon Elkins Robotic team grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2143 11 04/29/2021 Text icon Marquart Save our stages grant established, entertainment venue tax relief provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2133 3 02/28/2022 Text icon Olson, L. Employee health insurance provided, nonlicensed school personnel minimum starting salary increased, paid orientation and professional development for paraprofessionals provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2113 1 03/10/2021 Text icon Morrison COVID-19; vaccine distribution requirements established, equitable vaccine distribution provided, and data reporting and provision required.
House HF2027 1 03/08/2021 Text icon Edelson Corrections; individuals sentenced to life in prison for crimes committed while under age of 18 release eligibility established, early supervised release eligibility established, Juvenile Release Board established, and court of appeals review provided.
House HF1919 8 04/17/2021 Text icon Gomez Minnesota made a sanctuary state for immigration enforcement purposes, and state and local officials restricted from cooperating with federal immigration enforcement efforts.
House HF1828 4 02/17/2022 Text icon Kiel Minnesota Athletic Trainers Act modified.
House HF1826 2 03/09/2021 Text icon Edelson Child protection; interview and notice requirements modified, and commissioner of human services required to develop protocols and training.
House HF1825 1 03/04/2021 Text icon Edelson Human services background study disqualification statute task force established to review and recommend improvements, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1729 10 03/30/2022 Text icon Jordan School lunch and breakfast for all students provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1691 20 03/21/2022 Text icon Vang Crimes motivated by bias reporting expanded; crimes of assault, property damage, and harassment motivated by bias amended; Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training required to update training in recognizing, responding to, and reporting bias crimes; and money appropriated.
House HF1654 6 02/24/2022 Text icon Moller Law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others by possessing a firearm, and money appropriated.
House HF1644 4 04/06/2021 Text icon Edelson Education; hours of instruction definition modified, distance instruction provided, instruction model working group established, and report required.
House HF1523 6 04/06/2021 Text icon Berg Youth development organizations informational access to students permitted.
House HF1512 3 04/06/2021 Text icon Edelson Human Services; licensed individuals exempted from background studies under chapter 245C.
House HF1498 3 04/17/2021 Text icon Fischer Open season for taking wolves prohibited.
House HF1413 4 03/25/2021 Text icon Edelson Medical cannabis program operation modified.
House HF1412 8 04/09/2021 Text icon Morrison Health care service and consultation telehealth coverage modified.
House HF1358 16 04/19/2022 Text icon Freiberg Terminally ill adult end-of-life option established.
House HF1314 3 03/01/2021 Text icon Morrison Minnesota Youth Council changes made and funding established, and money appropriated.
House HF1308 1 02/18/2021 Text icon Edelson Personal learning plan requirements modified.
House HF1307 6 04/06/2021 Text icon Edelson Healthy children's meal requirements established at restaurants to be implemented on a phased-in basis, and enforcement provided.
House HF1267 6 05/06/2021 Text icon Long Correctional facility safety provided.
House SF1257 2 05/17/2022 Text icon Edelson Human Services; licensed individuals exempted from background studies under chapter 245C.
House HF1199 5 03/22/2021 Text icon Klevorn Driving privilege reinstatement with ignition interlock provided, manufacturers of ignition interlock device required to pay for operating malfunctions, and money appropriated.
House HF1180 1 02/18/2021 Text icon Edelson Predatory Offender Registry; registrants from other states addition allowed when offense facts require Minnesota registration.
House HF1179 2 02/22/2021 Text icon Edelson Edina; local sales and use tax authority modified.
House HF1178 1 02/18/2021 Text icon Edelson Doula certifying organization list modified, and doula registry governing provisions modified.
House HF1163 4 03/11/2021 Text icon Winkler Noncompliant driver's license or Minnesota ID card requirements modified; changes made related to eligibility, proof of lawful presence, primary and secondary documentation, and data practices; technical changes made; and money appropriated.
House SF1160 2 04/29/2021 Text icon Morrison Health care service and consultation telehealth coverage modified.
House HF1156 13 04/19/2022 Text icon Fischer Digital fair repair provided and penalties provided.
House HF1152 11 03/28/2022 Text icon Long Clean Slate Act established, and automatic expungement process provided for offenders.
House HF1132 3 02/22/2021 Text icon Bennett Term limits placed on legislators and executive officers, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF1124 5 03/17/2021 Text icon Edelson School health services modified to allow for the use of private clinical nursing services, use of functional behavioral assessment modified, and students allowed to participate in alternative delivery of specialized instructional services programs.
House HF1121 8 04/09/2021 Text icon Hollins Sex offense statute of limitations eliminated.
House HF1064 13 03/23/2021 Text icon Davnie COVID-19; education impacted by pandemic provided, federal funds provided for educational uses, and money appropriated.
House HF0999 4 02/24/2022 Text icon Schultz Covenants not to compete provided as void and unenforceable, and protection of substantive provisions of law to apply to matters provided.
House HF0968 1 02/10/2021 Text icon Edelson Human services background study disqualification provisions modified for acts committed by minors.
House HF0967 2 03/04/2021 Text icon Edelson Special education capacity provisions modified.
House HF0966 1 02/10/2021 Text icon Edelson Community education advisory council responsibility modified, general community education revenue calculation and allowable uses modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0965 7 03/25/2021 Text icon Edelson Special education recovery services and support plans required for students with disabilities, federal fund appropriation replacement provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0961 23 05/20/2022 80 Text icon Ecklund Supervisory law enforcement unit added.
House HF0947 14 04/16/2021 Text icon Pinto Delinquent children and youth in detention facility visual inspection prohibited, delinquent children and youth in detention facility disciplinary room time prohibited, and delinquency and detention age raised to 13 years old.
House HF0922 13 03/15/2021 Text icon Long Corrections; guidelines for use of restraint on juveniles established, general public excluded from delinquency hearings, juvenile arrest alternatives provided, and juvenile risk assessment provided.
House HF0909 6 04/26/2021 Text icon Hassan Student absence from school modified for religious holidays.
House HF0907 4 02/18/2021 Text icon Gomez Medical cannabis program requirements modified, civil remedies authorized, and affirmative defense established.
House HF0904 11 03/03/2022 Text icon Frazier Flavored tobacco and tobacco related product sale or offer prohibited, and penalties authorized.
House HF0831 4 03/03/2022 Text icon Long Energy code adoption for new commercial buildings modified.
House HF0813 6 03/09/2021 Text icon Edelson Medical cannabis program modified, and dried raw cannabis combustion by patients aged 21 or older allowed.
House HF0812 3 01/31/2022 Text icon Edelson False caller identification information prohibited, and criminal penalties provided.
House HF0807 4 03/17/2022 Text icon Dettmer School construction near former landfill prohibited, and schools located near former landfill notice required.
House HF0792 4 05/06/2021 Text icon Winkler Veterans resilience project grant funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0748 1 02/04/2021 Text icon Edelson Standardized assessment task force created, and report required.
House HF0743 2 02/08/2021 Text icon Edelson Reading instruction requirements modified.
House HF0742 4 03/11/2021 Text icon Edelson Youth intervention program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0741 3 01/31/2022 Text icon Edelson False caller identification information prohibited, and criminal penalties provided.
House HF0740 2 03/10/2021 Text icon Edelson Intermediate care facility payment rates modified for persons with developmental disabilities.
House HF0709 5 03/04/2021 Text icon Sandell Minnesota Council on Economic Education funding increased, and money appropriated.
House HF0705 5 01/31/2022 Text icon Urdahl Civics and social studies graduation requirements modified.
House HF0701 11 04/15/2021 Text icon Lippert Soil-healthy farming goals established, soil-healthy farming financial incentives created, data collection required, data classified, and money appropriated.
House HF0694 8 03/18/2021 Text icon Pinto Firearm transfer criminal background checks required, and transferee permit disqualification grounds modified.
House HF0660 10 03/25/2021 Text icon Richardson Dignity in Pregnancy and Childbirth Act established, anti-racism training and implicit bias continuing education required, commissioner of health maternal death studies expanded to include maternal morbidity, and money appropriated.
House HF0633 15 03/30/2022 Text icon Bierman Individual and small group health plan offerings required to include predeductible, flat co-pay on prescription drug option.
House HF0614 7 03/10/2021 Text icon Pinto Gross misdemeanor maximum incarceration term set at 364 days.
House HF0613 5 04/06/2021 Text icon Pinto Human trafficking offense penalties increased, prostitute patron penalties increased, and trespassing offense penalties increased.
House HF0611 5 03/14/2022 Text icon Noor Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) gross income limit modified.
House HF0605 4 03/10/2021 Text icon Moller Student ID cards required to include mental health crisis telephone number.
House HF0598 2 02/04/2021 Text icon Freiberg COVID-19; licensed dentists permitted to administer vaccines.
House HF0596 3 05/09/2022 Text icon Freiberg Autism Awareness and Acceptance Day established.
House HF0595 2 02/04/2021 Text icon Frazier Criminal record expungement without petition for individuals not guilty of crime due to identity theft or mistaken identity authorized.
House HF0594 2 02/04/2021 Text icon Frazier Money bail use for offenses limited during pretrial release.
House HF0587 4 03/25/2021 Text icon Murphy Full-service community school funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0572 9 03/11/2021 Text icon Morrison Tobacco use prevention and cessation account established, revenue dedicated, and money appropriated.
House HF0569 8 03/01/2021 Text icon Morrison Tobacco use prevention and cessation activity funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0562 8 05/03/2021 Text icon Urdahl Social studies graduation requirement modified.
House HF0553 7 05/14/2021 Text icon Koegel Information, assistance, services, and medications required to be provided to inmates upon release from prison; identification cards provided for released inmates; and homelessness mitigation plan and annual reporting required on information relating to homelessness.
House HF0550 9 04/21/2022 Text icon Jordan Climate justice instruction required by school districts and charter schools.
House HF0542 3 02/04/2021 Text icon Quam Senior citizens' property tax credit established, and money appropriated.
House HF0522 13 05/23/2022 Text icon Morrison Health care providers authorized to provide patients with health information and services that are medically accurate, evidence-based, and appropriate for the patient; and informed consent requirements repealed before abortions may be performed.
House SF0519 7 05/17/2021 24 Text icon Koegel Corrections; information, assistance, services, and medications required to be provided to inmates upon release from prison; identification cards provided for released inmates; and homelessness mitigation plan and annual reporting required on information relating to homelessness.
House HF0470 3 03/01/2021 Text icon Baker Adult adoptee governing provisions modified relating to accessing original birth records and other adoption-related information.
House HF0469 8 05/03/2021 Text icon Moller Seizure training and seizure action plan required in schools.
House HF0447 9 03/31/2022 Text icon Acomb No-cost diagnostic services and testing following a mammogram required.
House HF0446 5 03/04/2021 Text icon Acomb Home health services and home care nursing services payment rates modified.
House SF0443 7 05/14/2021 20 Text icon Edelson Registered predatory offender status disclosure required to hospice provider.
House HF0443 3 02/10/2022 Text icon Howard Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing preserve loans and grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0417 2 03/04/2021 Text icon Edelson Nonviolent offender probationary sentences provided.
House HF0416 6 03/15/2021 Text icon Edelson Extended jurisdiction juvenile conviction statistic report required, eligibility established for release of individuals sentenced to life in prison for crimes committed while under the age of 18, eligibility established for early supervised release for individuals sentenced for crimes committed while under the age 18, Juvenile Release Board established, and court of appeals review provided.
House HF0415 2 02/15/2021 Text icon Edelson Cost-sharing requirements limited for first four outpatient mental health service visits.
House HF0404 3 02/10/2021 Text icon Her Financial literacy instruction grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0403 15 03/25/2021 Text icon Her Employers prohibited from inquiring about past pay.
House HF0399 14 03/07/2022 Text icon Her Landlords prohibited from imposing fees, and landlord entry restricted and fees amended for improper entry.
House HF0378 6 04/16/2021 Text icon Youakim Paraprofessional paid orientation required, paraprofessional training funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0377 3 02/08/2021 Text icon Youakim Firefighter program established to provide payments to those with cancer or heart disease and for counseling and training, and money appropriated.
House HF0357 3 04/06/2021 Text icon Koegel Pregnancy accommodations applicability expanded.
House HF0349 4 02/25/2021 Text icon Scott Right of citizens to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures provided to include protection against unreasonable searches and seizures of electronic communications and data, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0341 6 02/24/2022 Text icon Feist Student Data Privacy Act created, and penalties provided.
House HF0333 11 03/25/2021 9 Text icon Kotyza-Witthuhn Reverse mortgage loan notices required.
House HF0332 3 04/06/2021 Text icon Edelson Behavior analyst and assistant behavior analyst licensing requirements established, criminal penalties established, and money appropriated.
House HF0331 8 04/22/2021 Text icon Edelson Registered predatory offender status disclosure required to hospice provider.
House HF0313 8 03/04/2021 Text icon Lee Alzheimer's public information program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0300 8 03/01/2021 Text icon Huot Capitol flag program established for families of military service members and first responders who die in the line of duty.
House HF0299 3 02/04/2021 Text icon Kotyza-Witthuhn Third-party food delivery fees limited, and penalties provided.
House HF0296 5 03/08/2021 Text icon Noor Parental contribution fees eliminated on services for children with disabilities.
House HF0292 4 02/18/2021 Text icon Frazier School districts authorized to renew expiring referendums by school board action.
House HF0291 7 02/25/2021 Text icon Edelson Dental services for veteran home residents provision authorized.
House HF0290 2 02/01/2021 Text icon Edelson Felony drive-by shooting clarified.
House HF0289 8 03/04/2021 Text icon Edelson Sexual assault victim and persons assisting the victim provided immunity from prosecution for controlled substance and alcohol violations.
House HF0288 9 04/06/2021 Text icon Edelson Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0287 6 02/10/2022 Text icon Edelson Commissioner of human services and health required to study oversight of sober housing programs, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0286 2 04/06/2021 Text icon Edelson Presentence investigation report inclusion of a family impact statement authorized.
House HF0278 3 02/01/2021 Text icon Long Electric utility renewable energy standard obligations modified, and Public Utility Commission authority modified to issue site permit for electric generation facilities.
House HF0269 15 04/29/2021 Text icon Morrison Psychology interjurisdictional compact created.
House HF0259 19 05/16/2022 Text icon Morrison Reproductive health rights established.
House HF0229 17 03/10/2022 Text icon Grossell Sexually explicit material involving children creation, distribution, and possession penalties increased.
House HF0218 3 02/25/2021 Text icon Wolgamott Commissioner of corrections directed to issue grant to qualified NGO to assist inmates in finding meaningful employment after release from incarceration.
House HF0217 16 03/10/2022 Text icon Hassan Increase Teachers of Color Act strengthened, teachers of color and American Indian teachers in Minnesota percentage increase sought, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF0206 3 01/28/2021 Text icon Koegel Online driver education program provided.
House SF0193 16 05/17/2021 27 Text icon Morrison Psychology interjurisdictional compact created.
House HF0149 6 03/17/2021 Text icon Jurgens School meal lunch aid provisions modified.
House HF0148 13 03/17/2021 Text icon Davnie Nonferrous mining permit determinations required before issuance.
House HF0089 7 03/10/2021 Text icon Elkins Elections; ranked-choice voting provided for in federal and state office elections; jurisdictions authorized to adopt ranked-choice voting for local offices; adoption, implementation, and use of ranked-choice voting procedures established; municipalities allowed to use electronic voting systems with reallocation feature; and rulemaking authorized.
House HF0058 7 03/03/2022 Text icon Elkins Manufacturers required to report and maintain prescription drug prices, health plan prescription drug formularies filing required, health care coverage provisions modified, prescription benefit tool requirements established, and prescription drug benefit transparency and disclosure required.
House HF0040 9 02/15/2021 Text icon Howard State rent assistance program established for low-income cost-burdened households, and money appropriated.
House HF0031 4 01/21/2021 Text icon Elkins Telework activity funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0028 9 05/06/2021 Text icon Youakim Public safety funding provided to increase crime alert categories to include a dementia and Alzheimer's disease category and to provide grants to develop law enforcement training on issues associated with dementia and Alzheimer's disease, report required, and money appropriated.
House HR0009 2 03/07/2022 Text icon Reyer A House resolution memorializing those impacted by and lost to the COVID-19 virus.
House HF0009 12 04/13/2021 Text icon Greenman Omnibus elections bill.
House HF0004 13 03/24/2022 Text icon Hassan COVID-19; actions to combat the educational effects of the pandemic implemented, and money appropriated.