Body | Bill Status |
Official Actions |
Last Action |
Law | Bill Text |
Chief Author |
Short Description |
House | HF3978 | 2 | 05/02/2016 | Hancock | Minors prohibited from possessing or disseminating indecent images, retroactive applications for relief allowed, and penalties created. | ||
House | HF3954 | 1 | 04/21/2016 | Hancock | Clearbrook; wastewater sewer improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3739 | 1 | 03/31/2016 | Hancock | State water infrastructure needs and funding source assessment funding provided, reports required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3738 | 3 | 04/28/2016 | McDonald | Intermediate care facilities for persons with developmental disabilities and home and community based service provider reimbursement rates modified. | ||
House | HF3594 | 1 | 03/24/2016 | Drazkowski | Income and business taxes eliminated, and sales tax replaced with a fair tax. | ||
House | HF3514 | 1 | 03/23/2016 | Hancock | Kelliher; wastewater infrastructure funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3396 | 2 | 04/28/2016 | Gruenhagen | Human Rights Act provisions governing gender specific accommodations clarified. | ||
House | HF3374 | 6 | 04/20/2016 | Lohmer | Family planning service fund grant distribution requirements modified, entities eligible for family planning grants specified, grant recipient reporting and publication required, and health commissioner required to apply for and distribute federal Title X funds for family planning services. | ||
House | HF3162 | 1 | 03/16/2016 | Hancock | Warroad; Northwest Angle School expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3072 | 2 | 03/21/2016 | Hancock | Veterans' Voices program grant funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3034 | 2 | 04/25/2016 | Drazkowski | Legislative auditor directed to conduct financial audits of spending related to refugee resettlement costs, and money transferred. | ||
House | HF2985 | 1 | 03/14/2016 | Quam | Household size methodology for pregnant women under medical assistance clarified. | ||
House | HF2946 | 7 | 04/14/2016 | Kiel | Game and fish resident licenses for nonresident National Guard members provided. | ||
House | HF2865 | 3 | 04/06/2016 | Whelan | University of Minnesota appropriations in fiscal year 2017 modified, University of Minnesota fiscal year 2018 funding provided, legislative findings made related to the disposal of fetal tissue use in academic research, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2858 | 1 | 03/10/2016 | Hancock | Beltrami County; tax-forfeited land sale authorized. | ||
House | HF2412 | 2 | 03/14/2016 | Miller | Intentionally stopping a beating heart made a felony. | ||
House | HF2362 | 2 | 05/17/2015 | Green | Counties allowed to file no net gain policies, and land sales required. | ||
House | HF2279 | 1 | 04/29/2015 | Hancock | Red Lake Indian Reservation capital improvement funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2220 | 1 | 04/15/2015 | Kiel | Crookston; regional charitable food distribution, warehouse, and office facility funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2215 | 3 | 04/23/2015 | Hancock | Wetland replacement high priority area identification required. | ||
House | HF1993 | 3 | 03/08/2016 | Drazkowski | Defense of Dwelling and Person Act; use of force in defense of home and person modified, duty to retreat eliminated, and burden of proof placed upon the state relating to justifiable use of force. | ||
House | HF1949 | 2 | 03/23/2015 | Whelan | School board required to publicly inform parents of a decision to keep available instructional materials a parent considers harmful to minors. | ||
House | HF1935 | 8 | 05/14/2015 | Green | Autopsy religious objection provided. | ||
House | HF1910 | 1 | 03/16/2015 | Green | White Earth Band law enforcement related grant funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1891 | 2 | 03/25/2015 | Hancock | Dakota and Ojibwe language preservation funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1831 | 2 | 03/12/2015 | Green | Property tax credits for overvalued property required. | ||
House | HF1830 | 2 | 03/12/2015 | Green | Counties required to enter into joint operating agreements with towns or townships. | ||
House | HF1806 | 1 | 03/12/2015 | Hancock | Independent School District No. 39, Red Lake; facility construction and renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF1694 | 7 | 05/16/2015 | 60 | Green | Autopsy religious objection provided. | |
House | HF1546 | 8 | 04/07/2015 | Miller | Athletic team participation provided, and Student Physical Privacy Act established. | ||
House | HF1495 | 6 | 05/17/2016 | Green | State Patrol trooper funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1489 | 2 | 03/11/2015 | Hancock | Wetland Conservation Act modified. | ||
House | HF1414 | 5 | 03/23/2016 | Hancock | Montevideo and Bemidji; veterans homes funding provided, nonstate contributions allowed, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1394 | 6 | 03/18/2015 | Fabian | Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Citizens' Board duties modified. | ||
House | HF1325 | 1 | 03/02/2015 | Green | Tax-forfeited land sale requirements modified. | ||
House | HF1202 | 3 | 04/15/2015 | Anzelc | Modifications to payments in lieu of taxes for natural resource land provided. | ||
House | HF1089 | 14 | 04/11/2016 | Rarick | Firework manufacture, sale, and use regulated. | ||
House | HF1047 | 5 | 03/19/2015 | Whelan | Born Alive Infants Protection Act concerning abortion created, and civil remedies and protections provided. | ||
House | HF1019 | 2 | 03/05/2015 | Kiel | Solid waste and recyclable material facility expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0995 | 7 | 03/19/2015 | Rarick | Indian Child Welfare Act; local government aid reimbursement provided for out-of-home placement costs of children, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0902 | 2 | 02/18/2015 | Hancock | Term limits placed on legislators and executive officers, and constitutional amendment proposed. | ||
House | HF0901 | 1 | 02/16/2015 | Hancock | Lake of the Woods County; weather transmitter funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0891 | 2 | 02/18/2015 | Newberger | Local authority over permit applications by large energy facilities powered by solar generating systems provided, and surety bonds for solar generating facilities required. | ||
House | HF0809 | 11 | 04/07/2015 | Gunther | Career pathway coordinators provided, reports required, funding provided for career pathways coordinators and the Minnesota youth program, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0798 | 5 | 05/05/2016 | Knoblach | K-12 education expense subtraction and credit modified; credit extended to tuition; subtraction and credit amounts increased; income phaseout for the credit increased; and credit, subtraction amount, and credit phaseout threshold adjusted for inflation. | ||
House | HF0793 | 5 | 03/17/2015 | Barrett | Ski safety and liability standards established. | ||
House | HF0767 | 1 | 02/12/2015 | Lucero | Veterans exempted from firearms safety certificate requirement. | ||
House | HF0666 | 5 | 02/23/2015 | Peterson | Executive branch official salaries legislative approval required, and salary increases rescinded. | ||
House | HF0620 | 1 | 02/05/2015 | McNamara | Overweight vehicle annual permits established. | ||
House | HF0619 | 2 | 02/18/2015 | Miller | Local government approval required before acquiring land for park or trail purposes outside of the seven-county metropolitan area. | ||
House | HF0617 | 3 | 04/07/2015 | Fabian | Water quality work independent peer review required. | ||
House | HF0616 | 3 | 04/07/2015 | Fabian | Legislative approval of water quality standards and rules required, water quality standards cost-benefit analysis required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0607 | 6 | 04/04/2016 | Theis | Abortion funding from state-sponsored health programs limited. | ||
House | HF0606 | 8 | 03/16/2016 | Kiel | Abortion performing facility licensure required, licensing fee required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0596 | 3 | 03/19/2015 | Drazkowski | Bonded debt authorizations approved after June 30, 2015 levied against referendum market value. | ||
House | HF0572 | 3 | 03/04/2015 | Hackbarth | Utility licenses crossing public lands and waters fee exemption created. | ||
House | HF0538 | 4 | 04/01/2015 | Drazkowski | Political contribution refund and public subsidy program and related expenditure limits repealed. | ||
House | HF0514 | 3 | 04/07/2015 | Fabian | Wolf and elk depredation payment funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0483 | 2 | 02/05/2015 | Anderson, P. | Wood burning heater regulation prohibited. | ||
House | HF0475 | 2 | 02/26/2015 | Quam | Sponsored agriculture education community experts allowed. | ||
House | HF0463 | 1 | 01/29/2015 | Green | Public agency limited in amount it may pay to acquire real property or an interest in real property. | ||
House | HF0462 | 1 | 01/29/2015 | Green | Legacy fund appropriations eligibility modified. | ||
House | HF0453 | 2 | 02/25/2015 | Hancock | Veteran program funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0345 | 3 | 02/09/2015 | Fabian | Permitting efficiency requirements modified. | ||
House | HF0339 | 2 | 04/07/2015 | Hancock | Beltrami County; comprehensive mental health center funding provided for individuals under arrest, subject to arrest, or under a transport hold. | ||
House | HF0314 | 1 | 01/22/2015 | Hancock | Bemidji; regional dental facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0312 | 6 | 03/25/2015 | Dettmer | Military retirement pay subtraction phase-in provided. | ||
House | HF0300 | 7 | 04/13/2015 | Lohmer | Social Security benefit subtraction allowed. | ||
House | HF0299 | 6 | 04/15/2015 | Heintzeman | Military retirement pay subtraction provided. | ||
House | HF0289 | 2 | 01/26/2015 | Quam | Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) and general assistance programs screening for controlled substances required, certain individuals made ineligible for MFIP and general assistance benefits, and rulemaking provided. | ||
House | HF0271 | 3 | 02/09/2015 | Persell | Veterinary Medicine Board appointments specified to reflect geography of the state, and temporary suspension of veterinarian licenses process modified. | ||
House | HF0240 | 9 | 04/14/2015 | Zerwas | Persons under arrest or subject to arrest diverted from incarceration to comprehensive mental health programs, grant program for comprehensive mental health programs established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0233 | 3 | 04/07/2015 | Hancock | Interactive video conference alternative use clarified in civil commitment hearings. | ||
House | HF0232 | 4 | 03/05/2015 | Urdahl | Nursing facility operating payment rate increase provided. | ||
House | HF0224 | 1 | 01/20/2015 | Gruenhagen | School boards allowed to elect to levy debt service against an alternative tax base. | ||
House | HF0214 | 3 | 02/16/2015 | Persell | Tax-forfeited lands bordering public waters authorized for public sale. | ||
House | HF0197 | 1 | 01/15/2015 | Miller | School boards authorized to implement flexible learning year programs without approval by education commissioner. | ||
House | HF0164 | 10 | 01/29/2015 | Knoblach | Disaster assistance deficiency funding provided, local match funding provided to repair local roads and bridges, water and soil disaster area protection resources funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0137 | 12 | 04/25/2016 | Dettmer | Military retirees and survivors allowed a subtraction from taxable income. | ||
House | SF0128 | 3 | 04/07/2015 | Hancock | Interactive video conference alternative use clarified in civil commitment hearings. | ||
House | HF0111 | 2 | 01/14/2015 | Quam | Presidential elector designation provided, and duties specified. | ||
House | HF0102 | 6 | 03/04/2015 | Garofalo | Public school bullying provisions modified. | ||
House | HF0095 | 6 | 02/12/2015 | Newberger | Hydropower sources that may satisfy renewable energy standard size limitation eliminated. | ||
House | HR0002 | 1 | 03/16/2016 | Dettmer | A house resolution expressing sense of the house that June 27 be recognized as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day, and the month of June be recognized as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Month. | ||
House | HF0001 | 2 | 01/12/2015 | Kresha | Economic development provisions modified relating to job creation, efficiency goals, rulemaking, business income, the research credit, business growth, workforce housing, tax credits, land trusts, penalty revenue, and grant programs; Minnesota New Markets Jobs Act adopted; and money appropriated. |