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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

102 Documents Found in Legislative Session 89 (2015-2016)
for Authors of "Smith"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4027 1 05/22/2016 Text icon Peterson Family and medical leave savings accounts authorized, tax deductions and credits provided, small business development centers grants authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF3994 3 05/12/2016 Text icon Hoppe Property right recognized in a person's name, voice, signature, photograph, or likeness; unauthorized use prohibited; and remedies provided.
House HF3959 12 05/13/2016 Text icon Smith REAL ID Act implementation authorized and governed, driver's license and Minnesota identification card requirements amended, fees amended, legislative reporting required, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
House HF3896 1 04/14/2016 Text icon Smith Trunk Highway 610 interchange project modification funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3857 2 04/11/2016 Text icon Sanders Minnesota Film and Television Board film production jobs program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3849 1 04/07/2016 Text icon Mack Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act enacted, and civil and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF3818 1 04/06/2016 Text icon Smith Architectural barriers that limit public access removal outreach and education funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3740 2 04/04/2016 Text icon Runbeck Rail service colocation safety zone requirements established.
House HF3704 1 03/30/2016 Text icon Smith School district training to protect student data required.
House HF3683 7 05/02/2016 Text icon Anzelc Foreign steel; a resolution urging the President and Congress to take action to halt the illegal dumping of foreign steel into the United States.
House HF3657 1 03/29/2016 Text icon Smith Inmate release program established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3596 1 03/24/2016 Text icon Uglem Brooklyn Park; Trunk Highway 169 and 101st Avenue interchange project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF3589 12 05/18/2016 Text icon Smith REAL ID Act implementation authorized and governed, driver's license and Minnesota identification card requirements amended, fees amended, legislative reporting required, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
House HF3572 1 03/24/2016 Text icon Vogel Water tank service contract bidding exception narrowed.
House HF3520 2 03/24/2016 Text icon Smith Minnesota Common Interest Ownership Act amended to provide for construction defect claims.
House HF3496 2 04/20/2016 Text icon Clark Fields and playgrounds containing crumb rubber signage required, moratorium on construction of fields and playgrounds using crumb rubber established, and report required.
House HF3396 2 04/28/2016 Text icon Gruenhagen Human Rights Act provisions governing gender specific accommodations clarified.
House HF3314 1 03/17/2016 Text icon Dean, M. White Bear Lake water level restoration funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3274 1 03/17/2016 Text icon Smith Refund claim filing time limit modified.
House HF3205 2 04/06/2016 Text icon Smith Tax treatment parity for food sold through vending machines provided.
House SF3113 7 05/20/2016 158 Text icon Smith Revisor's bill; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references corrected.
House HF2997 1 03/14/2016 Text icon Smith Health reports and review rights regulated.
House HF2972 2 03/21/2016 Text icon Quam Resident definition clarified, and conforming changes made.
House HF2970 6 05/11/2016 Text icon Vogel Debt limit established.
House HF2955 19 05/20/2016 159 Text icon Smith Disability discrimination claim requirements established related to architectural barriers, and notices required in building inspection reports.
House HF2954 9 05/11/2016 107 Text icon Loon Motor vehicle distribution unfair practices regulated.
House HF2884 3 04/07/2016 Text icon Vogel Urban Initiative Board and related programs changes made, state access to the program provided, and money appropriated.
House SF2869 7 05/05/2016 100 Text icon Smith Tax debt included as debt that is covered under debt settlement services regulation.
House HF2867 5 04/14/2016 Text icon Pinto Small business certification program data classified.
House HF2865 3 04/06/2016 Text icon Whelan University of Minnesota appropriations in fiscal year 2017 modified, University of Minnesota fiscal year 2018 funding provided, legislative findings made related to the disposal of fetal tissue use in academic research, and money appropriated.
House HF2797 6 04/28/2016 Text icon Smith Revisor's bill; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references corrected.
House HF2781 1 03/08/2016 Text icon Smith Duty to warn extended to individuals who are completing their postdegree supervised employment in preparation for licensure as a licensed psychologist.
House SF2771 2 05/18/2016 Text icon Pinto Small business certification program data classified.
House HF2705 3 03/23/2016 Text icon Hortman Minnesota Statute references updated to include limited liability companies under the Minnesota Revised Uniform Liability Company Act, fees clarified, and other clarifying changes made.
House HF2704 15 05/16/2016 Text icon Scott Vehicle forfeiture provisions modified to include more than one owner of a vehicle.
House HF2700 1 03/08/2016 Text icon Smith REAL ID Act planning and implementation governed, and legislative reporting required.
House HF2687 4 03/23/2016 Text icon Sanders Minnesota Radon Licensing Act repealed.
House HF2671 1 03/08/2016 Text icon Lucero Student data access addressed, disclosure requirements affecting personally identifiable information about a student clarified, information in electronic student education records managed, student survey requirements established, and civil penalties provided.
House HF2641 8 04/26/2016 Text icon Smith Tax debt included as debt that is covered under debt settlement services regulation.
House HF2630 2 03/17/2016 Text icon Smith Maple Grove; tax increment financing district project area modified.
House HF2515 8 04/20/2016 Text icon Smith Probate provisions modified.
House HF2496 2 03/14/2016 Text icon Albright Hennepin County; regional medical examiner's facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2413 3 03/10/2016 Text icon Runbeck General state levy phased out, and estate tax exclusion amount increased.
House HF2378 1 05/18/2015 Text icon Howe Motor vehicle repair or maintenance state tax revenue allocated exclusively to fund roads, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF2368 1 05/17/2015 Text icon Lucero Automated license plate reader technology independent audit prior to data collection required.
House HF2301 2 05/05/2015 Text icon Smith Trunk Highway 610 extension project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2300 1 05/04/2015 Text icon Smith Trunk Highway 610 extension project governing requirements established.
House HF2294 11 05/18/2016 137 Text icon Smith Marriage license five-day waiting period eliminated.
House HF2290 1 05/01/2015 Text icon Smith State Lottery authority to offer games restricted, and State Lottery required to suspend certain types of sales.
House HF2199 4 04/22/2015 Text icon Koznick Tax rates and brackets modified.
House HF2126 2 04/21/2015 Text icon Zerwas Mighty Ducks grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2101 1 03/25/2015 Text icon Smith Workforce development fund special assessment modified.
House HF2073 1 03/23/2015 Text icon Smith Workforce development fund special assessment modified.
House HF2072 4 03/30/2016 Text icon Albright Watercraft and motor vehicle transfer-on-death title provided, and transfer exempted from motor vehicle sales tax.
House HF2061 1 03/23/2015 Text icon Albright Evergreen clause usage limited in leases and contracts.
House HF2022 1 03/19/2015 Text icon Gruenhagen Limitation period for bringing actions reduced.
House HF2009 7 05/04/2015 Text icon Smith Health coverages regulated and modified.
House HF1901 4 04/13/2015 Text icon Smith Apportionment of taxes occasioned by a decedent's death provided.
House HF1860 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Runbeck Local government units authorized to establish educational diversion programs for traffic offenses, uniform best practices development for the programs required, data classified, and penalties established.
House HF1859 1 03/16/2015 Text icon Pierson Minnesota residents permitted to buy health coverage approved in other states, MNsure independent cost-benefit analysis required, MNsure information technology systems testing required, participation requirements modified, MNsure Board limited from increasing the premium withhold without legislative approval, and MNsure independent financial audit required.
House HF1843 2 03/26/2015 Text icon Smith Mobile food shelf grant program established, and money appropriated.
House SF1816 7 05/05/2015 17 Text icon Smith Property transfers regulated, and Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act amendments recommended by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws enacted.
House HF1779 2 03/16/2015 Text icon Lucero Student data access addressed, disclosure requirements affecting personally identifiable information about a student clarified, and personally identifiable information in electronic student education records managed.
House HF1777 2 03/16/2015 Text icon Lucero Curriculum review provisions modified.
House HF1770 11 05/08/2015 27 Text icon Smith Conciliation court provided jurisdiction to determine claims by a county against a nonresident.
House HF1732 7 03/16/2016 Text icon Smith Federal REAL ID Act planning and implementation activities governed; planning, analysis, and enforcement extension activities directed; report required; and requirements on state fund use established.
House HF1730 1 03/11/2015 Text icon Lesch Alternative notice periods of intention to quit provided, and residential landlord notice requirements for intention to quit or a rent increase specified.
House HF1720 1 03/10/2015 Text icon Koznick Monuments maintained by the Transportation Department funds required from nonstate and nonfederal sources.
House SF1646 8 03/29/2016 83 Text icon Smith Public safety commissioner directed to plan for eventual implementation of REAL ID program, commissioner required to appear before legislative committees to present oral and written summaries of REAL ID planning activities and to submit fiscal notes, and commissioner directed to seek extension of enforcement of REAL ID requirements.
House HF1579 1 03/09/2015 Text icon Smith Attorney fee award amount determining factor provided.
House HF1546 8 04/07/2015 Text icon Miller Athletic team participation provided, and Student Physical Privacy Act established.
House HF1544 3 03/26/2015 Text icon Nash Premium cigar definition modified, and premium cigar maximum tax reduced.
House HF1526 1 03/05/2015 Text icon Albright Suburban connections demonstration project funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1525 2 03/19/2015 Text icon Loon Transportation Advisory Board of the Metropolitan Council composition modified.
House HF1524 4 03/26/2015 Text icon Zerwas Interest on verdicts, awards, and judgments regulated.
House SF1523 8 04/28/2016 Text icon Smith Health coverages regulated and modified.
House HF1512 1 03/05/2015 Text icon Peppin Dayton; I-94 interchange funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1470 3 04/07/2015 Text icon Smith Business fees and filings regulated.
House HF1454 2 03/10/2015 Text icon Pugh Metropolitan Council membership modified to include local elected officials.
House HF1425 6 03/23/2015 Text icon Daniels Pilot program to provide, repair, and maintain motor vehicles for commuting to work created; and money appropriated.
House HF1416 4 03/23/2015 Text icon Smith Unemployment insurance employer tax rate reduced.
House HF1372 10 05/18/2016 135 Text icon Smith Animal care trusts provided, probate provisions modified, Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act enacted and related statute references updated, receivership and assignment provisions clarified, short form of assignment provided for recording with a deed to transfer real property, fees clarified, and other business organization clarifying changes made.
House HF1370 1 03/02/2015 Text icon Smith Interlocutory appeal provided on the question of class certification.
House HF1342 8 04/30/2015 Text icon Smith Property transfers regulated, and Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act amendments recommended by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws enacted.
House HF1241 5 05/19/2016 Text icon Albright Uniform statewide minimum wage required, and uniformity for employment mandates on private employers provided.
House SF1238 10 04/28/2015 9 Text icon Sanders Brewer and licensing provisions recodified, sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages regulated, and various liquor licenses authorized.
House HF1238 1 02/25/2015 Text icon Loonan Off-sale intoxicating liquor sales modified.
House HF1146 2 03/04/2015 Text icon Uglem Pilot project compensatory revenue made permanent.
House HF1105 1 02/19/2015 Text icon Vogel Urban challenge grants program modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1092 3 02/26/2015 Text icon Zerwas Termination of lease upon infirmity of tenant established.
House HF1090 7 04/27/2015 Text icon Sanders Brewer and licensing provisions recodified, sale and other regulations of liquor provided, and licenses authorized and established.
House HF1047 5 03/19/2015 Text icon Whelan Born Alive Infants Protection Act concerning abortion created, and civil remedies and protections provided.
House HF0830 7 04/16/2015 Text icon Lucero Federal Gun Control Act; firearm sale and purchase permitted in any state where lawful under the act.
House HF0799 8 03/23/2016 Text icon Fabian Duty owed by owners of real property to trespassers specified.
House HF0752 1 02/12/2015 Text icon Uglem Metropolitan Council member staggered terms provided.
House HF0677 1 02/09/2015 Text icon Lucero Gasoline sales below cost regulated.
House HF0666 5 02/23/2015 Text icon Peterson Executive branch official salaries legislative approval required, and salary increases rescinded.
House HF0372 11 04/16/2015 Text icon Nash Firearm notice of possession at the Capitol complex requirement amended.
House HF0262 11 05/11/2015 32 Text icon Smith Plat approval by government modified, new certificate by examiner's directive authorized after cancellation of contract for deed, new certificate of possessory interest by directive authorized after cancellation of contract for deed, and apportionment of estate taxes provided.
House HF0231 3 02/02/2015 Text icon Loon Intoxicating liquor off-sale sales permitted on Sundays.
House HF0201 2 01/20/2015 Text icon Lucero Wright County; I-94 lane expansion and black iron overpass replacement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0005 7 03/19/2015 Text icon Mack MNsure; commerce commissioner required to seek federal approval, salary limit imposed, health plan approval rates specified, notification of enrollment information required, individual coverage option provided, product lines prohibited, small business health care tax credit expansion proposal required, MNsure organizational changes made, background checks required, and exemptions removed.