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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

64 Documents Found in Legislative Session 92 (2021-2022)
for Authors of "Green"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4692 2 03/31/2022 Text icon Heinrich K-12 scholarship funding donation tax credit provided.
House HF4618 5 03/31/2022 Text icon Poston Nursing facility grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4554 2 03/31/2022 Text icon Green Mahnomen; new hospital construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4495 1 03/21/2022 Text icon Nash Energy; a resolution urging the President of the United States to consider the current geopolitical tensions and support policies and take measures to ensure America's long-term energy affordability, security, leadership and progress.
House HF4459 1 03/21/2022 Text icon Heintzeman Recreational vehicle transfer requirement modified.
House HF4414 2 03/17/2022 Text icon Green Judicial boundary determinations created after the altering of a boundary line by a county; and every county required to assess, preserve, and restore United States public land survey monuments by December 31, 2025.
House HF4413 1 03/17/2022 Text icon Green Taxation; declaration requirements for 1c property modified.
House HF4055 2 03/10/2022 Text icon O'Neill Patient or resident right to have support person present while receiving care or service established.
House HF4047 1 03/07/2022 Text icon Mekeland COVID-19; employee injured by vaccination cause of action provided.
House HF4046 2 03/10/2022 Text icon Mekeland Discrimination based on vaccine status or immunity passport prohibited.
House HF3884 4 03/28/2022 Text icon Kresha Parental curriculum review provisions modified.
House HF3723 4 03/31/2022 Text icon Urdahl Social studies requirements modified, and school districts required to offer a course in government and citizenship.
House HF3590 1 02/17/2022 Text icon Poston Regular or special session of 2022 legislature appropriations for capital projects required to be paid with general fund money.
House HF3206 6 04/24/2022 Text icon Daudt Fuel consumer choice provided, rulemaking authority modified, and Clean Car rules eliminated.
House HF3038 2 02/10/2022 Text icon Daudt Pollution Control Agency rulemaking authority modified, and Clean Car rules repealed.
House HF2901 3 02/10/2022 Text icon Franson Mandatory immunization damage cause of action established.
House HF2829 1 01/31/2022 Text icon Raleigh School district and charter school board meeting changes made.
House SF2729 2 03/03/2022 Text icon Raleigh School district and charter school board meeting changes made.
House HF2621 2 05/17/2021 Text icon Erickson Social studies standard adoption requirements established.
House SF2575 2 03/03/2022 Text icon Kresha Parental curriculum review provisions modified.
House HF2432 1 03/25/2021 Text icon Green Hydrologic evaluation required when water appropriation permit is denied due to calcareous fen effects, and money appropriated.
House HF2429 1 03/25/2021 Text icon Green Mahnomen County; taxing jurisdiction aid payment increased.
House HF2428 1 03/25/2021 Text icon Green Vietnam War documentary series funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2427 1 03/25/2021 Text icon Green Face mask-wearing in the workplace requirement limitations expanded.
House HF2426 1 03/25/2021 Text icon Green Nonresident active duty military provisions to obtain a license to take fish modified.
House HF2258 1 03/17/2021 Text icon Green Judicial office designation on ballots modified.
House HF2140 11 03/07/2022 Text icon Lueck Fiscal constraints; a resolution memorializing Congress to call a convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution to impose fiscal constraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress.
House HF2059 2 03/11/2021 Text icon Green Restraining orders for minors who are harassment victims extended.
House HF1674 1 02/25/2021 Text icon Green Salary increase provided for licensed peace officer supervisors and managers.
House HF1673 1 02/25/2021 Text icon Green Salary increase provided for employees and supervisors in law enforcement, technical change made, and money appropriated.
House HF1571 1 02/25/2021 Text icon Green Exclusionary fencing required to prevent chronic wasting disease.
House HF0892 1 02/08/2021 Text icon Green Legacy fund indirect cost payment prohibited.
House HF0891 1 02/08/2021 Text icon Green Environmental review provisions modified.
House HF0890 1 02/08/2021 Text icon Green Land acquisition for flood control or water retention prohibited.
House HF0889 1 02/08/2021 Text icon Green Tax-forfeited land sale requirements modified.
House HF0888 1 02/08/2021 Text icon Green Live-animal chronic wasting disease surveillance required, and Board of Animal Health required to consider farmed Cervidae test results from other states.
House HF0887 1 02/08/2021 Text icon Green Wild turkey damage compensation provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0886 1 02/08/2021 Text icon Green Nitrogen monitoring required on state lands.
House HF0885 1 02/08/2021 Text icon Green Alternative wetland mitigation options established in greater than 80 percent areas, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF0884 1 02/08/2021 Text icon Green Watershed district manager appointment method modified.
House HF0882 1 02/08/2021 Text icon Green Minnesota required to cover costs of certain wells.
House HF0881 1 02/08/2021 Text icon Green Groundwater quality regulation criteria clarified.
House HF0880 1 02/08/2021 Text icon Green Owners of farmed Cervidae infected with chronic wasting disease allowed to participate in research projects.
House HF0879 2 02/25/2021 Text icon Green Counties allowed to file policies of no net gain, and land sales required.
House HF0878 2 02/25/2021 Text icon Green Interagency group meetings required to be open to the public.
House HF0877 2 02/25/2021 Text icon Green Pollution Control Agency and Department of Natural Resources rulemaking authority eliminated, and sunset or enactment of existing rules provided.
House HF0829 5 02/25/2021 Text icon Igo Wolf taking; one or more open seasons required in 2021.
House HF0676 1 02/04/2021 Text icon Green Administrative rulemaking; specific grant of authority required in law for rule adoption, and threshold for conducting public hearing on expedited rules reduced.
House HF0509 3 02/25/2021 Text icon Poston Business licenses reinstated and penalties forgiven at conclusion of peacetime emergency.
House HF0370 1 01/28/2021 Text icon Green Environmental analytical testing third-party contracting required.
House HF0369 1 01/28/2021 Text icon Green Installer liability for subsurface sewage treatment system damage limited.
House HF0368 3 02/21/2022 Text icon Green Watershed district eminent domain power eliminated.
House HF0367 2 02/25/2021 Text icon Green State agencies required to pay disbursements to prevailing defendants in civil actions.
House HF0366 3 02/25/2021 Text icon Green Property value increase prohibited for homesteads owned by persons aged 65 or older.
House HF0365 4 04/07/2022 Text icon Green Suspicious activity in voter registration or absentee ballot application investigation requirements modified, permitted persons to mail or deliver absentee ballots on behalf of voter specified, criminal penalty established, and voter fraud penalty assessment established.
House HF0352 8 02/17/2022 Text icon Scott Female student sport team participation restricted to the female sex.
House HF0350 6 02/01/2022 Text icon Scott Student participation in athletic teams restricted.
House HF0349 4 02/25/2021 Text icon Scott Right of citizens to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures provided to include protection against unreasonable searches and seizures of electronic communications and data, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0318 1 01/25/2021 Text icon Green Mahnomen; wastewater and water infrastructure appropriations amended.
House HF0131 17 04/08/2022 Text icon Demuth Firearms; law on use of force in defense of home and person clarified, Minnesota's self-defense and defense of home laws codified and extended, common law duty to retreat in cases of self-defense outside the home eliminated, boundaries of dwelling expanded, presumption created, and rights available to a person in that person's dwelling extended.
House HF0101 15 04/08/2022 Text icon Green Emergency declaration by governor method modified, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0050 2 02/25/2021 Text icon Erickson Small business definition modified.
House HR0011 2 04/24/2022 Text icon Erickson A House resolution recognizing the first Thursday in May as a day of statewide prayer, fasting, and repentance.
House HR0003 1 03/11/2021 Text icon Lucero A house resolution providing for the impeachment of Sara Grewing, Assistant Chief Judge of the Second Judicial District of the State of Minnesota, for violating the plain language of the United States Constitution and Minnesota election law.