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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 3326

as introduced - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to the environment; establishing an 
  1.3             environmental sustainability policy; developing green 
  1.4             standards for state product purchasing; establishing 
  1.5             the Minnesota green government council; proposing 
  1.6             coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 115A.
  1.8      Section 1.  [115A.0725] [ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY.] 
  1.9      Subdivision 1.  [POLICY.] The environmental sustainability 
  1.10  policy of the state is to: 
  1.11     (1) pursue the sustainable management, use, and protection 
  1.12  of resources to achieve the state's economic, environmental, and 
  1.13  social goals; 
  1.14     (2) promote using, developing, and protecting resources at 
  1.15  a rate and in a manner that enables people to meet their current 
  1.16  needs without compromising the ability of future generations to 
  1.17  meet their own needs; 
  1.18     (3) encourage cooperation and collaboration between public 
  1.19  and private sectors in the development of sustainable 
  1.20  environmental and economic products and practices; and 
  1.21     (4) pursue policies that will attain sustainability in 
  1.22  Minnesota within one generation or by 2025. 
  1.23     Subd. 2.  [DEFINITIONS.] (a) For the purpose of this 
  1.24  section, "sustainability" means the use, development, and 
  1.25  protection of resources at a rate and in a manner that enables 
  1.26  people to meet their current needs and also provides that future 
  2.1   generations can meet their own needs.  Sustainability requires 
  2.2   simultaneously meeting environmental, economic, and community 
  2.3   needs. 
  2.4      (b) For the purpose of this section, "green plans" means 
  2.5   documents outlining steps toward sustainability that individual 
  2.6   state departments and agencies intend to accomplish in the 
  2.7   coming year and to report on measurable performance against the 
  2.8   previous year's plan. 
  2.9      Subd. 3.  [MINNESOTA GREEN GOVERNMENT COUNCIL.] (a) The 
  2.10  Minnesota green government council is established.  The council 
  2.11  consists of 15 members as follows: 
  2.12     (1) the commissioner of administration; 
  2.13     (2) the director of the office of environmental assistance; 
  2.14     (3) three additional commissioners appointed by the 
  2.15  governor; 
  2.16     (4) two members of the senate appointed by the subcommittee 
  2.17  on committees of the committee on rules and administration; 
  2.18     (5) two members of the house of representatives appointed 
  2.19  by the speaker; 
  2.20     (6) one member, representing cities, appointed by the 
  2.21  governor; 
  2.22     (7) one member, representing school districts, appointed by 
  2.23  the governor; 
  2.24     (8) two members, representing industry, appointed by the 
  2.25  governor; and 
  2.26     (9) two members, representing environmental organizations, 
  2.27  appointed by the governor. 
  2.28     (b) The commissioner of administration and the director of 
  2.29  the office of environmental assistance shall serve as cochairs 
  2.30  of the council. 
  2.31     Subd. 4.  [PROCUREMENT POLICIES.] (a) The council shall 
  2.32  develop measurable procurement policies, benchmarks, and targets 
  2.33  for state government to move toward sustainability.  The council 
  2.34  shall approve or modify green plans submitted by departments and 
  2.35  agencies of government, and recommend practices, such as 
  2.36  training for procurement professionals needed to attain overall 
  3.1   sustainability targets.  The council shall develop benchmarks, 
  3.2   targets, and directives for green plans by December 31, 2002. 
  3.3      (b) The council shall develop purchasing policies, targets, 
  3.4   and benchmarks for each of the following product areas:  paper 
  3.5   products, building construction materials and practices, 
  3.6   cleaning products and coatings, plastic lumber, general purpose 
  3.7   motor vehicles, purchase of E85 and biodiesel fuel, office 
  3.8   furniture, and other products considered appropriate by the 
  3.9   council. 
  3.10     Subd. 5.  [DESIGNATED STAFF.] Each department and agency of 
  3.11  state government must designate a staff person who will develop 
  3.12  and coordinate the implementation of green plans for their 
  3.13  respective department or agencies.  Green plans must be 
  3.14  submitted annually to the council with the first plan due on 
  3.15  June 30, 2003. 
  3.16     Subd. 6.  [STATE CONTRACTS.] The council shall evaluate 
  3.17  state contracts for the procurement of products and services by 
  3.18  state government and contracts negotiated by state government 
  3.19  and used by other levels of government.  If a more 
  3.20  environmentally friendly, efficacious, and cost-competetive 
  3.21  product exists, the council shall direct the phaseout of the 
  3.22  purchase of the less environmentally friendly product.  The 
  3.23  council's considerations and evaluations shall include, but not 
  3.24  be limited to, products that are more energy efficient, less 
  3.25  toxic to humans and the environment, contain significant 
  3.26  quantities of recycled content, contain significant plant-based 
  3.27  ingredients or components, conserve water, and are packaged in a 
  3.28  manner that is less harmful to the environment or where the 
  3.29  packaging can be reused, and rebuilt or reconditioned products.  
  3.30  The council may specify the purchase of products nationally 
  3.31  certified to be grown or produced in a more sustainable manner. 
  3.32     Subd. 7.  [GREEN PLAN APPROVAL.] The council shall review, 
  3.33  modify, and approve the green plans, and if necessary, request 
  3.34  the governor to include implementation funds and any legislative 
  3.35  authority needed to further the mission of sustainability 
  3.36  through the biennial budget process.  The council shall develop 
  4.1   programs, strategies, and staffing plans to encourage and assist 
  4.2   green team leaders and other levels of government to adopt 
  4.3   sustainability goals. 
  4.4      Subd. 8.  [EDUCATION.] The council shall help educate the 
  4.5   other levels of government and the private sector on all aspects 
  4.6   of sustainability and recommend programs and funding, as 
  4.7   appropriate, to further the goal of Minnesota sustainability 
  4.8   within one generation.  The council shall assure access to the 
  4.9   public through the Internet, publication of the green plans, and 
  4.10  other means required to further the mission of this section. 
  4.11     Subd. 9.  [NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED SYSTEM.] The council shall 
  4.12  investigate and develop a plan to adopt a nationally recognized 
  4.13  environmental management system, such as ISO 14000, for the 
  4.14  continuous improvement of measurable sustainability performance 
  4.15  by Minnesota state government.  The council shall report to the 
  4.16  legislature on its findings and plans regarding environmental 
  4.17  management systems by December 31, 2003.