Body | Bill Status |
Official Actions |
Last Action |
Law | Bill Text |
Chief Author |
Short Description |
House | HF4254 | 1 | 05/17/2008 | Tingelstad | Four-year terms of office provided for representatives and six-year terms of office provided for senators, and constitutional amendment proposed. | ||
House | HF4229 | 2 | 05/05/2008 | Paulsen | Health care reform goals set, insurance reform provided, savings accounts established, spending targets set, MinnesotaCare CMF established, tax procedures, treatments, and credits modified, liability claims limited, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF4212 | 2 | 04/30/2008 | Gottwalt | Charter school students allowed to participate in extracurricular activities in their resident school district. | ||
House | HF4194 | 3 | 04/21/2008 | Solberg | Outdoor heritage fund provided. | ||
House | HF4157 | 1 | 04/01/2008 | Faust | Permits to harvest or destroy aquatic plants provisions modified. | ||
House | HF4073 | 2 | 03/18/2008 | Gunther | Long-term care insurance credit increased. | ||
House | HF3953 | 4 | 03/19/2008 | Kalin | Veteran to veteran statewide peer counseling pilot program established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3946 | 1 | 03/10/2008 | Otremba | Abortion; saline amniocentesis prohibited and civil and criminal penalties provided. | ||
House | HF3891 | 4 | 05/05/2008 | Loeffler | Minnesota Milestones goals and indicators in budget preparation incorporated, Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy and a working group established, and Sesquicentennial Commission additional duties provided. | ||
House | HF3771 | 2 | 03/05/2008 | Berns | Ice hockey designated as the official sport of Minnesota. | ||
House | SF3756 | 5 | 04/23/2008 | Dettmer | National Guard; brevet rank promotion eligibility provided upon death. | ||
House | SF3755 | 5 | 04/23/2008 | Dettmer | Persian Gulf War ribbon authorization repealed. | ||
House | HF3686 | 8 | 03/27/2008 | Tingelstad | National Guard and reservist businesses provided a stay of proceedings for members who have been mobilized into active military service. | ||
House | HF3672 | 7 | 04/01/2008 | Severson | Korean War Armistice Day designated for July 27. | ||
House | HF3669 | 10 | 05/17/2008 | Kalin | Government energy improvement investment program created, report required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3668 | 1 | 03/03/2008 | Severson | Military retirement benefit subtraction allowed. | ||
House | HF3654 | 9 | 04/10/2008 | Winkler | Minnesota Responds Medical Reserve Corps created, volunteer health practitioners permitted during an emergency declaration, and volunteer protections provided. | ||
House | HF3650 | 6 | 03/27/2008 | Zellers | Retail sale of toys prohibited that have been recalled for safety reasons. | ||
House | HF3591 | 5 | 03/18/2008 | Tingelstad | Infertility treatments health plan coverage required. | ||
House | HF3564 | 9 | 04/23/2008 | Walker | Child welfare provisions amended, standard of evidence changed, new Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children adopted, old compact repealed, child and adult adoptions and voluntary foster care for treatment regulated. | ||
House | HF3539 | 15 | 05/07/2008 | Swails | Hospital construction moratorium exception provided. | ||
House | HF3487 | 2 | 02/28/2008 | Tingelstad | Safety for human trafficking victims grant funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3470 | 10 | 04/02/2008 | Winkler | State and school district technology standards established. | ||
House | HF3449 | 6 | 04/02/2008 | Tingelstad | Assisted reproduction regulations modified. | ||
House | HF3448 | 13 | 04/28/2008 | Tingelstad | Gestational carrier arrangements regulated. | ||
House | SF3443 | 7 | 04/28/2008 | 265 | Severson | Korean War Veterans Day designated on July 27. | |
House | HF3437 | 8 | 04/23/2008 | Moe | Star lake or river designation process provided, star lake or river signs allowed on highways, and report required. | ||
House | HF3427 | 8 | 03/27/2008 | Dettmer | Veteran loan program established, certain veterans added to program eligibility, unemployment compensation provision changed, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3426 | 3 | 03/31/2008 | Pelowski | Consumer complaint resolution procedure for insurance claims established, and fees imposed. | ||
House | HF3419 | 1 | 02/25/2008 | Ruud | Patient-delivered partner therapy permitted for the treatment of chlamydia or gonorrhea, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3371 | 15 | 05/05/2008 | Tingelstad | Birth record access allowed to adopted persons. | ||
House | HF3344 | 5 | 03/10/2008 | Severson | Veteran's state employment preference provisions modified. | ||
House | HF3298 | 8 | 03/31/2008 | Dettmer | Persian Gulf War ribbon authorization repealed. | ||
House | HF3297 | 9 | 04/10/2008 | Dettmer | Brevet rank eligibility promotion provision changed. | ||
House | HF3214 | 4 | 03/11/2008 | Severson | Military survivor benefit payment subtraction allowed. | ||
House | HF3196 | 7 | 03/05/2008 | Clark | Commissioner of public safety's annual report on human trafficking required to include information on trafficking of American Indian women and girls, and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF3193 | 9 | 05/12/2008 | 330 | Tingelstad | Adoption record and original birth certificate governing provisions modified. | |
House | HF3161 | 10 | 03/19/2008 | Bigham | Minnesota deceased military personnel current listing provided. | ||
House | HF3155 | 3 | 02/19/2008 | Madore | Transit improvement area program accounts established, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3122 | 5 | 03/27/2008 | Scalze | Metropolitan Council funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3096 | 2 | 02/18/2008 | Tingelstad | Public land and buildings funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF3096 | 17 | 05/17/2008 | 356 | Kalin | Energy conservation investments programs established, rulemaking requirements eliminated, microenergy loan program established, bonds issued, guaranteed energy savings contracts provision modified, and money appropriated. | |
House | HF3062 | 2 | 02/18/2008 | Scalze | Outdoor traditions investment funding provided for environment and natural resources purposes, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3008 | 4 | 02/25/2008 | Slocum | Fort Snelling revitalization funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3004 | 3 | 02/15/2008 | Dittrich | Anoka-Ramsey Community College phase 2 renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3002 | 3 | 02/18/2008 | Moe | State trail acquisition, rehabilitation, and repair funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2985 | 2 | 02/14/2008 | Dettmer | School district military pay salary differential assistance provided and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF2965 | 10 | 05/12/2008 | 329 | Tingelstad | Gestational carrier arrangements regulated, and intended parents rights under assisted reproduction established. | |
House | HF2964 | 6 | 03/13/2008 | Hilstrom | Horse racing; purse set-aside and breeder's fund revenue sharing provided, and simulcasting restriction modified. | ||
House | HF2963 | 3 | 02/25/2008 | Hansen | Lake Superior ballast water discharge regulation established; water exchange, discharge, and treatment standards adopted; and civil penalties imposed. | ||
House | SF2941 | 9 | 05/08/2008 | 321 | Gottwalt | Chiropractic examinations and treatments regulated, and drug prescribing and prescription filing provisions modified. | |
House | HF2933 | 3 | 02/15/2008 | Dittrich | Anoka-Ramsey Community College funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2891 | 3 | 02/15/2008 | Ruth | Minnesota Wildlife Art Museum funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2763 | 1 | 02/12/2008 | Gardner | Anoka County library governing bonding provision modified. | ||
House | HF2745 | 3 | 03/06/2008 | Wagenius | Environment and natural resources trust fund repayment provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2693 | 3 | 03/03/2008 | Laine | Fridley Northstar commuter train station funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2690 | 2 | 02/12/2008 | Laine | Fridley; Springbrook Nature Center redevelopment funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2639 | 8 | 03/27/2008 | Gottwalt | Drug prescribing and prescription filing provisions changed. | ||
House | HF2562 | 3 | 02/18/2008 | Kelliher | Minneapolis; Orchestra Hall and Peavey Plaza predesign funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2547 | 2 | 05/24/2007 | Laine | Fridley train station funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2535 | 5 | 03/03/2008 | Benson | Long-term homeless supportive housing funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2527 | 4 | 02/14/2008 | Moe | Low-carbon fuel standard established to reduce carbon intensity of fuels by 2020, statutory references aligned, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2526 | 1 | 05/19/2007 | Madore | Schools required to allow students with a disability who have not completed special instruction and services to attend their high school graduation ceremonies. | ||
House | HF2513 | 1 | 05/18/2007 | Mariani | Compensation Council provided the authority to establish salaries for legislators, judges, and constitutional officers. | ||
House | SF2500 | 8 | 04/24/2008 | 249 | Hilstrom | Horse racing; purse set-aside and breeder's fund revenue sharing provided, and simulcasting restriction modified. | |
House | SF2492 | 18 | 05/18/2008 | 367 | Wagenius | Environment and natural resources funding provided, trust fund repayments provided, and money appropriated. | |
House | HF2491 | 2 | 02/12/2008 | Koenen | Power of attorney alternative statutory short form created for military members who are in active service. | ||
House | HF2476 | 3 | 05/21/2007 | Simpson | Wadena Regional Wellness Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2472 | 3 | 05/15/2007 | Loeffler | State Capitol complex renovation design funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2462 | 2 | 05/04/2007 | Tingelstad | Capital project grants to political subdivisions criteria modified. | ||
House | HF2461 | 4 | 02/19/2008 | Gardner | Rice Creek North Regional Trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2459 | 8 | 03/31/2008 | Tschumper | Pesticides application information access expanded. | ||
House | HF2353 | 3 | 04/02/2007 | Hortman | Congestion Reduction Task Force established, Urban Partnership agreement application required, and participation authorized. | ||
House | HF2281 | 4 | 03/22/2007 | McNamara | Nonresident tuition rebate provided. | ||
House | HF2219 | 2 | 03/19/2007 | Koenen | Gasoline and special fuel tax rates increased, and phase-in of motor vehicle sales tax revenues to transportation provided. | ||
House | HF2212 | 4 | 01/22/2008 | Loeffler | State Capitol building restoration and renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2158 | 2 | 03/15/2007 | Loeffler | International Adoption Project funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2135 | 8 | 04/19/2007 | Loeffler | Minnesota Sesquicentennial Commission provisions modified. | ||
House | SF2059 | 2 | 04/30/2007 | Haws | Minnesota Veterans Homes Board qualifications and executive director requirements modified. | ||
House | HF1996 | 4 | 03/29/2007 | Dittrich | Compensatory revenue pupil units minimum amount increased. | ||
House | HF1994 | 1 | 03/12/2007 | Tingelstad | Postadoption search services registry created. | ||
House | HF1990 | 7 | 05/02/2007 | Ruud | Adverse health care events reporting provisions modified. | ||
House | HF1975 | 6 | 04/24/2008 | Kranz | Local Community Rail Security Act of 2007 adopted providing for protection of railroad property from terrorism, criminal activities, and accidents; civil penalties and remedies imposed; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1971 | 1 | 03/12/2007 | Tingelstad | Public Safety Department required to support development of a statewide planning, mapping, and schematic system for all public schools for use by emergency response agencies. | ||
House | SF1949 | 8 | 04/25/2007 | 29 | Loeffler | Minnesota Sesquicentennial Commission duties, powers, and procedures modified. | |
House | HF1935 | 1 | 03/12/2007 | Ozment | Wetland conservation provisions modified, rulemaking required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1920 | 2 | 03/12/2007 | Hornstein | Local transportation sales taxes authorized through joint powers boards, and grants for transportation and transit projects required. | ||
House | HF1918 | 4 | 03/23/2007 | Wagenius | County program aid withholding authorized if certain reporting requirements are not met, county grants provided to improve individual sewage treatment systems, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1914 | 2 | 03/24/2007 | Dettmer | Toll roads prohibited. | ||
House | HF1909 | 4 | 03/26/2007 | Tingelstad | Speed limits legislative study and report required. | ||
House | HF1906 | 3 | 05/19/2007 | Tingelstad | U. S. Highway 10 in Coon Rapids additional travel lanes provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1891 | 7 | 03/29/2007 | Haws | Veterans Homes Board member and executive director service qualifications modified. | ||
House | HF1885 | 5 | 03/23/2007 | Hansen | Invasive species emergency management provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1871 | 2 | 03/12/2007 | Sviggum | Abortion; state-sponsored health programs funds use for abortions prohibited. | ||
House | HF1868 | 3 | 03/09/2007 | Abeler | Debt service and referendum equalization aid programs equalizing factors indexed. | ||
House | HF1862 | 3 | 04/17/2007 | Urdahl | Minnesota Historical Society grant-in-aid program for county and local historical societies funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1861 | 4 | 04/17/2007 | Urdahl | Historical preservation revolving loan fund established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1860 | 4 | 04/17/2007 | Urdahl | Historic preservation funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1841 | 10 | 05/01/2007 | Simon | Domestic abuse victims right to terminate lease granted. | ||
House | SF1822 | 5 | 05/21/2007 | Simon | Domestic abuse victim lease termination authorized. | ||
House | HF1800 | 4 | 03/22/2007 | Dettmer | Staff development goals and expenditures clarified relating to education. | ||
House | HF1782 | 6 | 01/22/2008 | Haws | Rice; commuter rail service extension technical analysis funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1771 | 3 | 03/08/2007 | Haws | Military affairs and veterans affairs funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1714 | 4 | 03/24/2007 | Hornstein | Railroad Walkways Safety Act adopted, state rail safety inspector position established, special account provided, penalties imposed, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1666 | 6 | 04/18/2007 | Eken | Terrestrial and geologic carbon sequestration reports and studies required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1627 | 2 | 03/07/2007 | Hilstrom | International marriage brokers regulated. | ||
House | HF1615 | 3 | 02/12/2008 | Brod | Non-hospital-performed abortions physician requirement provided, and penalties imposed. | ||
House | HF1602 | 12 | 04/25/2007 | Hortman | Teachers additional retirement benefits provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1585 | 4 | 03/23/2007 | Simon | Special education programs funding restored, special education revenue formulas fully funded, and special education aid appropriation made open and standing. | ||
House | HF1584 | 5 | 03/26/2007 | Benson | School district operating cost differential revenue provided. | ||
House | HF1567 | 7 | 03/23/2007 | Simon | Special education programs funding restored, and special education appropriation made open and standing. | ||
House | HF1540 | 6 | 03/23/2007 | Wagenius | Endocrine disruptors in waters of the state report required. | ||
House | HF1536 | 6 | 01/22/2008 | Hansen | Mississippi River barrier construction provided to prevent aquatic invasive species from migrating up river, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1534 | 4 | 03/26/2007 | Hilstrom | Local government aid distribution modified, and appropriation increased. | ||
House | HF1520 | 3 | 03/21/2007 | Dill | Phosphorus discharge limitations rules effective date modified. | ||
House | HF1515 | 6 | 03/23/2007 | Davnie | Debt management services regulated, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1477 | 5 | 05/12/2007 | Knuth | Individual sewage treatment systems disclosure provisions modified. | ||
House | HF1476 | 6 | 03/23/2007 | Knuth | Individual sewage treatment systems provisions modified and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1449 | 5 | 03/07/2007 | Hansen | Natural resources and clean water purposes dedicated funding provided, sales tax increased, funds and council established, bonds issued, and constitutional amendment proposed. | ||
House | HF1445 | 5 | 03/24/2007 | Tingelstad | Adoption records access provided, and data classification modified. | ||
House | HF1424 | 9 | 05/03/2007 | Paulsen | World language academic standards, proficiency, resources, and capacity development provided; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1421 | 6 | 03/23/2007 | Wagenius | Natural Resources Department easement acquisition requirements established. | ||
House | HF1420 | 8 | 05/21/2007 | Poppe | Individual sewage treatment design, installation, maintenance, inspection, and operation licensing requirements modified. | ||
House | HF1415 | 5 | 03/05/2007 | Hortman | Hazardous pupil transportation services levy authorized. | ||
House | HF1400 | 7 | 04/19/2007 | Tingelstad | Adoption; genetic siblings provided information assistance regarding other siblings. | ||
House | SF1377 | 17 | 05/20/2007 | 133 | Tingelstad | State boards and advisory groups governing laws revised. | |
House | HF1351 | 32 | 04/21/2008 | 239 | Hornstein | Omnibus transportation policy bill providing policy changes relating to transportation, highways, drivers' licenses and railroads, and appropriating money. | |
House | HF1350 | 5 | 03/19/2007 | Eken | White Earth Band of Chippewa renewable energy feasibility grant provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF1343 | 2 | 04/18/2007 | Loeffler | Community forest management and control of forest and shade tree pests provided. | ||
House | HF1341 | 2 | 03/05/2007 | Tingelstad | Adoption expenses refundable income tax credit authorized, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1340 | 7 | 04/19/2007 | Tingelstad | State boards and advisory groups governing laws revised. | ||
House | HF1329 | 1 | 02/22/2007 | Thissen | Public Employees Retirement Association police and fire plan; Anoka County field investigator exempted from reemployed annuitant provisions. | ||
House | HF1326 | 4 | 03/14/2007 | Hilstrom | Local Community Rail Security Act of 2007 adopted providing for protection of railroad property from terrorism and other criminal activities. | ||
House | HF1316 | 10 | 05/16/2007 | Hortman | Mercury; certain mercury-containing products sales prohibited; sales, use, and disposal requirements modified; consumer information required; lamp recycling requirements modified; and mercury reduction and abatement study required. | ||
House | HF1308 | 5 | 02/19/2008 | Tingelstad | Anoka County forensic crime lab funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1304 | 2 | 02/22/2007 | Tingelstad | Human trafficking; legal advocacy trafficking victims grant provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1263 | 4 | 01/22/2008 | Abeler | Anoka County forensic crime lab funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1259 | 7 | 04/25/2007 | Kalin | Absent voters procedures and requirements modified, emergency situations provided, and rulemaking authorized. | ||
House | HF1248 | 2 | 03/01/2007 | Tillberry | Commuter rail system construction materials sales tax exemption provided. | ||
House | HF1244 | 2 | 02/22/2007 | Masin | Motor vehicle sales tax proceeds apportionment provided. | ||
House | HF1236 | 7 | 03/23/2007 | Berns | Zebra mussel control pilot program established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF1218 | 12 | 04/07/2008 | 190 | Kalin | Absent voters procedures and requirements modified, and voter registration information privacy provided. | |
House | HF1206 | 9 | 03/21/2007 | Kelliher | Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act adopted. | ||
House | HF1202 | 3 | 02/22/2007 | Juhnke | Environment, natural resources, and agriculture funding provided, revenue and fund disposition modified, food safety and defense task force established, NextGen energy provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1191 | 2 | 02/19/2007 | Olson | Department of Transportation; property appraisal requirements amended. | ||
House | HF1189 | 17 | 04/10/2008 | Thissen | Physical therapy licensure provisions changed. | ||
House | HF1183 | 8 | 03/27/2007 | Loeffler | Community forest management and forest and shade tree pest control provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1165 | 1 | 02/19/2007 | Hilstrom | Purse set-aside and breeder's fund revenue sharing provided, and simulcasting and card club restrictions modified. | ||
House | HF1090 | 2 | 02/22/2007 | Dettmer | Alternative teacher pay system expanded to include additional staff development opportunities. | ||
House | SF1085 | 20 | 05/17/2007 | 109 | Hortman | Mercury; sale of certain mercury-containing products prohibited; sale, use, and disposal restrictions modified; consumer information required; and lamp recycling facility operation requirements modified. | |
House | HF1055 | 1 | 02/15/2007 | Kahn | State Lottery ticket sales on State Fairgrounds authorized. | ||
House | HF1032 | 5 | 03/07/2007 | Loeffler | Nonresident undergraduate tuition rates at state colleges and universities regulated. | ||
House | HF1026 | 4 | 01/22/2008 | Hortman | Anoka County bicycle and pedestrian trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF1018 | 6 | 04/14/2008 | 199 | Thissen | Physical therapy licensure provisions changed. | |
House | HF1018 | 3 | 02/19/2007 | Hausman | State general obligation bond proceeds provisions modified. | ||
House | HF1016 | 10 | 04/27/2007 | Hansen | Forest pest control measures provided, approved firewood required on land administered by the commissioner of natural resources, and sale and distribution of firewood regulated. | ||
House | HF1006 | 3 | 03/05/2007 | Dettmer | Statewide health and physical education requirements provided, school wellness policies posted on Education Department website, grant program established for local school wellness policies, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0934 | 19 | 04/21/2008 | Clark | Products containing commercial decabromodiphenyl ether banned, exemptions and fees provided, multistate clearinghouse participation authorized, and report required. | ||
House | HF0903 | 10 | 05/20/2007 | Severson | Montgomery GI Bill for the Selected Reserves; Congress urged by resolution to permit members of the National Guard and reserves to receive and use federal educational benefits following separation from active status and discharge. | ||
House | HF0893 | 5 | 03/13/2008 | Faust | Aquatic plant harvest and destruction permit provisions modified. | ||
House | HF0886 | 31 | 05/08/2007 | 38 | Hausman | Omnibus bonding bill providing capital improvements funding, issuing bonds, canceling and modifying previous appropriations, and appropriating money. | |
House | HF0854 | 27 | 05/02/2007 | 48 | Sailer | Video display device collection, transportation, and recycling provided; civil penalties imposed; and money appropriated. | |
House | HF0834 | 3 | 02/15/2007 | Scalze | Metropolitan Regional Parks System funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0811 | 6 | 03/07/2007 | Wardlow | Mathematics and science professional development programs provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0799 | 2 | 02/08/2007 | Holberg | Transportation, Metropolitan Council, and public safety funding provided; bonds issued; fees, funds, and accounts modified; motor vehicle sales and lease tax proceeds allocated; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0795 | 1 | 02/08/2007 | Walker | Human services licensing; administrative law judge's order made final, disqualifications set aside, and definition of child neglect clarified. | ||
House | HF0761 | 3 | 02/15/2007 | Ward | Soldiers, veterans, and peace officers exempted from requirements relating to state firearms safety certificate as a prerequisite to purchasing a hunting license. | ||
House | HF0753 | 3 | 02/15/2007 | Howes | Special Gold Star vehicle license plates authorized for family members of military personnel who have died in active military service, and plate fee exempted for surviving spouses or parents. | ||
House | HF0680 | 5 | 03/01/2007 | Hilstrom | School finance equalizing factors indexed at 150 percent of the state average tax base per pupil. | ||
House | HF0661 | 2 | 02/12/2007 | Tingelstad | Speed limit on city streets in rural residential districts provided. | ||
House | SF0651 | 18 | 05/07/2008 | 301 | Clark | Polybrominated diphenyl ether manufacture and sale restricted, report required, and penalties provided. | |
House | HF0647 | 3 | 02/12/2007 | Dittrich | Residential homestead market value credit modified. | ||
House | HF0646 | 8 | 04/16/2007 | Dittrich | School district election provisions modified, mail election approval requirement eliminated, and school board primary elections authorized. | ||
House | SF0642 | 3 | 04/20/2007 | Hansen | Ditch buffers requirements modified; annual drainage authority reports required and drainage repair and inspection requirements modified. | ||
House | HF0638 | 7 | 03/21/2007 | Tingelstad | Adoption assistance program eligibility requirements modified. | ||
House | HF0637 | 4 | 02/08/2007 | Dittrich | Full-day kindergarten authorized, state aid provided, sliding scale fee imposed, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0636 | 3 | 03/12/2007 | Dittrich | Pediatric dentist participation in a state health care program definition modified. | ||
House | HF0632 | 6 | 03/14/2007 | McNamara | Vermillion Highlands Wildlife Management Area designated. | ||
House | HF0625 | 4 | 02/22/2007 | Nornes | MinnesotaCare four-month uninsured requirement for children eliminated. | ||
House | HF0615 | 16 | 05/16/2008 | Walker | Sexually transmitted infections and diseases education program modified, and information on immunizations required. | ||
House | HF0614 | 2 | 02/15/2007 | Tingelstad | Bipartisan legislative redistricting commission provided, and constitutional amendment proposed. | ||
House | HF0604 | 4 | 01/22/2008 | Laine | Fridley; Springbrook Nature Center redevelopment funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0599 | 15 | 03/18/2008 | Brod | Grieving Parents Act established, and mothers required to be notified of burial and cremation options in the case of a miscarriage. | ||
House | SF0590 | 6 | 05/21/2007 | Severson | Montgomery GI Bill; a resolution exhorting Congress to reform GI Bill for the Selected Reserves to permit members of the National Guard and reserves who have been mobilized into active duty to receive educational benefits. | ||
House | HF0577 | 11 | 03/22/2007 | Hansen | Ditch buffer and drainage and inspection requirements modified, annual drainage authority reports required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0547 | 4 | 02/19/2008 | Wardlow | Teachers Retirement Association rule of 90 benefits extended to coordinated members. | ||
House | HF0544 | 7 | 02/26/2007 | Moe | State parks and trails funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0538 | 6 | 02/26/2007 | Peterson, A. | Minnesota Conservation Corps funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0537 | 2 | 02/01/2007 | Clark | Runaway and Homeless Youth Act modified, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0529 | 8 | 05/21/2007 | Thao | Amino acid-based elemental formula health insurance coverage required. | ||
House | HF0508 | 3 | 02/19/2007 | Tingelstad | Zero discharge requirements provided for wastewater treatment grants and loans to municipalities. | ||
House | HF0507 | 3 | 02/19/2007 | Tingelstad | Zero discharge grants provided to municipalities for wastewater treatment facilities. | ||
House | HF0504 | 5 | 05/07/2007 | Hilstrom | Bullying and intimidation policies in schools required to address electronic and Internet activity. | ||
House | HF0467 | 4 | 03/02/2007 | Dittrich | Property tax relief provided; and debt service equalization revenue, health and safety, deferred maintenance, and operating capital levies increased and indexed. | ||
House | HF0466 | 4 | 03/02/2007 | Dittrich | Property tax relief provided; and equity, transition, and referendum equalization levies increased and indexed. | ||
House | SF0463 | 24 | 05/20/2007 | 127 | Hortman | Notary public maximum fees increased. | |
House | HF0462 | 5 | 02/19/2007 | Murphy, E. | Deaf and hearing loss; support services funding provided to families with children who are deaf or have a hearing loss. | ||
House | HF0446 | 10 | 03/20/2007 | Kahn | Outdoor light pollution restricted. | ||
House | SF0420 | 9 | 04/30/2007 | 36 | Hansen | Forest pest control measures provided, approved firewood required on land administered by the commissioner of natural resources, and sale and distribution of firewood regulated. | |
House | HF0381 | 5 | 01/22/2008 | Hausman | Central Corridor Transit Way between St. Paul and Minneapolis provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0380 | 31 | 04/03/2008 | 179 | Hausman | Omnibus bonding bill authorizing spending to acquire and better public lands and buildings, issuing bonds, and appropriating money. | |
House | SF0380 | 5 | 05/21/2007 | Dittrich | School district election provisions modified, mail election approval requirement eliminated, and school board primary elections authorized. | ||
House | HF0362 | 2 | 03/12/2007 | Hortman | Anoka County deed and mortgage tax authorized, and environmental response fund created. | ||
House | SF0358 | 11 | 05/01/2007 | 49 | Tingelstad | Adoption information assistance provided to genetic siblings. | |
House | HF0339 | 5 | 03/07/2007 | Haws | Soldiers, veterans, and peace officers exempted from requirements relating to state firearms safety certificate as a prerequisite to purchasing a hunting license. | ||
House | HF0338 | 4 | 03/19/2007 | Seifert | Adoption income tax credit authorized. | ||
House | HF0327 | 7 | 04/02/2007 | Hortman | School readiness programs state aid increased, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0315 | 4 | 02/01/2007 | Otremba | Suicide prevention grants restored, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0306 | 9 | 03/05/2007 | Greiling | Youth mental health screening and suicide prevention funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0305 | 10 | 03/26/2007 | Huntley | Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007 adopted establishing public policy to protect employees and the public from hazards of secondhand smoke and prohibiting persons from smoking in specified areas. | ||
House | HF0304 | 3 | 02/26/2007 | Simpson | Budget reserves provided, property tax and levy provisions modified, federal tax conformity provided, military income and pension exclusion provided, and sales tax exemptions specified. | ||
House | HF0300 | 12 | 03/19/2007 | Haws | Military pay tax deduction expanded, and military pension subtraction including survivor benefits created. | ||
House | HF0293 | 18 | 04/26/2007 | 30 | Tingelstad | Environment and natural resources funding provided, Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources meeting requirements modified, and money appropriated. | |
House | HF0292 | 3 | 01/29/2007 | Ozment | Video display devices collection, transportation, and recycling provided. | ||
House | HF0279 | 10 | 02/22/2007 | Haws | War Survivors Act educational benefits eligibility clarified and extended for surviving military spouses and children. | ||
House | HF0272 | 21 | 05/03/2007 | 51 | Haws | Firearms safety and usage training certificates continuation provided while soldiers and essential employees are engaged in active military service. | |
House | HF0261 | 3 | 03/19/2007 | Brod | Reapportionment procedures established. | ||
House | SF0255 | 4 | 03/05/2007 | Haws | Veteran-owned small businesses designated as targeted group of businesses for purposes of awarding state and metro agency procurement contracts. | ||
House | SF0238 | 30 | 05/11/2007 | 82 | Huntley | Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007 established, providing public policy to protect employees and the public from the hazards of secondhand smoke, prohibiting smoking in certain areas, and providing penalties. | |
House | HF0229 | 4 | 02/05/2007 | Howes | Accelerated highway construction projects funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0216 | 1 | 01/18/2007 | Paulsen | Initiative and referendum provided, procedures and penalties specified, and constitutional amendment proposed. | ||
House | HF0187 | 3 | 03/05/2007 | Brod | Estate tax federal exemption amount conformity provided. | ||
House | HF0186 | 2 | 01/22/2007 | Erickson | Capital equipment sales tax imposition and refund eliminated. | ||
House | HF0145 | 7 | 04/13/2007 | Hansen | Lake Superior oceangoing vessels ballast water discharge regulation established, rules required to set treatment and management standards, and formation of Great Lakes basin coalition required. | ||
House | HF0144 | 1 | 01/16/2007 | Hortman | Notary public maximum fees increased. | ||
House | HF0142 | 7 | 03/08/2007 | Wardlow | Property tax refund household income definition modified to exempt the amount of any military disability pay received by a veteran from the federal government. | ||
House | HF0137 | 9 | 02/19/2007 | Haws | Veteran-owned small businesses designated as targeted group businesses for purposes of awarding state and metropolitan agency procurement contracts. | ||
House | HF0132 | 12 | 02/05/2008 | Mahoney | Minnesota Biomedical Sciences Research Facilities Authority and funding program established, University of Minnesota authorized to apply for funds, and bonds issued. | ||
House | SF0122 | 3 | 03/05/2007 | Hortman | Seat belts; passenger restraint required for children under the age of eight in motor vehicles. | ||
House | HF0110 | 18 | 02/19/2007 | 2 | Huntley | Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact enacted. | |
House | HF0105 | 8 | 03/25/2008 | Hortman | Passenger restraint required for children under age eight in motor vehicles. | ||
House | HF0103 | 2 | 01/16/2007 | Berns | Tax conformity provided for tax year 2006 to the federal teacher expense deduction, tuition subtraction, and other provisions of the Tax Relief and Health Care Act, Heroes Earned Retirement Opportunity Act, and Pension Protection Plan. | ||
House | HF0089 | 8 | 02/01/2007 | Greiling | Special education; President and Congress memorialized, by resolution, to carry through on their pledge to fund 40 percent of special education costs. | ||
House | HF0074 | 13 | 04/13/2007 | Hansen | Great Lakes; President and Congress memorialized, by resolution, to protect the Great Lakes from aquatic invasive species. | ||
House | HF0066 | 2 | 01/25/2007 | Kahn | Appropriations enacted in major finance or revenue bills continued in effect until eliminated or modified. | ||
House | SF0065 | 8 | 03/18/2008 | Hansen | Great Lakes; President and Congress memorialized, by resolution, to protect the Great Lakes from aquatic invasive species. | ||
House | HF0029 | 8 | 05/05/2008 | Severson | Military pensions federal income tax subtraction provided. | ||
House | HF0023 | 6 | 03/08/2007 | Erhardt | County wheelage tax authorized, vehicle registration tax provisions modified, transit fund and accounts established, motor vehicle sales tax revenues distributed, motor fuel tax rates modified, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF0013 | 6 | 05/21/2007 | Greiling | Special education; President and Congress memorialized, by resolution, to carry through on their pledge to fund 40 percent of special education costs. | ||
House | HF0013 | 4 | 02/05/2007 | Tingelstad | Legislative training forums required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HR0012 | 4 | 05/08/2008 | Kelliher | A house resolution commending Minnesotans for their contributions in World War II. | ||
House | HR0008 | 4 | 05/11/2007 | Loeffler | Minnesota statehood; a house resolution recognizing the 149th anniversary of Minnesota's becoming a state. | ||
House | HF0007 | 4 | 01/22/2007 | Loeffler | Appropriations specified by the house and senate by joint resolution continued in effect unless a law is enacted eliminating or amending the appropriation. | ||
House | HR0004 | 4 | 04/30/2007 | Koenen | Military Family Appreciation Month; a house resolution recognizing May of 2007 as Military Family Appreciation Month. | ||
House | HF0001 | 5 | 02/26/2007 | Thissen | Children's health security account and program created, eligibility criteria and covered services specified, Legislative Task Force on Children's Health Care Coverage established, and money appropriated. |