Body | Bill Status |
Official Actions |
Last Action |
Law | Bill Text |
Chief Author |
Short Description |
House | HF4693 | 1 | 05/17/2020 | Mann | COVID-19; persons engaged in health care services provided criminal, civil, and administrative immunity. | ||
House | HF4611 | 9 | 05/16/2020 | Gomez | COVID-19; emergency community relief grant program established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF4387 | 1 | 03/11/2020 | Kunesh-Podein | American Indian mascot and logo use prohibited. | ||
House | HF4382 | 1 | 03/11/2020 | Her | Court interpreter pay and reimbursement funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF4380 | 1 | 03/11/2020 | Long | Political contribution voucher program established, political contribution refund program repealed, rulemaking authorized, conforming changes made, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF4378 | 1 | 03/11/2020 | Masin | Burnsville; fire and ambulance special taxing district creation authorized. | ||
House | HF4282 | 1 | 03/09/2020 | Xiong, J. | Immigration terms in statute changed. | ||
House | HF4153 | 1 | 03/04/2020 | Gomez | State and local officials restricted from cooperating with federal immigration enforcement efforts. | ||
House | HF4120 | 1 | 03/04/2020 | Mann | Parental notification for an abortion modified. | ||
House | HF4119 | 1 | 03/04/2020 | Mann | MinnesotaCare eligibility expanded, integrated health partnerships expanded and service delivery modified, provider payment rates increased, enrollee premiums modified, implementation plan required, benefit coverage requirements for joint self-insurance plans modified, and MinnesotaCare Advisory Council established. | ||
House | HF4063 | 1 | 03/04/2020 | Masin | Falun Gong; a resolution calling for an end to the genocide and forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China. | ||
House | HF3999 | 3 | 03/11/2020 | Huot | Minnesota Zoo capital improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3892 | 3 | 03/09/2020 | Morrison | Women exempted from MinnesotaCare premiums, and human services commissioner required to provide recommendations on ensuring continuous health coverage for women transitioning from medical assistance postpartum coverage. | ||
House | HF3847 | 3 | 04/14/2020 | Mann | Single-use plastic bag fee required, discretionary fees on other bags authorized, and civil penalties provided. | ||
House | HF3824 | 1 | 02/26/2020 | Elkins | Data submission and use in all-payer claims database governing provisions modified, and recommendations required regarding use of data by outside entities. | ||
House | HF3805 | 1 | 02/26/2020 | Elkins | Prescription drug manufacturers required to report and maintain drug prices. | ||
House | HF3744 | 1 | 02/24/2020 | Dehn | Affordable drug access preserved. | ||
House | HF3710 | 1 | 02/24/2020 | Mann | Tobacco and nicotine cessation treatment medical assistance coverage expanded and modified. | ||
House | HF3693 | 5 | 03/12/2020 | Mann | Children with disabilities; access to child care expansion grants authorized, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3689 | 5 | 04/28/2020 | Lippert | Farmers who received mediation notice exempted from MinnesotaCare income limit, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3673 | 1 | 02/24/2020 | Mann | Labor covenants not to compete prohibited, and penalties imposed. | ||
House | HF3634 | 1 | 02/20/2020 | Sandell | Common interest ownership communities; access to association records authorized. | ||
House | HF3632 | 4 | 03/05/2020 | Moran | Family assets for independence initiative modified. | ||
House | HF3599 | 1 | 02/20/2020 | Noor | Emerging entrepreneur loan program funds transferred. | ||
House | HF3596 | 2 | 02/26/2020 | Acomb | School districts; grant program established to assist school districts to purchase and install solar energy systems, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3507 | 1 | 02/18/2020 | Moller | Sexual harassment definition clarified. | ||
House | HF3506 | 6 | 03/02/2020 | Mann | Health care providers authorized to provide patients with health information and services that are medically accurate, evidence-based, and appropriate for the patient; and informed consent requirements repealed before abortions may be performed. | ||
House | HF3505 | 3 | 03/04/2020 | Lillie | Metropolitan Council regional park and open-space land acquisition and improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3504 | 3 | 03/16/2020 | Morrison | Preschool and kindergarten individual-use screen use limited, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3492 | 1 | 02/18/2020 | Stephenson | Parental rights, custody, and parenting time termination provisions modified. | ||
House | HF3491 | 2 | 02/20/2020 | Stephenson | Education finance formula allowance increased by one percent, and general education revenue inflationary increases beginning in fiscal year 2022 provided. | ||
House | HF3482 | 3 | 03/12/2020 | Mann | Education; seclusion defined and prohibited. | ||
House | HF3479 | 2 | 02/24/2020 | Acomb | Prescription drug definition modified for state antikickback provision purposes. | ||
House | HF3461 | 2 | 03/02/2020 | Lippert | Board of Pharmacy drug repository program funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3450 | 2 | 03/09/2020 | Morrison | Family planning grant funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3412 | 1 | 02/17/2020 | Hassan | Civil action for falsely reporting a crime permitted. | ||
House | HF3405 | 1 | 02/17/2020 | Stephenson | Political activities by foreign-influenced corporations prohibited, compliance certification required, and candidates prohibited from accepting certain contributions. | ||
House | HF3398 | 17 | 05/16/2020 | Morrison | Health care service utilization review and prior authorization requirements modified, and conforming changes made. | ||
House | HF3391 | 9 | 05/15/2020 | Mariani | Guardianship and conservatorship provisions modernized and modified. | ||
House | HF3359 | 4 | 03/16/2020 | Moller | Consumer-directed community support existing session law codified. | ||
House | HF3350 | 1 | 02/17/2020 | Morrison | Youth tobacco use prevention activities funding provided to the commissioner of health, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3339 | 3 | 03/12/2020 | Mann | Pupil withdrawal agreement reporting defined and required. | ||
House | HF3338 | 5 | 04/14/2020 | Mann | Plastic straws prohibited to customers unless requested. | ||
House | HF3327 | 1 | 02/13/2020 | Morrison | Plastic product use by food establishments study and report required by commissioner of health. | ||
House | HF3318 | 6 | 04/14/2020 | Acomb | Metro Demo housing support program expanded. | ||
House | SF3258 | 7 | 05/17/2020 | 110 | Mariani | Guardianship and conservatorship provisions modernized and modified. | |
House | HF3228 | 15 | 03/12/2020 | Morrison | Prescription Drug Affordability Act established, prescription drug affordability commission and prescription drug affordability requirements created, and report required. | ||
House | HF3222 | 3 | 03/09/2020 | Becker-Finn | State Building Code; baby diaper changing station installation in public restrooms required. | ||
House | HF3221 | 3 | 02/27/2020 | Becker-Finn | No child left inside grant program funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3220 | 2 | 02/18/2020 | Becker-Finn | Fishing; lead tackle trade-in program funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3219 | 3 | 03/16/2020 | Moller | Comprehensive mental health services director position established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3218 | 5 | 02/26/2020 | Moller | Peace officers accused of sexual assault required to be investigated by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. | ||
House | HF3208 | 2 | 03/26/2020 | Mann | Pharmacists allowed to administer drugs through intramuscular and subcutaneous administration. | ||
House | SF3204 | 14 | 05/17/2020 | 114 | Morrison | Health care service utilization review and prior authorization requirements modified, and conforming changes made. | |
House | HF3159 | 8 | 04/14/2020 | Richardson | Responsible social services agencies required to coordinate prenatal alcohol exposure screenings for children in foster care. | ||
House | HF3130 | 1 | 02/11/2020 | Edelson | Intermediate care facility payment rates modified for persons with developmental disabilities. | ||
House | SF3125 | 4 | 04/28/2020 | Mann | Treatment from approved clinical trials exempted from coverage. | ||
House | HF3103 | 13 | 05/16/2020 | Moran | Minnesota Human Rights Act race definition added. | ||
House | HF3100 | 24 | 04/17/2020 | 73 | Howard | Insulin; dependent child notice required, Alec Smith Insulin Affordability Act established, reports required, public awareness campaign required, and money appropriated. | |
House | HF3078 | 5 | 02/27/2020 | Richardson | Nondiscrimination in access to transplants required, and penalties prescribed. | ||
House | HF3077 | 3 | 02/26/2020 | Lippert | Caregiver support program and service provisions modified, essential community support modified, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3074 | 8 | 04/30/2020 | Lippert | Self-directed caregiver grant provision changed. | ||
House | HF3067 | 3 | 02/19/2020 | Howard | Private correctional facility moratorium established. | ||
House | HF3061 | 3 | 04/28/2020 | Lee | Health and welfare rights of inmates provided. | ||
House | HF3060 | 6 | 05/15/2020 | Lee | Local government; certain contracts prohibited. | ||
House | HF3056 | 4 | 02/24/2020 | Lee | State general obligation bond proceed recipient compliance with human rights provisions required. | ||
House | HF3055 | 3 | 03/02/2020 | Lee | Climate change impact on state capital funding needs assessment funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3041 | 5 | 02/26/2020 | Edelson | Reproductive health service and facilities access interference prohibited, and criminal penalties established. | ||
House | HF3032 | 10 | 03/12/2020 | Halverson | Tobacco; flavored product sale or furnishing prohibited, selling or furnishing administrative penalties modified, persons under age 21 who sell or distribute flavored products alternative civil penalties provided, and criminal penalties provided. | ||
House | HF3027 | 3 | 02/19/2020 | Acomb | No-cost diagnostic service and testing following mammogram required. | ||
House | HF3026 | 9 | 04/28/2020 | Mann | Treatment from approved clinical trials exempted from coverage. | ||
House | HF3025 | 1 | 02/11/2020 | Mann | Health plan coverage of prescription drug administration for opioid dependence required. | ||
House | HF3024 | 2 | 02/13/2020 | Mann | Opioid testing for health plans limited. | ||
House | SF3017 | 4 | 04/30/2020 | Lippert | Self-directed caregiver grant provision changed. | ||
House | HF3006 | 7 | 02/27/2020 | Freiberg | Help America Vote Act account money appropriated to the secretary of state. | ||
House | HF3003 | 6 | 03/16/2020 | Noor | Automatic sprinkler system installation in certain existing high-rise buildings required. | ||
House | HF2964 | 3 | 02/17/2020 | Cantrell | Former legislator prohibited from registering as a lobbyist for four years after leaving legislative office. | ||
House | HF2963 | 2 | 02/13/2020 | Cantrell | Marijuana; 30-day automatic revocation of driver's license for small amount eliminated. | ||
House | HF2946 | 5 | 04/28/2020 | Acomb | Raptor protection from lead poisoning funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2934 | 3 | 02/20/2020 | Youakim | Dementia and Alzheimer's disease; crime alert categories increased to include dementia and Alzheimer's disease categories, law enforcement training on associated issues grant funding provided, report required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2892 | 1 | 05/15/2019 | Pierson | Organ harvesting; a resolution calling for the end of Falun Gong practitioners' cold genocide and forced organ harvesting. | ||
House | HF2831 | 2 | 02/20/2020 | Xiong, J. | Voting instructions and sample ballots required to be printed in languages other than English for designated precincts, and multilingual election judges required in precincts. | ||
House | HF2827 | 1 | 04/09/2019 | Kunesh-Podein | Ethnic comparative studies included in social studies education requirements. | ||
House | HF2781 | 1 | 04/01/2019 | Mann | Physician certification maintenance prohibited. | ||
House | HF2779 | 2 | 02/20/2020 | Xiong, J. | Political caucus interpretation services required for members of a language minority. | ||
House | HF2766 | 3 | 03/02/2020 | Bahner | Gender-neutral terms provided, and constitutional amendment proposed. | ||
House | HF2664 | 3 | 04/26/2019 | Elkins | Lymphedema compression treatment item health coverage required. | ||
House | HF2647 | 2 | 03/21/2019 | Hansen | Neonicotinoid pesticide presence in wild deer study funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2637 | 1 | 03/20/2019 | Mann | Provider conflict of interest restrictions for infusion drugs exemption provided. | ||
House | HF2635 | 5 | 03/02/2020 | Mann | Pharmacists authorized to prescribe self-administered hormonal contraceptives, tobacco and nicotine cessation medications, opiate antagonists, and travel medications. | ||
House | HF2581 | 4 | 04/03/2019 | Morrison | Food shelf program purchase of diapers funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2571 | 4 | 04/03/2019 | Halverson | Dakota and Olmsted Counties; Pathways to Prosperity and Well-Being pilot project implementation funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2567 | 2 | 03/18/2019 | Her | Workforce training and entrepreneurship investments to close Minnesotans of color opportunity gap funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2536 | 1 | 03/14/2019 | Mann | Personal care assistance program modified. | ||
House | HF2459 | 2 | 03/13/2019 | Loeffler | MinnesotaCare provider taxes repeal repealed. | ||
House | HF2449 | 2 | 03/13/2019 | Noor | Minnesota Innovation Collaborative created, grants authorized, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2420 | 4 | 03/15/2019 | Davnie | Child care site assistance funding provided, reports required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2369 | 2 | 02/11/2020 | Morrison | Maternal death studies conducted by commissioner of health expanded to include maternal morbidity. | ||
House | HF2340 | 3 | 03/13/2019 | Sandstede | Perinatal hospice grant funding provided, report required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2171 | 4 | 03/20/2019 | Davnie | Commissioner of health directed to convene working groups to examine health disparities and educational achievement links for American Indian children and children of color, report required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2164 | 4 | 03/20/2019 | Bierman | Lakeville; Ames Arena improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2163 | 4 | 03/15/2019 | Lillie | Metropolitan Council regional park and open-space land acquisition and improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2152 | 7 | 02/11/2020 | Freiberg | End-of-life option for terminally ill adults established, and criminal penalties imposed. | ||
House | HF2099 | 1 | 03/07/2019 | Brand | Prescriptions for specialty drugs prompt filling required by mail order pharmacies. | ||
House | HF2050 | 3 | 02/13/2020 | Bahner | Campaign finance; expressly advocating definition modified, electioneering communications disclosure provided, prorating contribution methods or general treasury money use amended, and penalties provided. | ||
House | HF2041 | 3 | 02/24/2020 | Cantrell | Conversion therapy with children or vulnerable adults prohibited, medical assistance coverage for conversion therapy prohibited, and misrepresentation of conversion therapy services or products prohibited. | ||
House | HF2037 | 2 | 03/04/2019 | Dehn | Girls in Action program funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2036 | 5 | 05/02/2019 | Mann | Advance care planning on end-of-life care choices funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2002 | 1 | 03/04/2019 | Mann | Interoperable electronic health records system mandate eliminated. | ||
House | HF1993 | 5 | 03/05/2020 | Huot | Volunteer firefighters and EMTs tax credit established. | ||
House | HF1892 | 5 | 02/17/2020 | Morrison | Prenatal substance use reporting requirements modified. | ||
House | HF1878 | 2 | 02/24/2020 | Loeffler | PrEP and nPEP drug assistance program established. | ||
House | HF1859 | 2 | 02/11/2020 | Zerwas | Insurance coverage of donated human breast milk required. | ||
House | HF1854 | 4 | 03/15/2019 | Hansen | Dakota County; pedestrian and bicycle trails funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1811 | 4 | 02/17/2020 | Noor | Liberians; a resolution urging the President of the United States to continue Deferred Enforcement Departure (DED) for Liberians. | ||
House | HF1805 | 11 | 04/30/2020 | Cantrell | Emergency services grant funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1782 | 19 | 03/16/2020 | Youakim | Firefighter program established to provide payments to those with cancer or heart disease, and for firefighter counseling and training; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1741 | 11 | 04/28/2020 | Huot | Living organ donors; status discrimination prohibited, paid leave benefits extended, unpaid leave required, and a conforming change made. | ||
House | HF1709 | 3 | 03/07/2019 | Hansen | Metropolitan landfill contingency action trust account money transferred. | ||
House | HF1676 | 4 | 02/28/2019 | Richardson | Voluntary prekindergarten program funded participant number for fiscal year 2020 and later increased, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1669 | 2 | 02/27/2019 | Her | Phased-in minimum wage provided to help low-income workers meet basic needs. | ||
House | HF1664 | 4 | 02/28/2019 | Gomez | Commissioner of health grant funding provided to low-income families of color doula support, childbirth, and postpartum services; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1659 | 9 | 03/27/2019 | Schultz | Sexually exploited youth and youth at risk shelter, services, and other activities funding provided; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1619 | 3 | 03/07/2019 | Loeffler | Council on Disability funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1532 | 4 | 02/28/2019 | Becker-Finn | Reproductive health service and facilities access interference prohibited, and criminal penalties established. | ||
House | HF1523 | 8 | 03/09/2020 | Cantrell | Commissioner of human services directed to establish prescription drug purchasing program, and program authority and eligibility requirements specified. | ||
House | HF1520 | 10 | 03/25/2019 | Sandstede | 911 dispatchers required to be trained to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation instruction, monitoring and enforcement provided, civil immunity established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1500 | 19 | 04/08/2019 | Winkler | Noncompliant driver's license or Minnesota identification card requirements modified and related changes made, including eligibility, proof of lawful presence, primary and secondary documentation, voter registration, and data practices; technical changes made; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1414 | 9 | 03/02/2020 | Lippert | Sexual health curriculum model program development required, and report required. | ||
House | HF1400 | 4 | 03/12/2020 | Morrison | Health care interpreters spoken language registry system established, report required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1381 | 7 | 03/18/2019 | Kunesh-Podein | Community solutions for healthy child development grant program established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1371 | 2 | 02/22/2019 | Long | Early voting provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1343 | 3 | 02/25/2019 | Morrison | Sunscreen possession and use at school provided. | ||
House | HF1300 | 7 | 05/07/2019 | Koegel | Month of May designated as Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month. | ||
House | HF1285 | 7 | 03/25/2019 | Moller | Consumer-directed community supports modified, consumer-directed community support onetime grant program established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1283 | 2 | 02/21/2019 | Gomez | Disparity impact analysis of proposed legislation provided, state agencies required to report actions to address disparities biannually, and each change item in governor's budget proposal required to include disparity analysis. | ||
House | HF1280 | 7 | 03/04/2020 | Becker-Finn | Fire protection special taxing districts authorized, property tax levies authorized, and bonds issued. | ||
House | HF1279 | 2 | 02/21/2019 | Cantrell | Special education; a resolution memorializing the President and Congress to uphold federal government pledge to fund 40 percent of costs. | ||
House | HF1257 | 16 | 03/26/2020 | Cantrell | Prescription drug benefit transparency and disclosure required. | ||
House | HF1253 | 6 | 04/26/2019 | Stephenson | Barriers to employment for people with mental illness report required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1246 | 22 | 05/11/2020 | Morrison | Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act established, drug manufacturers required to submit drug price information to the commissioner of health, civil penalties provided, and report required. | ||
House | HF1239 | 10 | 03/20/2019 | Wagenius | Health commissioner directed to test for contaminants in surface water used as drinking water, identification and implementation of source water protection strategies required, health commissioner directed to adopt health risk limits for certain substances, reports required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1232 | 2 | 02/28/2019 | Halverson | Commissioner of human services required to study disability waiver rate system new payment models, and report required. | ||
House | HF1200 | 1 | 02/14/2019 | Mann | Health care guaranteed available and affordable for every Minnesotan; Minnesota Health Plan, Minnesota Health Board, Minnesota Health Fund, Office of Health Quality and Planning, ombudsman for patient advocacy, and auditor general for the Minnesota Health Plan established; 1332 waiver requested; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1167 | 8 | 03/28/2019 | Morrison | Breastfeeding disparities study required. | ||
House | SF1098 | 7 | 05/09/2020 | 78 | Morrison | Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act established, drug manufacturer price information submission to health commissioner required, civil penalties provided report required, and appropriations modified. | |
House | HF1049 | 8 | 05/13/2019 | Cantrell | Mobile food shelf grant program established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1037 | 6 | 05/13/2019 | Edelson | School breakfast aid calculation modified, school breakfast aids to high-poverty school sites increased, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1011 | 11 | 03/20/2019 | Mann | Family planning grant funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0983 | 9 | 03/12/2020 | Elkins | Elections; ranked-choice voting adoption by jurisdictions authorized; adoption, implementation, and use of ranked-choice voting procedures established; electronic voting systems with reallocation feature use by municipalities allowed; and rulemaking authorized. | ||
House | SF0973 | 11 | 05/20/2019 | 65 | Mann | University of Minnesota Board of Regents requested to establish advisory council on rare diseases, and money appropriated. | |
House | HF0963 | 6 | 03/05/2020 | Halverson | Prescription contraceptive supply requirements established; contraceptive methods, sterilization and related medical services, patient education, and counseling health plan coverage required; and eligible organization accommodations established. | ||
House | HF0940 | 3 | 02/14/2019 | Cantrell | Palliative Care Advisory Council funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0935 | 4 | 03/08/2019 | Bierman | Lakeville; environmental learning center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0930 | 10 | 03/28/2019 | Kunesh-Podein | Commissioner of human services directed to develop medical assistance TEFRA enrollment content, medical assistance TEFRA stakeholder group option established, and report required. | ||
House | HF0929 | 7 | 04/01/2019 | Richardson | Commissioner of human services directed to seek brain injury waiver amendment, and traumatic brain injury definition for the state traumatic brain injury program modified. | ||
House | HF0928 | 4 | 03/27/2019 | Richardson | Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder reduction programs funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0926 | 4 | 03/07/2019 | Bernardy | Medical assistance coverage allowed for weight loss drugs and pharmaceutical ingredients. | ||
House | HF0909 | 12 | 03/28/2019 | Morrison | Prenatal care service programs and funding governed, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0884 | 12 | 03/18/2019 | Schultz | Workforce and affordable homeownership development program qualified entities to participate in and funding types available expanded, workforce and affordable homeownership account created in housing development fund, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0882 | 5 | 02/27/2019 | Sandstede | General education basic formula allowance increased by three percentage points per year, general education basic formula allowance future increases linked to rate of inflation, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0817 | 4 | 03/08/2019 | Mann | Lakeville; clean water infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0816 | 4 | 03/08/2019 | Mann | Lakeville; sanitary sewer lift station funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0815 | 4 | 04/03/2019 | Acomb | Step therapy override procedures applied to state public health care programs. | ||
House | HF0799 | 7 | 04/03/2019 | Kunesh-Podein | Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) transitional standard increased. | ||
House | HF0756 | 3 | 02/11/2019 | Cantrell | Municipalities authorized to enter into a fire protection district. | ||
House | HF0748 | 13 | 03/27/2019 | Mann | Parental contribution fees for services for children with disabilities eliminated. | ||
House | HF0743 | 6 | 05/13/2019 | Bahner | Prescription medication payment modified. | ||
House | HF0734 | 3 | 02/18/2020 | Gomez | Sex offense statute of limitations eliminated. | ||
House | HF0730 | 1 | 02/04/2019 | Morrison | Refundable health insurance premium tax credit established. | ||
House | HF0728 | 12 | 02/11/2020 | Mann | Pharmacy benefit managers licensure and regulations created, and rulemaking authorized. | ||
House | HF0718 | 2 | 03/26/2020 | Mann | Primary Care Case Management program established, and direct state payments to health care providers authorized. | ||
House | HF0704 | 2 | 02/11/2019 | Morrison | Qualified prescription drugs cost disclosure required, and report required. | ||
House | HF0700 | 2 | 02/04/2019 | Long | Biomass definition as an eligible energy technology modified, proportion of energy that electricity-generating utilities must supply from renewable sources increased, and target dates set by which goals must be achieved. | ||
House | HF0688 | 2 | 03/04/2019 | Bahner | Pharmacists allowed to provide drug refills without prescriptions, and insurance coverage required. | ||
House | HF0687 | 6 | 05/13/2019 | Bahner | Prescription drug coverage and refill sections modified. | ||
House | HF0684 | 14 | 03/20/2019 | Mann | University of Minnesota Board of Regents requested to establish advisory council on rare diseases, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0679 | 19 | 04/12/2019 | 12 | Morrison | Children's residential treatment payment provisions effective date amended, and money appropriated. | |
House | HF0655 | 2 | 02/06/2019 | Cantrell | Burnsville; tax increment financing districts authorized. | ||
House | HF0572 | 7 | 03/18/2019 | Schultz | Health plan loss ration requirements established, and nonprofit health maintenance organizations net earnings use requirements established. | ||
House | HF0557 | 8 | 02/17/2020 | Mann | Physician-patient relationship protected by prohibiting noncompete agreements. | ||
House | HF0556 | 1 | 01/31/2019 | Edelson | Health care providers prohibited from charging more than one MinnesotaCare co-payment for the same service, and MinnesotaCare co-payment for outpatient hospital mental health services prohibited. | ||
House | HF0551 | 4 | 03/18/2019 | Liebling | Network adequacy and provider network notification governing provisions modified, administrative penalties imposed, and network access standards based on appointment wait times for managed care and county-based purchasing plans established. | ||
House | HF0533 | 5 | 03/27/2019 | Schultz | Nonprofit health care entities conversion transactions review and approval required by attorney general, all net earnings of a nonprofit health maintenance organization required to be used for nonprofit purposes, moratorium on conversion transactions extended, and penalties imposed. | ||
House | HF0499 | 7 | 03/28/2019 | Kresha | Child Welfare Training System modification required, report required, rule making authorized, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0485 | 12 | 03/09/2020 | Howard | Pharmaceutical assistance program established, insulin assistance account in the special revenue fund established, fees and penalties established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0479 | 7 | 04/12/2019 | Becker-Finn | Domestic violence and sexual assault prevention program established, reports required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0436 | 11 | 05/13/2019 | Poppe | Good food access account from general fund money transferred. | ||
House | HF0400 | 30 | 05/20/2019 | 63 | Olson | Opiate product registration fee and the Opiate Epidemic Response Advisory Council established, licensure and registration fees modified, prescription drug and controlled substance sections modified, reports required, and money appropriated. | |
House | HF0350 | 11 | 04/03/2019 | Mann | Statewide cessation services to help Minnesotans quit using tobacco products authorized. | ||
House | HF0349 | 15 | 03/18/2019 | Halverson | Electronic cigarettes included in definition of smoking for purposes of the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, and technical and clarifying changes made. | ||
House | HF0342 | 12 | 04/01/2019 | Moran | Minnesota African American Family Preservation and Child Welfare Disproportionality Act established, African American and Disproportionality Child Welfare Oversight Council created, report required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0331 | 26 | 05/14/2020 | 88 | Edelson | Tobacco; charter schools added to prohibition of tobacco in schools, tobacco sale age increased, administrative penalties increased, municipal license of tobacco provision added, and alternative penalties allowed. | |
House | HF0325 | 6 | 03/04/2020 | Lee | Reimbursement grants to local units of governments for public safety personnel on authorized leave provided. | ||
House | HF0309 | 5 | 03/07/2019 | Kunesh-Podein | Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) and general assistance cash grants increased, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0289 | 7 | 03/15/2019 | Mann | Diabetes prescription drugs cost reporting required. | ||
House | HF0288 | 7 | 04/01/2019 | Masin | Health plan companies prohibited from removing coverage of insulin or equipment and supplies during an enrollee's contract year. | ||
House | HF0284 | 6 | 04/01/2019 | Halverson | Insulin products sold in Minnesota cost review authorized by commissioner of health, excessive cost determined, maximum level of reimbursement established for insulin products if necessary, and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF0278 | 19 | 05/16/2019 | 39 | Mann | Pharmacy benefit managers licensure and regulations created, and money appropriated. | |
House | HF0269 | 4 | 03/18/2019 | Cantrell | HIV prevention grant funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0259 | 4 | 01/28/2019 | Mann | Doula services medical assistance reimbursement rates established. | ||
House | HF0254 | 2 | 02/14/2019 | Cantrell | Mental health benefits and other medical benefits parity required, mental health and substance use disorder defined, health plan transparency required, and commissioners of health and commerce accountability required. | ||
House | HF0216 | 1 | 01/22/2019 | Kunesh-Podein | Nutritional supplement coverage provided for persons with liver or pancreas diseases. | ||
House | HF0179 | 10 | 02/25/2019 | Halverson | Disability waiver rate system modified. | ||
House | HF0149 | 10 | 04/03/2019 | Bahner | Health plan company prohibited from contractually preventing a pharmacist from informing a patient of a price differential. | ||
House | HF0128 | 2 | 01/17/2019 | Mann | Lakeville Works Initiative funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0109 | 1 | 01/17/2019 | Edelson | Mental health; cost-sharing requirements for first four outpatient visits limited. | ||
House | HF0098 | 2 | 01/17/2019 | Mann | Lakeville; Metropolitan Council special transportation service required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0071 | 6 | 05/10/2019 | Moran | Equal rights; a resolution memorializing Congress to remove the deadline for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution by the states. | ||
House | HF0070 | 13 | 05/09/2019 | Kunesh-Podein | Task Force on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women created, violence against indigenous women and girls annual report required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0055 | 10 | 03/04/2020 | Jurgens | School meal provisions modified. | ||
House | HF0050 | 25 | 04/12/2019 | 11 | Hornstein | Cell phone use prohibited by person operating a vehicle while vehicle is in motion or a part of traffic, and voice-activated hands-free mode exception provided. | |
House | HF0045 | 7 | 03/21/2019 | Schultz | Automatic voter registration of applicants for a driver's license, instruction permit, or state identification card provided. | ||
House | HF0030 | 7 | 02/14/2019 | Moran | Early childhood; additional funding and opportunities for children ages birth to three created; prenatal care services, home visiting, early childhood education, and child care programs and funding assistance; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0027 | 8 | 02/14/2019 | Mann | MinnesotaCare; human services and commerce commissioners required to seek federal waivers to permit individuals whose income is greater than the income limit to purchase coverage through a MinnesotaCare purchase option, and legislative proposal required. | ||
House | HF0015 | 19 | 05/01/2019 | 16 | Stephenson | Voluntary relationship defense for criminal sexual conduct crimes eliminated. | |
House | HF0012 | 6 | 02/20/2020 | Cantrell | Conversion therapy with children or vulnerable adults prohibited, medical assistance coverage for conversion therapy prohibited, and misrepresentation of conversion therapy services or products prohibited. | ||
House | HF0008 | 12 | 02/27/2020 | Pinto | Firearm transfer criminal background checks required, and transferee permit disqualification grounds modified. | ||
House | HF0007 | 4 | 03/11/2019 | Ecklund | Broadband grant program funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0006 | 10 | 04/26/2019 | Mahoney | Wage theft prohibited, wage payment modified, civil and criminal penalties increased, administrative review allowed, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0005 | 25 | 03/05/2020 | Halverson | Paid family, pregnancy, bonding, and applicant's serious medical condition benefits provided; employment leaves regulated and required; data classified; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0002 | 2 | 01/10/2019 | Edelson | School-linked mental health service grant funding increased, full-service community school funding provided, support our students grant funding extended, homework starts with home program funding provided, collaborative urban educator program funding increased, and money appropriated. |