Body | Bill Status |
Official Actions |
Last Action |
Law | Bill Text |
Chief Author |
Short Description |
House | HF3736 | 1 | 05/17/2002 | Folliard | Hopkins tax increment financing district extension authorized. | ||
House | HF3571 | 2 | 02/21/2002 | Rhodes | Family homeless prevention and assistance program funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3508 | 4 | 03/06/2002 | Tingelstad | Cancer; drinking water, air, and land protection provided from chemicals found to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. | ||
House | HF3478 | 1 | 02/14/2002 | Walker | Foster care rate defined, relative custody assistance payment rate and adoption assistance rate modified, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3436 | 5 | 03/18/2002 | Rukavina | Minimum wage increased. | ||
House | HF3409 | 2 | 02/27/2002 | Sykora | Referendum conversion adjustment for interest earned modified. | ||
House | HF3361 | 1 | 02/13/2002 | Swapinski | Teacher education and compensation helps, (TEACH), program established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3350 | 33 | 05/18/2002 | 399 | Abeler | Health care programs provided including emeritus registration for mortuary science practitioner, donated dental services program, and volunteer health care provider program; effective date clarified; and money appropriated. | |
House | HF3337 | 1 | 02/13/2002 | Folliard | Minnesota family investment program assistance extended to a minor child after the 60-month time limit. | ||
House | HF3326 | 2 | 02/14/2002 | Wagenius | Environmental sustainability policy and green government council established, and green standards developed for state product purchasing. | ||
House | HF3265 | 1 | 02/11/2002 | Davnie | Eminent domain; appraisal fee reimbursement limit increased when property is acquired by the department of transportation. | ||
House | HF3239 | 1 | 02/11/2002 | Otremba | Children's preventive care quality standards required. | ||
House | HF3230 | 1 | 02/11/2002 | Huntley | Medical assistance eligibility clarified for children under the age of 19. | ||
House | HF3180 | 1 | 02/11/2002 | Koskinen | Medical assistance income eligibility modified, and modified sliding scale established for children in MinnesotaCare. | ||
House | HF3179 | 2 | 02/14/2002 | Slawik | Child tax credit established. | ||
House | HF3178 | 2 | 02/14/2002 | Slawik | At-home infant child care program annual family income definition clarified. | ||
House | HF3097 | 1 | 02/07/2002 | Folliard | School districts and charter schools required to use a uniform teacher employment application form. | ||
House | HF3095 | 1 | 02/07/2002 | Tingelstad | Asthma surveillance system established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3090 | 1 | 02/07/2002 | McGuire | Child care assistance basic sliding fee appropriation for 2003 modified. | ||
House | SF2991 | 7 | 05/18/2002 | Eastlund | National guard and other military reserve units state salary differential payments required for units called to active duty on or after September 11, 2001, and local governments authorized to pay similar salary differentials. | ||
House | HF2954 | 2 | 02/11/2002 | Abeler | School district staff development revenue flexibility provided. | ||
House | HF2949 | 1 | 02/07/2002 | Kahn | Littering offenses expanded to include partially burned cigarettes. | ||
House | HF2912 | 5 | 02/25/2002 | Folliard | Asthma surveillance system established, MinnesotaCare and medical assistance provisions modified, minimum wage increased, child tax credit allowed, taxes on tobacco products modified, and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF2875 | 2 | 03/11/2002 | Wagenius | Environmental sustainability policy and green government council established, and green standards developed for state product purchasing. | ||
House | HF2861 | 2 | 02/11/2002 | Rhodes | St. Louis Park Belt Line boulevard pedestrian crossing provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2820 | 2 | 02/13/2002 | Greiling | Smoke detector battery manufacturers required to provide for safe disposal of radioactive batteries. | ||
House | HF2696 | 2 | 02/04/2002 | Slawik | Student-on-student abuse policy required consistent with existing related policies. | ||
House | HF2645 | 3 | 02/13/2002 | Rhodes | Minneapolis veterans home remodeling provided to accommodate 80 skilled nursing beds, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2606 | 2 | 01/31/2002 | Koskinen | Telemarketing; telephone sales call regulation provided, no-call list maintained, educational efforts provided, remedies provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2587 | 6 | 05/17/2002 | Kahn | Baseball; Minnesota Twins community ownership process provided. | ||
House | HF2578 | 2 | 02/07/2002 | Folliard | Pollution control agency programs authorized and funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2567 | 7 | 02/07/2002 | Eastlund | National guard and other military reserve units state salary differential payments required for units called to active duty on or after September 11, 2001, and local governments authorized to pay similar salary differentials. | ||
House | HF2452 | 1 | 04/11/2001 | Folliard | Toxic pollution prevention plan requirements expanded, surcharge provided on releases of persistent bioaccumulative toxics, related pollution prevention funding provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2446 | 1 | 04/11/2001 | Folliard | On-line learning pupil units provided and report required. | ||
House | HF2427 | 1 | 04/09/2001 | Abeler | Nursing facility construction moratorium exception provided to allow a renovation, operating rate and property rate increases for a 64-bed facility for residential rehabilitation operations provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2299 | 2 | 04/04/2001 | Davnie | Special education caseload rules prohibition repealed, and special education caseloads measurement established. | ||
House | HF2213 | 1 | 03/26/2001 | Gray | Home mortgage market predatory lending act adopted and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2152 | 1 | 03/22/2001 | Folliard | Hopkins food and beverage tax authorized. | ||
House | HF2117 | 3 | 04/09/2001 | Rhodes | Raw food cost adjustment excluded from nursing facility rate computations. | ||
House | HF2019 | 2 | 04/02/2001 | Sykora | Elementary classroom website grants provided and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1956 | 2 | 03/29/2001 | Goodno | Developmental disabilities program options provided and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF1908 | 2 | 05/11/2001 | Rhodes | Raw food cost adjustment excluded from nursing facility rate computations. | ||
House | HF1867 | 2 | 04/02/2001 | Walker | Minneapolis health education and promotion program on food safety in the Latino, Somali, and Southeast Asian communities grant provided and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1805 | 2 | 03/19/2001 | Folliard | Minnesota family investment program assistance 60-month time limit exemptions and extensions provided. | ||
House | HF1780 | 1 | 03/15/2001 | Rhodes | St. Louis Park Westwood Hills nature center grant provided and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1714 | 1 | 03/15/2001 | Kahn | Smoking prohibited in workplaces, smoke-free areas provided in multitenant buildings, littering of cigarettes defined, and criminal penalties imposed. | ||
House | HF1690 | 1 | 03/12/2001 | Dibble | Metropolitan disposal system cost allocation system modified. | ||
House | HF1645 | 1 | 03/12/2001 | Rhodes | St. Louis Park additional on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses authorized. | ||
House | HF1625 | 1 | 03/12/2001 | Wolf | telephone human services-related referral and information system established. | ||
House | SF1558 | 2 | 04/25/2001 | Dibble | Metropolitan disposal system cost allocation system modified. | ||
House | HF1480 | 1 | 03/08/2001 | Walker | Ventilator-dependent persons nursing facility rates modified. | ||
House | HF1479 | 1 | 03/08/2001 | Walker | Employed individuals with disabilities temporary medical assistance eligibility extension provided. | ||
House | HF1423 | 2 | 04/11/2001 | Leppik | Pupil transportation requirements for school districts removed and pupil transportation fees allowed. | ||
House | HF1209 | 1 | 02/26/2001 | Slawik | Patient rights and protections established, coverages regulated, carrier and provider duties specified, and remedies provided. | ||
House | HF1206 | 1 | 02/26/2001 | Evans | Fair drug pricing act; prescription drug rebate program established and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1075 | 3 | 03/08/2001 | Boudreau | Home-sharing grant program funded and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0984 | 1 | 02/19/2001 | Wasiluk | Pollution control agency programs funded and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0959 | 1 | 02/15/2001 | Folliard | Chemicals; health risk value rules evaluation provided for chemicals emitted into the air. | ||
House | HF0943 | 1 | 02/15/2001 | Walker | Health disparities across populations addressed by a statewide prevention program, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0911 | 3 | 03/05/2001 | Pelowski | Soda pop sale or distribution prohibited in schools. | ||
House | HF0878 | 2 | 02/26/2001 | Luther | District 287 Foundation grant provided to develop supportive housing to provide independent living opportunities for adults with disabilities and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0867 | 7 | 04/19/2001 | 44 | Seagren | Hennepin; suburban regional park district authorized to set commissioner compensation, boundaries clarified, open meeting law conformity provided, donations accepted, and joint powers agreements authorized. | |
House | HF0816 | 1 | 02/12/2001 | Folliard | School counselor incentive grants provided and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0780 | 2 | 02/22/2001 | Carlson | Heating fuel costs of public post-secondary institutions reimbursed, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0761 | 2 | 02/15/2001 | Folliard | Minnesota family investment program education and training program provisions modified. | ||
House | HF0734 | 2 | 02/12/2001 | Davnie | School lunch and breakfast funding increased, eligibility for a fast break to learning grant expanded, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0594 | 2 | 03/21/2001 | Westrom | Spinal cord injury research board and trust account established, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF0574 | 2 | 04/26/2001 | Folliard | Home care providers required to provide notice of service termination, and state health care program reimbursement rates increased for home care providers. | ||
House | HF0540 | 1 | 02/01/2001 | Folliard | Unfunded education costs included in referendum revenue cap, and original referendum revenue cap percentage restored. | ||
House | HF0538 | 2 | 02/08/2001 | Folliard | Sales to political subdivisions tax exemption provided. | ||
House | HF0529 | 2 | 03/22/2001 | Workman | Hennepin county land conveyance to city of Eden Prairie required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0521 | 2 | 03/15/2001 | Folliard | Highway noise barrier account created, matching grants authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0455 | 5 | 03/01/2001 | Ozment | Biodiesel; clean fuel use marketing and education program established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0434 | 4 | 02/26/2001 | Wagenius | Staff development grants provided to ensure children are able to read by second grade and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0405 | 3 | 03/01/2001 | Koskinen | Patient health information data confidentiality provided, and release of health records to the state prohibited without patient consent. | ||
House | HF0333 | 2 | 01/29/2001 | Biernat | Secretary of state prohibited from serving on campaign committees or participating in recounts for an office for which the secretary is a candidate. | ||
House | HF0306 | 1 | 01/22/2001 | Folliard | General education basic formula allowance increased. | ||
House | HF0168 | 1 | 01/16/2001 | Folliard | Education finance; growth factor included in referendum revenue cap, and original cap percentage restored. | ||
House | HF0124 | 2 | 03/08/2001 | Folliard | Home care providers required to provide notice of service termination, and state health care program reimbursement rates increased for home care providers. | ||
House | HF0087 | 2 | 01/16/2001 | Koskinen | Minneapolis teacher retirement fund association service credit purchase authorized for a specified individual. | ||
House | HF0066 | 2 | 01/16/2001 | Folliard | Licensed K-12 teachers additional staff development and additional salary option authorized. | ||
House | HF0065 | 4 | 01/25/2001 | Folliard | Toxic air contaminants reduction and reports required. | ||
House | HF0043 | 7 | 04/02/2001 | Abrams | School district operating referendum revenue inflationary increase granted. | ||
House | HR0018 | 1 | 05/21/2001 | McGuire | A house resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives of the state of Minnesota, in support of a Women's Health Platform that recognizes serious inequities in the health prevention and treatment of women, etc. |