The county agency shall request, and applicants and recipients shall provide and verify, all information necessary to determine initial and continuing eligibility and assistance payment amounts. If necessary, the county agency shall assist the applicant or recipient in obtaining verifications. If the applicant or recipient refuses or fails without good cause to provide the information or verification, the county agency shall deny or terminate assistance.
Recipients who maintain supplemental security income eligibility are exempt from the reporting requirements of subdivision 1, except that the policies and procedures of transfers of assets are those used by the medical assistance program under section 256B.0595.
The eligibility of each recipient must be redetermined at least once every 12 months.
Recipients must report changes in circumstances that affect eligibility or assistance payment amounts within ten days of the change. Recipients who do not receive SSI because of excess income must complete a monthly report form if they have earned income, if they have income deemed to them from a financially responsible relative with whom the recipient resides, or if they have income deemed to them by a sponsor. If the report form is not received before the end of the month in which it is due, the county agency must terminate assistance. The termination shall be effective on the first day of the month following the month in which the report was due. If a complete report is received within the month the assistance was terminated, the assistance unit is considered to have continued its application for assistance, effective the first day of the month the assistance was terminated.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes