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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 82

Bill Name: SF1147

E Creating a purchasing alliance stop-loss fund account in the general fund for
use by the commissioner of human services to establish a stop-loss fund to
reimburse health plan companies for claims paid for employees of certain
employer members of qualifying purchasing alliances; prescribing the
reimbursement procedure, specifying certain limits, requiring health plan
company requests on a form to be prescribed by the commissioner and providing
for calculation and distribution of the reimbursements, authorizing commissioner
requests for necessary data, classifying the data and granting the commissioner
certain duties delegation authority; requiring the commissioner of commerce in
consultation with the office of rural health and the qualifying purchasing
alliances to evaluate the effect of the fund in increasing the availability of
employer subsidized health coverage for residents residing in geographic areas
served by the qualifying purchasing alliances and report to the legislature by
certain dates; sunset provision; appropriating money to the commissioner of
human services for deposit in the stop-loss fund account and to the commissioner
of health for grants to organizations developing health care purchasing
alliances, match requirement (mk, ja)