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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

179 Documents Found in Legislative Session 85 (2007-2008)
for Authors of "Murphy, M."

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4178 3 04/07/2008 Text icon Greiling School finance system modified, and new education funding framework created.
House HF4132 1 03/27/2008 Text icon Kalin Postsentencing officers special retirement plan actuarial cost study required.
House HF4127 3 04/15/2008 Text icon Jaros School district lease purchase agreements limited.
House HF4109 1 03/19/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system individual retirement account plan revision permitted in prior retirement benefit coverage elections.
House HF4085 1 03/17/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Correctional plan retirement provisions clarified.
House HF4034 5 04/02/2008 Text icon Hausman Living-at-home/block nurse program base funding provided and community service grant program funds transferred.
House HF3947 1 03/10/2008 Text icon Otremba Abortion; saline amniocentesis prohibited and civil and criminal penalties provided.
House HF3938 1 03/10/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Volunteer firefighter relief associations misconduct reporting required by public accountants, holding of relief assets authorized, investment limitations clarified, and definitions and benefits clarified.
House HF3936 3 03/18/2008 Text icon Holberg Bomb squad employee disability payments provided.
House HF3927 2 03/17/2008 Text icon Thissen Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association rule of 90 benefit tier extended to post-1989 hires.
House HF3926 4 05/08/2008 Text icon Thissen Teachers Retirement Association rule of 90 benefit tier extended to post-1989 hires.
House HF3925 2 03/17/2008 Text icon Thissen St. Paul Teachers Retirement Fund Association rule of 90 benefit tier extended to post-1989 hires.
House HF3916 1 03/10/2008 Text icon Dominguez Utility company employee assault penalties increased.
House HF3915 3 03/27/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. St. Louis County civil service pilot project provided.
House HF3913 5 03/26/2008 Text icon Gunther Minnesota Boxing Commission name changed, penalties provided, jurisdiction extended, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF3895 1 03/10/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Statewide lump-sum voluntary retirement plan established for volunteer firefighters, conforming changes made to existing volunteer firefighter laws, and money appropriated.
House HF3836 1 03/05/2008 Text icon Rukavina State employee vacation donation program modified.
House HF3799 1 03/04/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Public pension fund voluntary deductions authorized for persons entitled to receive an annuity.
House HF3798 1 03/04/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Minnesota State Retirement System; Public Employees Retirement Association; Teachers Retirement Association; program restrictions provided, annuitant provisions modified, procedures revised, and disability provisions modified.
House HF3744 1 03/04/2008 Text icon Thissen Local police and firefighters relief association amortization provisions amended, and state aid allocated.
House HF3710 8 04/10/2008 Text icon Bunn Hospital records transfer to electronic image authorized, and transport of deceased persons body included in advance directive and will of decedent provisions.
House HF3673 1 03/03/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Duluth Teachers Retirement Fund Association rule of 90 benefit tier extended to post-1989 hires.
House HF3663 1 03/03/2008 Text icon Hilty Captioning required for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers on certain campaign communications.
House HF3650 6 03/27/2008 Text icon Zellers Retail sale of toys prohibited that have been recalled for safety reasons.
House HF3624 4 03/18/2008 Text icon Mariani Public education mission expanded to include a framework to guide future education policy decisions.
House HF3601 3 03/10/2008 Text icon Greiling General education, special education, and early education programs funding increased; individual income tax rates modified; revenues deposited in K-12 education account, and money appropriated.
House HF3487 2 02/28/2008 Text icon Tingelstad Safety for human trafficking victims grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3451 3 03/03/2008 Text icon Huntley Rural hospital payment adjustment expanded to include all diagnosis-related groups.
House HF3450 3 03/03/2008 Text icon Huntley Rural hospital payment adjustment expanded to include additional diagnosis-related groups.
House HF3421 1 02/25/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Postretirement provisions amended, and Minnesota postretirement investment fund dissolution provided.
House HF3385 1 02/25/2008 Text icon Thissen Minneapolis firefighters relief association investment-related postretirement adjustment modified, and additional cost-of-living unit provided upon achieving 110 percent funding.
House HF3364 4 03/11/2008 Text icon Moe Minnesota Public Facilities Authority wastewater infrastructure funding provided, government building debt guarantee provided, credit enhanced bond program provided, and money appropriated.
House SF3263 7 04/16/2008 228 Text icon Bunn Hospital records permitted to be transferred to electronic image, and provisions for advance directive and will of decedent regarding transport of body to place of final disposition modified.
House HF3241 3 02/20/2008 Text icon Huntley University of Minnesota, Duluth, civil engineering addition funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
House HF3221 1 02/19/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Minnesota State Retirement System deferred compensation plan provisions amended.
House HF3201 19 03/10/2008 154 Text icon Lenczewski Omnibus technical tax bill; tax policy and administration provisions modified relating to income, franchise, property, sales, and other taxes; and money appropriated.
House HF3196 7 03/05/2008 Text icon Clark Commissioner of public safety's annual report on human trafficking required to include information on trafficking of American Indian women and girls, and money appropriated.
House HF3162 1 02/18/2008 Text icon Jaros Duluth; tax increment financing districts extension provided.
House HF3082 25 05/16/2008 349 Text icon Murphy, M. Public and state employee retirement provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF3042 2 03/03/2008 Text icon Murphy, E. Direct care registered nurse hospital staffing levels required.
House HF3041 1 02/18/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Retirement provisions modified relating to actuarial and financial reporting.
House HF2963 3 02/25/2008 Text icon Hansen Lake Superior ballast water discharge regulation established; water exchange, discharge, and treatment standards adopted; and civil penalties imposed.
House HF2956 2 02/14/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Northshore Express Intercity Passenger Rail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2950 3 02/15/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Midway Township sewer reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2793 3 02/13/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Duluth Entertainment Convention Center arena funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2780 3 03/06/2008 Text icon Jaros Duluth; food and beverage sales tax rate increase authorized, and proceeds authorized for certain improvements.
House HF2558 9 02/25/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Library accessibility and improvement grants funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2535 5 03/03/2008 Text icon Benson Long-term homeless supportive housing funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2528 3 03/10/2008 Text icon Nelson Public housing rehabilitation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2522 5 04/07/2008 Text icon Tschumper Health care availability and affordability guaranteed, Minnesota Health Care Plan established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2520 6 02/18/2008 Text icon Jaros Duluth; Lake Superior Zoo polar bear exhibit expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2518 5 02/15/2008 Text icon Huntley Duluth sanitary sewer overflow facilities funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2517 2 05/19/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Duluth airport terminal facilities funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2478 2 05/11/2007 Text icon Pelowski Port development assistance funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2474 2 05/09/2007 Text icon Jaros Lake Superior Mississippi Railroad scenic railway improvements funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2469 5 04/24/2008 Text icon Hornstein Dog and Cat Breeders Act adopted providing standards of care for dog and cat breeders, authorizing rulemaking, and appropriating money.
House HF2468 14 02/14/2008 Text icon Hausman University of Minnesota; Delaware building renovation funding provided for use as a biomedical science research facility, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2363 1 03/26/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Minnesota State Retirement System correctional state employees retirement; Human Services employees authorized to make back equivalent member contributions and transfer pension service credit.
House HF2361 1 03/26/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Public pension fund financial reporting requirements modified.
House HF2267 2 03/20/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Arrowhead Regional Corrections Agency productive day pilot project funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2266 1 03/20/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Port of Duluth export grain inspection provided.
House HF2212 4 01/22/2008 Text icon Loeffler State Capitol building restoration and renovation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2154 3 03/16/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Low referendum school district funding increased.
House HF2128 1 03/14/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Public Employees Retirement Association staff authorized to participate in the postretirement option.
House HF2126 1 03/14/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Public pension plan full funding dates established.
House HF2125 1 03/14/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Retirement filing deadlines extended, written applications required, and disability benefit provisions modified.
House HF2124 1 03/14/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Correctional employee disability benefit provisions and age limits modified, and terms defined.
House HF2079 1 03/13/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. State employee early retirement incentive eligibility extended.
House HF2078 1 03/13/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Minnesota State Retirement System general plan membership authorized for middle management association employees.
House HF2033 3 03/14/2007 Text icon Slawik Hennepin and Ramsey Counties licensed family child care providers connections increased, and money appropriated.
House SF1989 25 05/08/2007 65 Text icon Rukavina Omnibus higher education funding bill.
House HF1978 13 05/18/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Omnibus pension bill modifying provisions of various state and local retirement plans.
House HF1977 1 03/12/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Retirement plans obsolete references corrected.
House HF1976 1 03/12/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Volunteer firefighter relief association state supplemental aid provided, and eligibility qualifications clarified.
House HF1954 1 03/12/2007 Text icon Kahn Minnesota State Colleges and Universities annuity provisions modified, and Roth account participation authorized.
House HF1953 1 03/12/2007 Text icon Kahn Teachers Retirement Association membership election and service credit purchase authorized.
House HF1952 3 03/29/2007 Text icon Dill Hotel fire inspections funding provided, fees removed, and money appropriated.
House HF1912 1 03/12/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Correctional state employees retirement plan; Human Services Department employees included in plan coverage.
House HF1911 1 03/12/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Correctional state employees retirement plan; additional Corrections Department employees included in plan coverage, and transfer of prior service credit provided for certain correctional employment.
House HF1905 1 03/12/2007 Text icon Kahn Genetic information use regulated relating to insurance.
House HF1819 4 03/15/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Proctor sales taxes authorized.
House HF1812 38 05/18/2008 363 Text icon Carlson State government operations funding provided and money appropriated.
House HF1714 4 03/24/2007 Text icon Hornstein Railroad Walkways Safety Act adopted, state rail safety inspector position established, special account provided, penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
House HF1676 5 04/10/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Minitex program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1660 4 03/27/2007 Text icon Jaros St. Louis County Heritage and Arts Center studies and planning activities funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1599 7 03/29/2007 Text icon Masin Northwest Airlines, Inc., mechanics unemployment benefits eligibility and extra benefits provided.
House HF1585 4 03/23/2007 Text icon Simon Special education programs funding restored, special education revenue formulas fully funded, and special education aid appropriation made open and standing.
House HF1584 5 03/26/2007 Text icon Benson School district operating cost differential revenue provided.
House HF1508 8 04/17/2007 Text icon Moe Textbook Pricing and Access Act adopted, pilot textbook rental program established, and money appropriated.
House HF1460 1 02/26/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Modular and manufactured home sourcing rules modified.
House HF1459 2 02/27/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Modular homes exempted from the property tax.
House SF1443 4 05/08/2007 Text icon Masin Unemployment insurance waiver from certain filing requirements provided.
House HF1440 8 02/12/2008 Text icon Kahn Certificates of pay equity compliance required as condition for certain state contracts, and money appropriated.
House HF1399 1 02/26/2007 Text icon Huntley Northeastern Minnesota community-based health care coverage program demonstration project established, federal grant program references removed, evaluation report due dates modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1374 5 03/05/2007 Text icon Anzelc Northeast Entrepreneur Fund technical assistance and business training funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1371 4 01/22/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. North Shore Express Intercity Rail Initiative funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1370 5 02/05/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Midway Township sewer reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1331 1 02/22/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Retirement coverage provisions modified, and technical changes provided.
House HF1325 6 03/09/2007 Text icon Peterson, S. High five kindergarten program authorized.
House HF1307 4 03/05/2007 Text icon Hilstrom Peace officer hirings and peace officer overtime funding provided to local governments, and money appropriated.
House HF1304 2 02/22/2007 Text icon Tingelstad Human trafficking; legal advocacy trafficking victims grant provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1257 7 02/05/2008 Text icon Urdahl Greater Minnesota business development public infrastructure grant program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1252 7 04/10/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Deaf, hard-of-hearing, and deaf-blind student transition services funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF1240 8 04/24/2007 Text icon Marquart Historic structure rehabilitation income tax credit provided.
House HF1220 6 03/21/2007 Text icon Hilstrom Child advocacy center grants provided, and money appropriated.
House SF1186 7 05/16/2007 96 Text icon Moe Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Act and Pollution Control Agency project priority rule modified.
House HF1181 9 01/22/2008 Text icon Kahn Noncommercial television grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1175 12 05/21/2007 138 Text icon Murphy, M. Aircraft facilities state financing modified to allow flexibility in obtaining a new lessee for a facility, and other statutory provisions modified.
House HF1146 2 03/05/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. County jail reentry projects authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF1139 1 02/19/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Minnesota State Retirement System administrative changes provided.
House SF1126 5 05/21/2007 Text icon Olin Predatory offender registration limited for certain persons under the age of 16.
House HF1111 5 03/19/2007 Text icon Rukavina Volunteer ambulance attendant and volunteer firefighter income tax credit provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1102 5 02/05/2008 Text icon Hilty Fond du Lac Technical and Community College land acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1056 9 04/10/2007 Text icon Slawik Early childhood education provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1055 1 02/15/2007 Text icon Kahn State Lottery ticket sales on State Fairgrounds authorized.
House HF1046 6 04/10/2007 Text icon Hornstein Dog and Cat Breeders Act adopted providing standards of care, and appropriating money.
House HF1019 6 05/02/2007 Text icon Olin Predatory offender registration required for certain persons under the age of 16.
House HF1005 2 03/14/2007 Text icon Lenczewski Municipal postemployment benefits for retired officers and employees authorized.
House HF0995 16 05/16/2008 3 Text icon Hilty Peak Oil; Governor memorialized, by resolution, to take action to prepare a plan of response and preparation to meet the challenges of Peak Oil.
House HF0979 7 03/19/2007 Text icon Winkler Adult basic education aid modified, GED payment increased, and money appropriated.
House HF0908 6 03/26/2007 Text icon Liebling Developmental disabilities quality assurance system established and extended, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF0889 1 02/12/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Public Employees Retirement Association administrative provisions modified.
House HF0886 31 05/08/2007 38 Text icon Hausman Omnibus bonding bill providing capital improvements funding, issuing bonds, canceling and modifying previous appropriations, and appropriating money.
House HF0885 3 02/27/2007 Text icon Hilty Cloquet local sales tax authorized.
House HF0868 5 03/01/2007 Text icon Buesgens Trust funds for postemployment benefits authorized for political subdivisions.
House HF0829 44 05/08/2007 54 Text icon Paymar Omnibus public safety finance bill appropriating money for the courts, public safety, corrections, and other agencies; imposing criminal and civil penalties; and regulating DWI and driving provisions.
House HF0806 11 03/29/2007 Text icon Faust Career and technical revenue increased for school districts.
House HF0804 8 02/26/2007 Text icon Atkins International baccalaureate, preadvanced placement, and advanced placement programs participation increased; and money appropriated.
House HF0797 10 05/08/2007 Text icon Rukavina Omnibus higher education and workforce development bill.
House HF0790 6 03/30/2007 Text icon Moe Minnesota Public Facilities Authority Act provisions modified, technical and housekeeping changes made, and Pollution Control Agency project priority rule modified.
House HF0779 8 03/13/2007 Text icon Bly Office of Indigenous Language established, and money appropriated.
House HF0772 8 05/11/2007 Text icon Paymar Aircraft insurance minimum liability requirements increased.
House HF0736 6 03/27/2007 11 Text icon Huntley Ambulance service personnel longevity award and incentive program renamed the Cooper/Sams volunteer ambulance program.
House HF0639 4 03/14/2007 Text icon Hortman Greenhouse motor vehicle emissions reduction initiative enacted, statewide transportation plan modified to reflect environmental impacts, and money appropriated.
House HF0613 7 03/14/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Adult basic education appropriations updated, and money appropriated.
House HF0612 7 01/22/2008 Text icon Pelowski Port development assistance funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0608 7 05/10/2007 79 Text icon Paymar Aircraft insurance minimum liability limits increased.
House HF0547 4 02/19/2008 Text icon Wardlow Teachers Retirement Association rule of 90 benefits extended to coordinated members.
House HF0545 2 02/01/2007 Text icon Paymar Board of Public Defense funding provided for transcripts, and money appropriated.
House HF0537 2 02/01/2007 Text icon Clark Runaway and Homeless Youth Act modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0511 3 03/05/2007 Text icon Hilstrom State employee political activities limitations restricted.
House HF0481 7 03/22/2007 Text icon Hosch School districts authorized to grant required course credits to students who satisfactorily complete science, math, or arts courses as part of career and technical education programs.
House HF0458 5 02/22/2007 Text icon Mullery Peace Officer Standards and Training Board appropriation increased.
House HF0455 11 05/08/2007 61 Text icon Murphy, M. Public defense provisions updated and clarified, right to representation modified, public defender system supervision provided, chief public appellate defender appointment provided, and public defender co-pays statutory language stricken.
House HF0449 2 02/07/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Property tax refund program extended to residents of certain nursing homes.
House SF0430 17 05/20/2007 134 Text icon Murphy, M. Omnibus pension bill.
House HF0425 5 03/01/2007 Text icon Paymar Motor vehicle theft victims emergency grants authorized and money appropriated.
House HF0408 6 03/24/2007 Text icon Rukavina Centers for Independent Living regulated, medical assistance waivers provider standards established, and medical assistance reimbursement guidelines provided.
House HF0405 3 02/01/2007 Text icon Hilty Culkin rest area on I-35 reopened.
House HF0398 4 02/01/2007 Text icon Huntley Tuition and fees paid by Wisconsin residents attending the University of Minnesota regulated.
House HF0397 5 02/05/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center arena funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0382 4 02/08/2007 Text icon Atkins State employees political activities limitations restricted.
House HF0380 31 04/03/2008 179 Text icon Hausman Omnibus bonding bill authorizing spending to acquire and better public lands and buildings, issuing bonds, and appropriating money.
House HF0341 6 02/13/2007 Text icon Gottwalt Stearns and St. Louis Counties group residential housing provider moratorium exceptions provided.
House HF0319 10 04/02/2007 Text icon Kelliher Regional library basic system support and multicounty, multitype library systems funding provided; and money appropriated.
House HF0303 8 03/05/2007 Text icon Paymar Youth intervention program grants provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0281 6 02/14/2007 Text icon Moe Local governmental planning assistance provided, regional development commissions required to submit annual work programs, and money appropriated.
House HF0231 7 03/21/2007 Text icon Moe Greater Minnesota business development investment fund established, and money appropriated.
House HF0164 5 02/05/2008 Text icon Murphy, M. Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center arena funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0163 10 03/08/2007 Text icon Huntley Duluth postemployment benefits accounts authorized to pay benefits to retired employees and to generate revenue dedicated to meet certain city obligations, analysis and report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0153 5 02/15/2007 Text icon Urdahl School district shared superintendent aid provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0145 7 04/13/2007 Text icon Hansen Lake Superior oceangoing vessels ballast water discharge regulation established, rules required to set treatment and management standards, and formation of Great Lakes basin coalition required.
House HF0134 2 01/22/2007 Text icon Jaros Duluth food and beverage sales tax increase authorized, and proceeds allocated to renovations and a new arena at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center.
House HF0127 1 01/16/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Public employee disability benefits eligibility procedures modified.
House HF0126 1 01/16/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Public pension plan appeal procedures modified.
House HF0125 1 01/16/2007 Text icon Murphy, M. Disability definitions provided for police and fire fund and local government correctional retirement plan members, and disability and survivor benefits modified.
House HF0122 27 05/20/2007 135 Text icon Rukavina Omnibus jobs, economic development, and housing finance bill establishing and modifying programs; and appropriating money.
House HF0110 18 02/19/2007 2 Text icon Huntley Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact enacted.
House HF0089 8 02/01/2007 Text icon Greiling Special education; President and Congress memorialized, by resolution, to carry through on their pledge to fund 40 percent of special education costs.
House SF0060 17 03/29/2007 14 Text icon Huntley Duluth postemployment benefits accounts authorized to pay benefits owed to retired employees and to generate revenue dedicated to meet certain city obligations, and money appropriated.
House HF0017 3 02/06/2007 Text icon Rukavina House of representatives included in the public employment labor relations act.
House SF0013 6 05/21/2007 Text icon Greiling Special education; President and Congress memorialized, by resolution, to carry through on their pledge to fund 40 percent of special education costs.
House HF0008 12 01/29/2007 1 Text icon Wollschlager Tax conformity provided for tax year 2006 to the federal teacher expense deduction, tuition subtraction, and other provisions of the Tax Relief and Health Care Act, Heroes Earned Retirement Opportunity Act, and Pension Protection Plan.
House HF0007 4 01/22/2007 Text icon Loeffler Appropriations specified by the house and senate by joint resolution continued in effect unless a law is enacted eliminating or amending the appropriation.
House SF0004 9 02/19/2007 3 Text icon Peterson, A. Renewable energy standard established.
House HF0004 3 01/11/2007 Text icon Peterson, A. Renewable energy standard established.
House HF0003 3 03/28/2007 Text icon Marquart School district levies modified, market value property tax credit computation modified, property tax refunds increased for homeowners and renters, senior deferral eligibility increased, city and county aid increased, and money appropriated.
House HF0002 3 01/10/2007 Text icon Swails Voluntary full-day kindergarten funding authorized.
House HF0001 5 02/26/2007 Text icon Thissen Children's health security account and program created, eligibility criteria and covered services specified, Legislative Task Force on Children's Health Care Coverage established, and money appropriated.