Body | Bill Status |
Official Actions |
Last Action |
Law | Bill Text |
Chief Author |
Short Description |
House | HF3874 | 2 | 04/08/1998 | Johnson, R. | Housing infrastructure and economic development relief provided for tornado damages, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3873 | 1 | 04/03/1998 | Johnson, R. | Tornado damage relief provided, temporary program waivers authorized, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3868 | 1 | 04/02/1998 | Workman | Counties affected by tornado damage provided solid waste management tax waivers. | ||
House | HF3865 | 1 | 04/01/1998 | Harder | Early payments of state aids to local governments affected by tornadoes allowed. | ||
House | HF3863 | 2 | 04/01/1998 | Dorn | Federal disaster relief matching funds provided for tornado and other weather damages, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3734 | 6 | 02/26/1998 | Mares | Public employees insurance program expanded to include county and municipal hospital employees. | ||
House | HF3716 | 2 | 02/25/1998 | Workman | Abstinence education grant requirements established. | ||
House | HF3715 | 1 | 02/16/1998 | Workman | Minnesota family investment program statewide payment method modified. | ||
House | HF3471 | 1 | 02/09/1998 | Munger | Northern leopard frog designated as the state amphibian and the blanding's turtle designated as the state reptile. | ||
House | HF3415 | 2 | 02/26/1998 | Harder | Value-added agricultural product loan program purposes expanded, proposed feedlot environmental review requirements modified, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3411 | 1 | 02/05/1998 | Harder | Income tax brackets and alternative minimum tax exemption amounts modified to reduce marriage penalties. | ||
House | HF3180 | 1 | 02/02/1998 | Westfall | Board of natural resources created, and powers and duties transferred from the commissioner of natural resources. | ||
House | HF3149 | 1 | 02/02/1998 | Kubly | Independent school districts Nos. 421 and 426, McLeod West Interdistrict Cooperative, new preK-12 facility construction authorized, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF3140 | 6 | 02/26/1998 | Kalis | Zippel Bay parking area state park permit exemption provided, Garden Island state recreation area established in Lake of the Woods county, and state park additions provided. | ||
House | HF3057 | 7 | 02/26/1998 | Lieder | Omnibus transportation supplemental appropriations bill. | ||
House | HF3010 | 1 | 01/29/1998 | Molnau | Consumer report copy fees regulated. | ||
House | HF2966 | 1 | 01/29/1998 | Workman | Truck axle weight limits clarified and regulated. | ||
House | HF2899 | 1 | 01/29/1998 | Swenson, H. | Road construction or maintenance machinery, equipment, and vehicles purchased or used by political subdivisions provided sales tax exemption. | ||
House | HF2823 | 1 | 01/26/1998 | Johnson, R. | St. Peter wastewater treatment plant construction grant provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2798 | 3 | 02/11/1998 | Juhnke | Eminent domain pipeline easement compensation requirements provided. | ||
House | HF2708 | 20 | 04/06/1998 | 373 | Juhnke | Agricultural marketing and bargaining advisory committee established, dispute resolution procedures provided, and association of producers defined. | |
House | HF2700 | 6 | 02/25/1998 | Harder | Brown county nonprofit economic development corporation authorized, and local approval required. | ||
House | HF2699 | 1 | 01/26/1998 | Molnau | Major projects account created in the trunk highway fund, and motor vehicle sales tax revenues dedicated. | ||
House | HF2656 | 1 | 01/26/1998 | Johnson, R. | Nicollet county treaty site historic center grant provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2655 | 1 | 01/26/1998 | Gunther | Lake Crystal area recreation center construction provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2582 | 6 | 02/18/1998 | Johnson, R. | Independent school district No. 508, St. Peter, authorized to establish a school bank as part of an educational program. | ||
House | HF2574 | 6 | 03/13/1998 | Molnau | Licensed game and fish subagent bonding required. | ||
House | HF2423 | 2 | 02/02/1998 | Swenson, H. | New Ulm Herman monument restoration, enhancement, and protection provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2422 | 3 | 02/16/1998 | Swenson, H. | Trunk highway No. 212 construction, reconstruction, and improvement provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2373 | 3 | 02/11/1998 | Lieder | Transportation capital improvements provided, light and commuter rail funded, bonds issued, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF2347 | 2 | 01/29/1998 | Ness | Hutchinson technical college addition and remodeling provided, bond issuance authorized, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1943 | 2 | 03/25/1997 | Swenson, H. | Agricultural land exempted from general education property tax levy. | ||
House | HF1828 | 1 | 03/20/1997 | Swenson, H. | McLeod county Stevens seminary trustee appointment authority transferred. | ||
House | HF1579 | 10 | 05/14/1997 | Swenson, H. | Game and fish license issuing fees modified; and hunter, trapper, and angler harassment prohibition provisions modified. | ||
House | HF1572 | 1 | 03/17/1997 | Molnau | Gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, and compressed natural gas excise tax rates increased; and transportation and transit appropriations provided. | ||
House | HF1494 | 2 | 03/24/1997 | Wenzel | Soil and water conservation district technical support grants provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1426 | 2 | 04/15/1997 | Peterson | Rural highway economic development impact study required, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1407 | 1 | 03/13/1997 | Dorn | Mankato model school for truants appropriated money. | ||
House | HF1315 | 2 | 03/25/1997 | Kalis | Minnesota River basin joint powers board duties modified, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1265 | 2 | 04/14/1997 | Swenson, H. | Gaylord tax increment financing district duration extension authorized. | ||
House | HF1224 | 2 | 03/17/1997 | Kinkel | Liquefied petroleum gas delivery vehicles exempted from seasonal weight restrictions. | ||
House | HF1070 | 1 | 02/27/1997 | Knoblach | Employer reference check civil liability immunity provided. | ||
House | HF1059 | 1 | 02/27/1997 | Gunther | Individual sewage treatment system statewide cost-share program established, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF1050 | 1 | 02/27/1997 | Dorn | Mankato tax-forfeited land conveyance authorized. | ||
House | HF1049 | 1 | 02/27/1997 | Workman | Household goods mover safety standards established, service area restrictions removed, file tariff requirement provisions modified, and complaint resolution procedures established. | ||
House | HF1047 | 1 | 02/27/1997 | Johnson, R. | South central Minnesota talented youth program appropriated money. | ||
House | HF1041 | 2 | 03/03/1997 | Mulder | Farmers exempted from tax on gasoline and special fuel received in on-farm bulk storage tanks. | ||
House | HF0733 | 1 | 02/13/1997 | Swenson, H. | Dairy development program established, grants provided, and money appropriated. | ||
House | HF0673 | 1 | 02/12/1997 | Vickerman | Nursing facility authorized to qualify for interim and settle up payment rates. | ||
House | HF0601 | 16 | 04/25/1997 | 78 | Wenzel | Municipal boundary commissions established. | |
House | HF0559 | 3 | 03/04/1998 | Workman | Hunting and fishing rights affirmed and constitutional amendment proposed. | ||
House | HF0549 | 3 | 02/13/1997 | Mulder | Used farm machinery sales tax exemption extended permanently. | ||
House | HF0545 | 3 | 03/25/1997 | Haas | Political subdivision sales and use tax exemption provided. | ||
House | HF0390 | 1 | 02/03/1997 | Knoblach | Medical savings account federal income tax treatment provisions adopted. | ||
House | HF0389 | 2 | 02/06/1997 | Swenson, H. | Motor vehicle license fee prorated payments allowed. | ||
House | HF0385 | 7 | 04/15/1997 | Swenson, H. | Trunk highway No. 5 designated as Augie Mueller memorial highway. | ||
House | HF0351 | 1 | 02/03/1997 | Knoblach | MinnesotaCare provider tax rate reduced. | ||
House | HF0203 | 1 | 01/27/1997 | Knoblach | Abortion; constitutional standard established relating to abortion, and constitutional amendment proposed. | ||
House | HF0202 | 1 | 01/27/1997 | Knoblach | Partial-birth abortions prohibited and criminal penalties provided. | ||
House | HF0090 | 8 | 04/14/1997 | 35 | Lieder | Commercial motor vehicle driver's license possession requirement exemption provided for persons working as relief, replacement, or emergency snow plow operators. | |
House | HF0089 | 1 | 01/16/1997 | Gunther | Independent school district No. 837, Madelia, revenue restoration provided. | ||
House | HF0055 | 3 | 01/27/1997 | Sviggum | Nursing home minimum data set use and physician evaluation frequency provisions modified. | ||
House | HF0041 | 2 | 01/27/1997 | Seifert | Same-sex marriages not recognized or allowed. | ||
House | HF0019 | 3 | 02/13/1997 | Lieder | State patrol; trunk highway fund reimbursement provided for expenditures incurred by state patrol for provision of patrolling services in Minneapolis. | ||
House | HF0001 | 18 | 02/13/1997 | 1 | Johnson, A. | K-12 education appropriation caps repealed, statewide educational testing provided, and money appropriated. |