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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

91 Documents Found in Legislative Session 81 (1999-2000)
for Authors of "Dehler"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF4097 2 03/15/2000 Text icon Leppik Technical college printing and publishing programs created, and money appropriated.
House HF4043 1 03/06/2000 Text icon Leppik Higher education bonding bill and money appropriated.
House HF3876 1 02/24/2000 Text icon Jennings Internet gambling study required.
House HF3862 1 02/24/2000 Text icon Wenzel Hennepin Paper company in Morrison county reemployment insurance claimants provided additional benefits and requirement exemption provided.
House HF3850 1 02/24/2000 Text icon McGuire Beer keg identification standards prescribed, retailer records maintained, and penalties imposed.
House HF3836 1 02/23/2000 Text icon Winter Minnesota state colleges and universities (MNSCU) capital improvements authorized at Ridgewater community and technical college at Willmar, Moorhead state university, and Minnesota West community and technical college at Worthington.
House HF3805 2 02/24/2000 Text icon Dehler Senior citizen drug program eligibility expanded.
House HF3770 1 02/23/2000 Text icon Juhnke Gas theft crime created and driver's license suspension required for repeat offenders.
House HF3751 1 02/21/2000 Text icon Wenzel Dislocated worker program support services funding allocation increased.
House HF3734 1 02/21/2000 Text icon Hasskamp Lawful gambling tax rates reduced.
House HF3727 1 02/21/2000 Text icon Anderson, B. Wright county nursing facility rate adjustment provided and money appropriated.
House HF3648 1 02/17/2000 Text icon Wenzel Northstar corridor Rice to Camp Ripley alternatives analysis grant provided and money appropriated.
House HF3512 6 03/22/2000 Text icon Anderson, B. Local and state correctional facility inmate telephone access regulated, and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF3503 2 03/02/2000 Text icon Erickson Profile of learning: charter school students exemption provided.
House HF3390 1 02/14/2000 Text icon Erickson Academic achievement charter schools authorized.
House HF3302 2 02/17/2000 Text icon Dehler Lawful gambling purpose definition expanded to include expenditures for periodic uniform cleaning reimbursement.
House SF3234 17 05/09/2000 469 Text icon Seifert, M. Governmental operations committees authorized to formally object to rules, rule review and repeal provided, rules task force created, and teacher preparation programs report required.
House HF3219 6 03/22/2000 Text icon Osskopp Omnibus gambling bill.
House HF3180 3 03/21/2000 Text icon McGuire Sale or rental of restricted video games to minors under age 17 prohibited, display practices regulated, remedies provided, and study and report required.
House SF3108 8 04/05/2000 408 Text icon Anderson, B. Local and state correctional facility inmate telephone access regulated, and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF3058 1 02/07/2000 Text icon Dehler Trespass definition expanded to include returning to the property after being told not to return.
House HF3045 1 02/07/2000 Text icon Dehler Public trails construction, administration, and use requirements established.
House HF3044 1 02/07/2000 Text icon Dehler Income tax long-term care insurance credit inflation protection requirement removed.
House HF3033 2 03/06/2000 Text icon Dehler Additional local sales and use taxes approval by specified voters required.
House HF3031 1 02/07/2000 Text icon Dehler School bus stops in cul-de-sacs authorized.
House HF3000 4 03/08/2000 Text icon Seifert, M. Administrative rules sunset provided, governmental operations committees authorized to formally object to rules, proposed rule reviews modified, and rules task force created.
House HF2981 6 04/03/2000 Text icon Rostberg Supervisory or confidential emergency medical services employees or 91 system dispatchers representation by the same exclusive representatives as non-supervisory and non-confidential employees authorized.
House SF2903 6 03/23/2000 300 Text icon Osskopp Omnibus gambling bill.
House HF2903 3 02/10/2000 Text icon Stang Fire department purchases sales and use tax exemption provided.
House HF2848 1 02/03/2000 Text icon Opatz St. Cloud area joint powers board parks and trails grant authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House SF2848 7 04/05/2000 387 Text icon Rostberg Supervisory or confidential emergency medical services employees or 91 system dispatchers representation by the same exclusive representatives as non-supervisory and -confidential employees authorized.
House HF2847 1 02/03/2000 Text icon Opatz St. Cloud state university Eastman and Riverview halls renovation authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2845 2 02/14/2000 Text icon Knoblach St. Cloud technical college public land and building acquisition and improvement authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2844 2 02/28/2000 Text icon Knoblach St. Cloud, Detroit Lakes, Moorhead, and the metropolitan area trunk highway building projects appropriated money.
House HF2741 1 02/01/2000 Text icon Dehler Collections; creditors authorized to refer unsatisfied conciliation court judgments to the commissioner of revenue.
House HF2691 1 02/01/2000 Text icon Dehler Town officer and employee personnel data classification provided.
House HF2611 2 02/07/2000 Text icon Dehler Community and technical college resident tuition rates provided to nonresidents, and contract requirements specified.
House HF2584 1 02/01/2000 Text icon Wenzel Minnesota military museum improvements authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2578 3 02/10/2000 Text icon Tuma Fond Du Lac tribal and community college capital improvements authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2550 2 02/03/2000 Text icon Storm Private college campus security personnel authorized to receive telephone access to motor vehicle registration information.
House HF2395 1 04/13/1999 Text icon McGuire Juvenile access to violent video games report and study required.
House HF2339 1 03/31/1999 Text icon Dehler International technology acquisition and transfer system developed, and money appropriated.
House HF2294 1 03/29/1999 Text icon Ozment State transportation bond issuance authorized to match federal funds and replace or rehabilitate local bridges, and money appropriated.
House HF2151 1 03/18/1999 Text icon Dehler University of Minnesota health-related tuition offset trust fund established and funding provided through cigarette tax revenue.
House HF2091 1 03/17/1999 Text icon Cassell Farm and small business management programs, and tuition assistance funded; and money appropriated.
House HF2090 1 03/17/1999 Text icon Cassell Hazing; college and university policy distribution provision modified.
House SF2044 16 05/13/1999 187 Text icon Dehler Dice games authorized in retail establishments licensed to sell alcoholic beverages.
House HF1843 1 03/11/1999 Text icon Olson Students unable to read by the end of third grade prohibited from enrolling in fourth grade.
House HF1825 18 05/15/1999 206 Text icon Osskopp Omnibus gambling bill.
House HF1599 2 03/10/1999 Text icon Dehler Minnesota career and technical education leadership council established.
House HF1579 1 03/08/1999 Text icon Dehler Sheriffs outside of municipalities permitted to consent to the furnishing of firearms to minors under 14 years of age.
House HF1423 2 03/22/1999 Text icon Anderson, B. Precinct caucus procedures modified, preference balloting established and reported, and presidential primaries eliminated.
House HF1408 1 03/04/1999 Text icon Knoblach Central Minnesota events center construction materials sales tax exemption provided.
House HF1397 2 03/15/1999 Text icon Stang Stearns county tax increment financing district housing and redevelopment actions ratified.
House HF1363 1 03/04/1999 Text icon Storm Higher education student share reduced and child care grant program modified.
House HF1327 2 03/10/1999 Text icon Stang Laboratory school grants expanded to include school operations and money appropriated.
House HF1297 3 03/31/1999 Text icon Wenzel Little Falls fishing museum and environmental center planning grant provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1268 1 03/01/1999 Text icon Greiling State agency rulemaking regulated.
House HF1244 1 03/01/1999 Text icon Dehler Consideration of past treatment for alcohol or controlled substance use prohibited for purposes of driver's license sanctions, and revocation provided for violation of a "no alcohol" condition of a driver's license.
House HF1238 2 03/15/1999 Text icon Dehler Hemp; industrial hemp classified as an agricultural crop, regulation and registration required, and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF1184 1 03/01/1999 Text icon Knoblach One call excavation notice system damage provisions modified.
House HF1159 1 03/01/1999 Text icon Stanek Correctional officers discipline procedures act adopted.
House HF1125 10 04/20/1999 111 Text icon McGuire Local correctional agencies authorized to impose local correctional fees on offenders and report required.
House HF1050 3 03/18/1999 Text icon Gunther Rural policy and development center base funding continued, and money appropriated.
House HF1045 2 03/01/1999 Text icon Stang Social security individual state income tax exemption provided.
House SF1020 2 03/29/1999 Text icon Anderson, B. Precinct caucus procedures modified, preference balloting established and reported, and presidential primaries eliminated.
House SF0881 8 04/07/1999 65 Text icon Opatz Stearns, Benton, and Sherburne counties central Minnesota regional parks and trails plan created.
House HF0841 6 03/24/1999 Text icon Opatz Stearns, Benton, and Sherburne counties central Minnesota regional parks and trails plan created.
House HF0832 2 03/01/1999 Text icon Anderson, B. Personal-use passenger automobile flat registration tax imposed, sales tax allocated to the highway user tax distribution fund, and technical changes provided.
House HF0823 1 02/18/1999 Text icon Ness School district transportation reserved revenue accounts authorized.
House SF0794 6 03/30/1999 43 Text icon Knoblach One call excavation notice system damage provisions modified.
House HF0774 2 03/29/1999 Text icon Wenzel Minnesota military museum operation, renovation, and maintenance funded; and money appropriated.
House HF0755 2 02/18/1999 Text icon Wenzel Ethanol development fund balance retained and additional loan provided.
House HF0686 5 04/29/1999 Text icon Dehler Dice games authorized in retail establishments licensed to sell alcoholic beverages.
House SF0593 6 03/11/1999 20 Text icon Opatz St. Cloud paramount arts district regional arts center previous appropriations grant recipient name corrected.
House HF0516 1 02/04/1999 Text icon Opatz School finance system provided increased equity, general education formula allowance increased, and money appropriated.
House HF0471 1 02/03/1999 Text icon Knoblach St. Cloud police consolidation account special one-time postretirement adjustment provided.
House HF0444 2 02/25/1999 Text icon Stang Sauk River watershed district administrative funds levy authorized.
House HF0434 1 02/01/1999 Text icon Opatz St. Cloud paramount arts district regional arts center previous appropriations grant recipient name corrected.
House HF0419 2 02/08/1999 Text icon Wenzel Northstar corridor extension from St. Cloud to Little Falls feasibility studied and money appropriated.
House HF0322 1 01/27/1999 Text icon Mulder Wind energy conversion system generated electric energy installed capacity requirement clarified.
House HF0260 1 01/25/1999 Text icon Kielkucki Independent school district No. 2687, Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted, reorganization operating debt levy calculation date clarified.
House HF0210 1 01/21/1999 Text icon Tuma Assigned student responsibility reduced for the purposes of determining grant stipends and private college tuition cap indexed to inflation rate.
House HF0167 1 01/19/1999 Text icon Wenzel State-paid agricultural property taxes provided and money appropriated.
House HF0141 1 01/14/1999 Text icon Dehler Snowmobile metal traction device use restrictions modified.
House HF0140 1 01/14/1999 Text icon Dehler State-administered financial assistance programs catalog provided and money appropriated.
House SF0122 2 03/15/1999 Text icon Kahn Hemp; industrial hemp classified as an agricultural crop, regulation and registration required, and criminal penalties imposed.
House HF0107 2 03/22/1999 Text icon Dehler Lottery machine issuance of 24-hour angling licenses authorized and report required.
House HF0097 3 02/18/1999 Text icon Dehler Gambling tax exemption provided to organizations raffling for victims of illness, crime, accidents, or disaster.
House HF0085 1 01/14/1999 Text icon Dehler Feedlot operators' names and addresses provided data classification.
House HF0064 1 01/11/1999 Text icon Kahn Hemp; industrial hemp classified as an agricultural crop, regulation and registration required, and criminal penalties imposed.