Body | Bill Status |
Official Actions |
Last Action |
Law | Bill Text |
Chief Author |
Short Description |
House | HF3183 | 2 | 04/22/2004 | Westerberg | Alcohol "dime-a-drink" tax imposed, cigarette and tobacco taxes increased, and MinnesotaCare provider tax eliminated. | ||
House | HF3153 | 1 | 03/31/2004 | Samuelson | New Brighton tax increment financing district requirements modified. | ||
House | HF2990 | 1 | 03/11/2004 | Samuelson | Contraception and natural family planning information provided based on FDA-approved methods. | ||
House | HF2974 | 1 | 03/11/2004 | Osterman | Candidates required to file a list of persons and groups endorsed by the candidate. | ||
House | HF2957 | 2 | 03/25/2004 | Entenza | Superintendents required to annually notify the school board where responsibility resides for administering the early childhood family education and school readiness programs. | ||
House | HF2942 | 1 | 03/10/2004 | Samuelson | Nursing facility case mix calculations modified. | ||
House | HF2941 | 1 | 03/10/2004 | Samuelson | Nursing home regulatory oversight alternatives study required. | ||
House | HF2867 | 13 | 05/15/2004 | 272 | Knoblach | Prekindergarten through grade 12 education, general education, early childhood and family education, and health and human services funding provided, and money appropriated. | |
House | HF2860 | 2 | 03/17/2004 | Seagren | Prekindergarten through grade 12 education and early childhood and family education budget provisions amended and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2762 | 14 | 05/16/2004 | 268 | Wilkin | Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association regulated, board composition provided, incentive authorized for participation in a disease management program, plans modified, health occupations regulated, and study required. | |
House | HF2734 | 4 | 03/24/2004 | Cox | Hydropower importation from Manitoba study required relating to the development of renewable energy sources and related economic development in Minnesota, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2637 | 6 | 04/22/2004 | Samuelson | Child care, family investment program, long-term care, and health care changes provided. | ||
House | HF2592 | 1 | 03/01/2004 | Jacobson | St. Paul; Ford Building demolition funding restrictions imposed. | ||
House | HF2582 | 1 | 03/01/2004 | Abeler | Nursing facility and community services payment rates increased, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2513 | 1 | 02/26/2004 | Samuelson | Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder appropriation transferred, and prevention and intervention services required. | ||
House | HF2506 | 1 | 02/26/2004 | Abeler | Annual rate increases provided for certain care providers. | ||
House | HF2505 | 2 | 03/11/2004 | Abeler | Rate reduction terminated for certain continuing care providers. | ||
House | HF2499 | 3 | 03/10/2004 | Samuelson | Human services employee scholarship in English as a second language limitations provided. | ||
House | HF2471 | 1 | 02/26/2004 | Bradley | Long-term care provider damages limited. | ||
House | HF2425 | 7 | 04/22/2004 | Samuelson | Medical assistance coverage clarified for skilled nursing facilities, and collaborative service models provided. | ||
House | HF2411 | 7 | 05/13/2004 | Latz | Smoking in certain public areas and places of employment prohibited. | ||
House | HF2329 | 3 | 03/30/2004 | Slawik | Child care assistance income eligibility levels modified, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2256 | 4 | 03/18/2004 | Bradley | Third-party purchasers required to comply with provisions authorizing transfer of the health care provider tax. | ||
House | HF2246 | 17 | 05/14/2004 | 247 | Samuelson | Nursing facility survey process modified, quality improvement program established, reports required, and search by commissioner of health for federal waivers and approvals required. | |
House | HF2245 | 1 | 02/19/2004 | Samuelson | Independent School District No. 621, Mounds, lease levy authorized. | ||
House | HF2244 | 1 | 02/19/2004 | Samuelson | Ramsey County League of Local Governments dues provided. | ||
House | HF2243 | 4 | 03/18/2004 | Samuelson | Speed limit law violator administrative penalties authorized. | ||
House | HF2225 | 2 | 02/23/2004 | Abeler | Group long-term care coverage expanded to certain political subdivision employees. | ||
House | HF2207 | 16 | 05/15/2004 | 280 | Bradley | Pharmaceutical manufacturer rebate program participation authorized. | |
House | HF2193 | 3 | 03/01/2004 | Rhodes | School districts authorized to levy for certain unreimbursed pupil transportation costs. | ||
House | HF2136 | 8 | 05/07/2004 | Holberg | Metropolitan Radio Board composition changed and sunset repealed, and Metropolitan Council bond request and authorization modified. | ||
House | HF2127 | 11 | 05/07/2004 | Boudreau | Outpatient surgical center licensure and reports for diagnostic imaging facilities required, inspections provided, disciplinary grounds for physicians and medical assistance definitions modified, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2121 | 2 | 02/19/2004 | Finstad | Office of Mental Health established within the Department of Health. | ||
House | HF2102 | 1 | 02/12/2004 | Vandeveer | Adult foster care licensure provisions modified. | ||
House | HF2091 | 1 | 02/12/2004 | Meslow | Ramsey County criminal surcharge collection provided to fund petty misdemeanor diversion program. | ||
House | SF2080 | 6 | 05/10/2004 | 198 | Boudreau | Outpatient surgical center requirements modified, diagnostic imaging facilities reporting requirements provided, Board of Medical Practice procedures modified, and money appropriated. | |
House | HF2067 | 1 | 02/12/2004 | Jacobson | Flea markets and similar selling events sales tax exemptions provided. | ||
House | HF2058 | 4 | 03/25/2004 | Meslow | Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board membership and staff expanded, administrative remedy for violations of fair campaign practices created, and county attorney investigation mandate repealed. | ||
House | HF2048 | 7 | 03/31/2004 | Paulsen | Organ donation expenses income tax deduction provided. | ||
House | HF2020 | 6 | 04/26/2004 | Walker | Relative search pertaining to child protection services requirements modified. | ||
House | HF2005 | 15 | 05/06/2004 | 179 | McNamara | Phosphorous use in fertilizers restriction extended. | |
House | HF1976 | 5 | 03/22/2004 | Wilkin | Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 partial conformity provided. | ||
House | SF1973 | 6 | 05/10/2004 | 201 | Holberg | Public Safety Radio System Planning Committee transformed into the Statewide Radio Board, Metropolitan Radio Board composition changed and responsibilities transferred, regional radio boards established, and bonding requested. | |
House | HF1948 | 1 | 02/09/2004 | Greiling | Open enrollment student referendum aid adjustment modified, and statewide property tax altered. | ||
House | HF1936 | 7 | 03/24/2004 | Finstad | Assisted living facility term designated in statute as a formal means of referring to registered housing with services establishments. | ||
House | HF1931 | 6 | 03/30/2004 | Bernardy | Health and physical education required as an academic standard. | ||
House | HF1923 | 6 | 03/10/2004 | Abeler | Children with mental retardation service cost parental contribution modified. | ||
House | HF1918 | 3 | 02/16/2004 | Carlson | Municipalities authorized to use reverse auction and electronic bidding. | ||
House | HF1916 | 4 | 03/04/2004 | Klinzing | Secondary students authorized to carry and use nonprescription pain relief. | ||
House | HF1915 | 11 | 03/22/2004 | Klinzing | Epinephrine; students allowed to possess or have immediate access to nonsyringe injectors of epinephrine. | ||
House | SF1907 | 8 | 05/15/2004 | 277 | Meslow | Fair campaign practices violations administrative remedy created, and county attorney investigation mandate repealed. | |
House | SF1875 | 4 | 04/26/2004 | Walker | Relative search pertaining to child protection services requirements modified. | ||
House | HF1835 | 8 | 02/19/2004 | Seifert | Lawful gambling lawful purpose expenditures expanded to include sending certain veterans to National World War II Memorial dedication events. | ||
House | HF1828 | 7 | 04/12/2004 | Samuelson | Minnesota Family Investment Program eligibility income exclusions expanded to include county adoption assistance payments. | ||
House | HF1827 | 2 | 02/16/2004 | Kohls | Long-term care insurance tax credit increased, employer provided long-term care insurance tax credit created, long-term care credit availability publicized, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1804 | 2 | 03/26/2004 | Samuelson | Ramsey County nursing facility rate increase provided. | ||
House | HF1789 | 5 | 03/11/2004 | Sykora | Prekindergarten through grade 12 general education, special programs, libraries, state agencies, and rulemaking provided. | ||
House | HF1778 | 7 | 04/07/2004 | Slawik | Early childhood education program funding restored, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1768 | 1 | 02/02/2004 | Bradley | Counties required to process medical assistance applications within established timelines. | ||
House | HF1755 | 1 | 02/02/2004 | Samuelson | Human Services Department required to adjust nursing facility payment rates under specified circumstances. | ||
House | HF1754 | 6 | 03/24/2004 | Samuelson | Planned nursing facility closures required to be budget neutral, and property rate provision modified for nursing facilities. | ||
House | HF1681 | 29 | 04/02/2004 | Bradley | Omnibus health and human services finance bill, providing health plan and health care policy, making health and human services forecast adjustments and reductions, and appropriating money. | ||
House | SF1671 | 7 | 05/05/2004 | 185 | Finstad | Assisted living facility term designated in statute as a formal means of referring to registered housing with services establishments. | |
House | HF1623 | 3 | 03/30/2004 | Greiling | Early childhood, family, and kindergarten through grade 12 education funding provided; money appropriated; and constitutional amendment proposed requiring early childhood development and education funding for children through age 5. | ||
House | SF1604 | 9 | 05/07/2004 | 194 | Samuelson | Planned nursing facility closures required to be budget neutral, property rate notices required within certain timelines, and recommendation to establish a new nursing facility reimbursement required. | |
House | HF1585 | 1 | 04/28/2003 | Samuelson | New Brighton intoxicating beverage tax referendum required. | ||
House | HF1546 | 3 | 04/28/2003 | Erhardt | Metropolitan transportation fund created, motor fuel tax rates increased, automobile taxes modified, county state-aid highway funding modified, bonds authorized, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1535 | 6 | 03/17/2004 | Knoblach | Education; appropriations, transfers, and reductions provided for transportation, early childhood and family education, K-12 education, health and human services, and other miscellaneous funding; bonds issued; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1491 | 2 | 02/26/2004 | Lanning | Disaster areas allowed to qualify as redevelopment districts with an original net tax capacity equal to the land value. | ||
House | HF1482 | 6 | 05/16/2003 | Soderstrom | Predatory offender registration reporting requirements clarified. | ||
House | HF1376 | 4 | 04/25/2003 | Klinzing | Alternative teacher compensation awards program funding increased, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1375 | 5 | 04/25/2003 | Klinzing | Equity revenue funding increased, and compensatory revenue limited to $1500 per pupil. | ||
House | HF1332 | 4 | 05/19/2003 | Abeler | Social work licenses and fees regulated. | ||
House | SF1278 | 8 | 05/19/2003 | Soderstrom | Predatory offender registration reporting requirements clarified. | ||
House | HF1273 | 3 | 04/01/2003 | Meslow | State purchasing reverse auction procedures required. | ||
House | HF1271 | 3 | 04/03/2003 | Gunther | Lead; Childhood Lead Poisoning Act adopted. | ||
House | HF1269 | 1 | 03/27/2003 | Samuelson | Human services biennial information on asset diversion required, senior linkage line information expanded, excess home equity applied to long-term care costs, and income transfers prohibition extended. | ||
House | HF1266 | 4 | 04/09/2003 | Sykora | Learning scholarships established for students with disabilities. | ||
House | HF1251 | 15 | 05/09/2003 | 55 | Samuelson | Nursing home qualification requirements and medical assistance payment demonstration project modified, federal sanctions policy change pursued, nursing services law exclusion provided for certain home care agencies, and review required. | |
House | HF1233 | 5 | 03/01/2004 | Tingelstad | Northstar Commuter Rail Line funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1141 | 4 | 04/22/2003 | Samuelson | Veterans homes statutory language updated and corrected. | ||
House | HF1139 | 5 | 05/19/2003 | Samuelson | Human services technical changes provided, and long-term care report required. | ||
House | HF1082 | 4 | 04/23/2003 | Samuelson | State auditor outdated language updated, duties modified, and accrued liability determination clarified. | ||
House | SF1080 | 13 | 05/12/2004 | 219 | Samuelson | National guard members tuition and textbook reimbursement program grants increased, and veterans homes statutory language updated and corrected. | |
House | HF1064 | 11 | 03/22/2004 | 143 | Samuelson | State employee insurance billing and employee assistance program technical and housekeeping provisions clarified. | |
House | HF1026 | 7 | 05/09/2003 | 47 | Kohls | Medical assistance capitated payment option authorized for waivered services, day training and habilitation services, and intermediate care facility services for persons with mental retardation or a related condition. | |
House | SF1019 | 10 | 05/16/2003 | 99 | Boudreau | Adverse Health Care Events Reporting Act of 2003 adopted establishing an adverse health care events reporting system. | |
House | HF1001 | 3 | 04/02/2003 | Boudreau | Adverse Health Care Events Reporting Act of 2003 adopted establishing an adverse health care events reporting system, classifying certain health data, and appropriating money. | ||
House | HF0955 | 2 | 03/26/2003 | Solberg | County records; counties authorized to have a private certified public accountant examine books, and state auditor audits mandate removed. | ||
House | HF0954 | 2 | 03/24/2003 | Abrams | Public safety radio communication system sales and use tax exemptions provided. | ||
House | HF0932 | 3 | 04/10/2003 | Vandeveer | Property appraisal provided every five years. | ||
House | HF0916 | 2 | 03/20/2003 | Abeler | Lead hazard reduction project funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0907 | 2 | 03/20/2003 | Tingelstad | School boards directed to adopt a policy prohibiting bullying and intimidation, and existing violence and harassment policy consistency required. | ||
House | HF0835 | 1 | 03/13/2003 | Samuelson | Independent School District No. 14, Fridley, severance levy authorized. | ||
House | HF0826 | 2 | 04/01/2003 | Seifert | Higher education financial aid requirements modified to include a service requirement for certain stipends. | ||
House | HF0791 | 7 | 02/02/2004 | Lipman | Election requirements and procedures modified. | ||
House | SF0771 | 2 | 05/15/2003 | Abeler | Long-term care insurance availability and quality expanded, and legislative task force established. | ||
House | HF0768 | 14 | 05/19/2003 | 124 | Anderson, J. | Military certificates of discharge classified as private data, and release procedures provided. | |
House | HF0766 | 4 | 05/06/2003 | Samuelson | Arden Hills, Blaine, Circle Pines, Mounds View, New Brighton, Roseville, and Shoreview; I-35W Corridor Coalition Housing and Redevelopment Authority established. | ||
House | HF0757 | 3 | 03/20/2003 | Tingelstad | License plates; special authorization and issuance procedures established and "Rotary member" license plates authorized. | ||
House | HF0755 | 1 | 03/06/2003 | Abeler | Monitoring agricultural chemicals in groundwater responsibility transferred to commissioner of health, definition of pollutant modified, pesticide restrictions authorized, pesticide fee increased, money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0742 | 3 | 03/13/2003 | Wilkin | Legislative approval of certain student fees required. | ||
House | HF0739 | 9 | 05/09/2003 | Borrell | Government data use and release regulation provided, attorney fees modified, and commissioner of administration authorized to issue written opinions regarding compliance. | ||
House | HF0672 | 1 | 03/03/2003 | Gunther | Trade and economic development redevelopment account funding provided for grants in and out of the metropolitan area, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0668 | 13 | 03/31/2003 | Holberg | Woman's Right to Know Act requiring informed consent of a female upon whom an abortion is performed, providing civil remedies, and appropriating money. | ||
House | HF0660 | 2 | 03/06/2003 | Samuelson | I-35W expansion and reconstruction planning funds provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0632 | 4 | 04/03/2003 | Abeler | Long-term care insurance availability and quality expanded, and legislative task force established. | ||
House | HF0618 | 1 | 02/27/2003 | Smith | Abortion; reporting required on notification before abortions are performed on a minor or specified other women, and civil penalties imposed. | ||
House | HF0610 | 1 | 02/27/2003 | Kohls | Civil actions against long-term care providers regulated, government data use prohibited, noneconomic damages limited, and time period imposed on bringing actions based on tort against a long-term provider. | ||
House | HF0592 | 7 | 05/15/2003 | Vandeveer | Adult foster care licensing provisions modified. | ||
House | HF0591 | 2 | 02/27/2003 | Sykora | Age-based income tax exclusion authorized for long-term capital gains. | ||
House | HF0575 | 9 | 05/14/2003 | Gerlach | Art expenditures in state-financed buildings limited. | ||
House | HF0572 | 6 | 04/22/2003 | Samuelson | Adult foster care license capacity expanded. | ||
House | SF0568 | 5 | 05/19/2003 | Borrell | Government data use and release regulation provided, attorney fees modified, and commissioner of administration authorized to issue written opinions regarding compliance. | ||
House | HF0496 | 7 | 04/22/2003 | Abeler | Nurse temporary licensure provisions modified. | ||
House | HF0491 | 10 | 03/01/2004 | Samuelson | Nursing facility regulatory requirements and standards modified. | ||
House | SF0433 | 7 | 05/05/2003 | 37 | Abeler | Alzheimer's disease specialized training required in certain facilities and services, and consumer disclosure provided. | |
House | HF0429 | 2 | 02/20/2003 | Severson | Joint and several liability apportionment regulation provided. | ||
House | HF0418 | 2 | 02/27/2003 | DeLaForest | License plates; "United We Stand" special license plates authorized, Minnesota anti-terrorism account established and annual contribution required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0413 | 1 | 02/13/2003 | Samuelson | Independent School District No. 14, Fridley, levy authorized. | ||
House | HF0411 | 9 | 02/24/2003 | Boudreau | Prescription drug assistance program established through the Board on Aging, and appropriations transferred. | ||
House | HF0410 | 7 | 04/22/2003 | Abeler | Alzheimer's disease specialized training required in certain facilities and services, and consumer disclosure provided. | ||
House | HF0407 | 6 | 03/20/2003 | Howes | Minnesota Conservation Corps transferred to the Friends of the Minnesota Conservation Corps, assets transferred, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0352 | 8 | 05/11/2004 | Wilkin | Parental consent for certain medical treatments modified, parental access to minor's medical records permitted, and minor consent agreements provided. | ||
House | HF0334 | 2 | 03/17/2003 | Abeler | Acupuncture service coverage by certain insurance policies required, review of acupuncture claim determinations by practitioners required, and reporting required. | ||
House | HF0326 | 18 | 05/19/2003 | Samuelson | Dental practice provisions modified. | ||
House | HF0282 | 8 | 03/08/2004 | Beard | Teachers Retirement Association ad hoc postretirement adjustment provided for specified pre-1969 teachers. | ||
House | HF0274 | 1 | 02/03/2003 | Samuelson | Ramsey County; County Road J and I-35W interchange project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF0272 | 6 | 05/19/2003 | Samuelson | Adult foster care license capacity expanded. | ||
House | HF0256 | 3 | 02/06/2003 | Beard | Sales to political subdivisions exempted from sales tax. | ||
House | HF0251 | 3 | 02/06/2003 | Beard | State airports fund transfers restoration required. | ||
House | HF0247 | 4 | 02/10/2003 | Nelson, C. | Military service credit purchase sunset eliminated. | ||
House | SF0233 | 5 | 05/19/2003 | Abeler | Nurse temporary licensure provisions modified. | ||
House | HF0217 | 6 | 02/17/2003 | Vandeveer | Legislators and constitutional officers four percent salary decrease provided until June 30, 2005. | ||
House | HF0162 | 10 | 05/19/2003 | Seifert | Health commissioner required to obtain legislative approval for specified rules adoption. | ||
House | HF0117 | 3 | 02/06/2003 | Goodwin | Elder care leave provided. | ||
House | HF0109 | 1 | 01/21/2003 | Ruth | Career and technical programs levy made permanent. | ||
House | HF0029 | 7 | 04/30/2003 | Bradley | MinnesotaCare provider taxes repealed, pass-through of savings required, and cigarette and tobacco tax increases provided. | ||
House | HR0024 | 9 | 05/05/2004 | Boudreau | A house resolution recognizing May 6, 2004, as a Day of Prayer in Minnesota. | ||
House | HF0005 | 9 | 03/24/2003 | Bradley | Prescription drug program established and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0004 | 1 | 01/09/2003 | Westerberg | Trunk highway improvement bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0002 | 10 | 02/17/2003 | Kielkucki | Profile of learning repealed and replaced; and legislative review of proposed academic standards in language arts, mathematics, science, history, and geography required. |