Body | Bill Status |
Official Actions |
Last Action |
Law | Bill Text |
Chief Author |
Short Description |
House | HF4100 | 1 | 03/13/2000 | Swenson | Rural hospital capital improvement grant and loan program established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3707 | 1 | 02/21/2000 | Swenson | Independent school district No. 2859, Glencoe-Silver Lake, levy authority restored. | ||
House | HF3686 | 1 | 02/21/2000 | Swenson | Minnesota historical society county and local preservation projects grants authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3332 | 9 | 03/21/2000 | 285 | Swenson | Dairy research and promotion council alternative term expiration dates authorized. | |
House | HF3238 | 3 | 03/20/2000 | Swenson | Farm equipment manufacturers and dealers regulated. | ||
House | SF3195 | 7 | 04/05/2000 | 385 | Swenson | Dairy product adulteration penalties modified. | |
House | HF3192 | 2 | 02/28/2000 | Swenson | Regional development commission planning grants authorized and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3174 | 2 | 02/17/2000 | Swenson | Dairy product adulteration penalties modified. | ||
House | HF3172 | 2 | 03/06/2000 | Swenson | Rural finance authority loan programs eligibility and maximum loan amounts modified. | ||
House | HF3145 | 1 | 02/10/2000 | Swenson | School bus transportation, driver's license endorsement, and training provisions modified. | ||
House | HF3142 | 6 | 03/22/2000 | 288 | Swenson | Trunk highway No. 4 designated as Richard J. Mathiowetz memorial highway. | |
House | HF3011 | 2 | 02/28/2000 | Swenson | Rail service improvement program grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF3002 | 15 | 05/09/2000 | 486 | Swenson | State park additions and deletions provided, and Soudan underground mine park boathouse lot leases extended. | |
House | HF2991 | 7 | 04/03/2000 | Swenson | State park additions and deletions provided. | ||
House | HF2944 | 1 | 02/07/2000 | Swenson | Independent school district No. 2887, McLeod, previous grant provision modified. | ||
House | HF2933 | 1 | 02/03/2000 | Swenson | Fort Ridgely state park golf course upgraded, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2758 | 1 | 02/03/2000 | Swenson | Family farm corporations and partnerships specified shareholders authorized to reside off the homestead property. | ||
House | HF2369 | 1 | 04/08/1999 | Swenson | OSHA; employers licensed for pest control or agricultural applications provided work place accident and injury reduction program requirements exemption. | ||
House | HF2158 | 2 | 03/24/1999 | Swenson | Center for reducing rural violence funding continued and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2071 | 1 | 03/17/1999 | Swenson | County turnback account appropriated money. | ||
House | HF1914 | 1 | 03/15/1999 | Swenson | Independent school district No. 2859, Glencoe-Silver Lake, long-range facility study conducted and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1842 | 1 | 03/11/1999 | Swenson | Glencoe area health center employee privatization pension benefit accommodation provided. | ||
House | HF1832 | 2 | 03/18/1999 | Swenson | Full-day kindergarten students pupil weight increased. | ||
House | HF1831 | 1 | 03/11/1999 | Swenson | New ethanol plant using heat from a municipal cogeneration facility ethanol producer payments authorized and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1676 | 1 | 03/08/1999 | Swenson | Minnesota River basin appropriation provided. | ||
House | HF1586 | 2 | 03/22/1999 | Swenson | Eligible land authorized to be enrolled in more than one state or federal conservation program. | ||
House | HF1584 | 1 | 03/08/1999 | Swenson | Separate turkey hunting license selection provisions modified. | ||
House | HF1404 | 5 | 03/30/1999 | Swenson | Swan Lake migratory waterfowl refuge designated and refuge provisions modified. | ||
House | SF1352 | 2 | 03/29/1999 | Swenson | Eligible land authorized to be enrolled in more than one state or federal conservation program. | ||
House | HF1349 | 2 | 03/04/1999 | Swenson | Population threshold for municipal state transportation aid eligibility abolished. | ||
House | HF1291 | 7 | 05/03/1999 | Swenson | School bus and driver provisions modified. | ||
House | HF1235 | 18 | 06/04/1999 | 204 | Swenson | Feedlots; manure runoff, odor standards, administrative penalty orders, and environmental assessment worksheet provisions modified; environmental review rules exception provided; and report required. | |
House | HF1083 | 2 | 03/04/1999 | Swenson | Crop or revenue insurance assistance, and feedlot manure processing and odor control technology development assistance provided; and money appropriated. | ||
House | SF0972 | 9 | 04/09/1999 | 81 | Swenson | Swan Lake migratory waterfowl refuge designated and refuge provisions modified. | |
House | HF0850 | 2 | 03/18/1999 | Swenson | Regional development commission planning grants provided and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0509 | 4 | 03/31/1999 | Swenson | Manure processing technology demonstration project shared loans provided, biomass fuel supply contracts regulated, incentives provided for purchase of energy produced by methane recovery systems, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0505 | 2 | 02/11/1999 | Swenson | Sporting license subagents authorized to retain a sales commission. | ||
House | HF0438 | 2 | 03/01/1999 | Swenson | Independent school district No. 2887, McLeod, previous grant provision modified. | ||
House | SF0407 | 6 | 03/18/1999 | 26 | Swenson | Independent school district No. 2887, McLeod West, previous grant provision modified. |