Body | Bill Status |
Official Actions |
Last Action |
Law | Bill Text |
Chief Author |
Short Description |
House | HF3715 | 1 | 03/22/2010 | Doepke | Wayzata; tax increment financing district activities time extended. | ||
House | HF3513 | 1 | 03/08/2010 | Anderson, S. | Accelerated plumbing reviews and fees eliminated. | ||
House | HF3446 | 3 | 03/11/2010 | Doepke | Board of Teaching authorized to amend its licensure rules to permit a tiered teacher licensure structure, revised institutional and program approval requirements, and revised special education licensure requirements. | ||
House | HF3248 | 3 | 04/21/2010 | McFarlane | January 15 deadline repealed by which school districts must reach a collective bargaining agreement or face a state aid penalty. | ||
House | HF3093 | 9 | 05/12/2010 | Mariani | Alternative teacher preparation program and limited-term teacher license established. | ||
House | HF3012 | 1 | 02/16/2010 | Emmer | State consideration of federal mandates process established. | ||
House | HF2822 | 3 | 02/11/2010 | Severson | Higher education veterans assistance program sunset date delayed. | ||
House | HF2809 | 8 | 03/04/2010 | Severson | Veteran-owned small business bid preference program eligibility broadened for goods and services. | ||
House | HF2808 | 3 | 02/11/2010 | Severson | Courts provided the option for stay of adjudication for military members and veterans diagnosed as suffering from a psychological injury or condition. | ||
House | HF2689 | 5 | 04/06/2010 | Norton | Safe schools levy maintenance of effort requirements amended. | ||
House | HF2408 | 1 | 02/04/2010 | Doepke | Minnetonka Beach pedestrian and bike tunnel funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2388 | 2 | 05/14/2009 | Loon | Filing requirement waived for minimal tax owed as a result of late adoption of federal changes. | ||
House | HF2212 | 2 | 03/30/2009 | Doepke | Three Rivers Park District; Dakota Rail Regional Trail grant funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1956 | 1 | 03/19/2009 | Loon | Hybrid vehicles temporarily allowed to be used toll free and on high-occupancy vehicle lanes. | ||
House | HF1662 | 2 | 03/13/2009 | Doepke | Wayzata; land conveyance modified. | ||
House | HF1437 | 5 | 04/28/2009 | Seifert | Federal government memorialized to halt its practice of imposing mandates upon the states for purposes not enumerated by the Constitution of the United States and affirming Minnesota's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. | ||
House | HF1331 | 4 | 03/04/2010 | Benson | Alternative facility bonding and levy program qualification adjusted. | ||
House | HF1242 | 22 | 05/05/2009 | 38 | Seifert | Brandon's law established, and procedures implemented for investigating missing person cases. | |
House | HF1080 | 4 | 03/18/2009 | Norton | Comprehensive scientifically based reading instruction definition clarified, prekindergarten through grade six teachers requirements made, reading instruction assessment created, and Board of Teaching rules legislative review provided. | ||
House | HF1079 | 1 | 02/23/2009 | Severson | Legislator and constitutional officer salaries reduced. | ||
House | HF0920 | 8 | 04/02/2009 | Tillberry | Education; obsolete and unneeded mandates removed. | ||
House | HF0312 | 4 | 03/02/2009 | Seifert | State conferences required to be conducted electronically to the extent possible. | ||
House | HF0035 | 4 | 02/02/2009 | Benson | Referendum allowance limit eliminated. |