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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 1427

as introduced - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to impaired driving; permitting the results 
  1.3             of a preliminary screening test to be admissible in a 
  1.4             criminal prosecution for the crime of implied consent 
  1.5             test refusal; prohibiting certain first-time DWI 
  1.6             offenders from receiving a shortened license 
  1.7             revocation period; amending a definition in the plate 
  1.8             impoundment law to allow plate impoundment for certain 
  1.9             first-time alcohol-related license revocations; 
  1.10            creating a gross misdemeanor penalty for violation of 
  1.11            an alcohol-related restriction on a person's driver's 
  1.12            license if the violation occurs while driving a motor 
  1.13            vehicle and authorizing consecutive sentences for 
  1.14            these violations in certain cases; amending Minnesota 
  1.15            Statutes 2000, sections 169A.28, subdivision 2; 
  1.16            169A.41, subdivision 2; 169A.54, subdivision 6; 
  1.17            169A.60, subdivision 1; 171.09; and 609.035, 
  1.18            subdivision 2. 
  1.20     Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 169A.28, 
  1.21  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
  1.23  OFFENSES.] (a) When a person is being sentenced for a violation 
  1.24  of a provision listed in paragraph (e), the court may sentence 
  1.25  the person to a consecutive term of imprisonment for a violation 
  1.26  of any other provision listed in paragraph (e), notwithstanding 
  1.27  the fact that the offenses arose out of the same course of 
  1.28  conduct, subject to the limitation on consecutive sentences 
  1.29  contained in section 609.15, subdivision 2, and except as 
  1.30  provided in paragraphs (b) and (c). 
  1.31     (b) When a person is being sentenced for a violation of 
  1.32  section 171.20 (operation after revocation, suspension, 
  2.1   cancellation, or disqualification), 171.24 (driving without 
  2.2   valid license), or 171.30 (violation of condition of limited 
  2.3   license), the court may not impose a consecutive sentence for 
  2.4   another violation of a provision in chapter 171 (drivers' 
  2.5   licenses and training schools). 
  2.6      (c) When a person is being sentenced for a violation of 
  2.7   section 169.791 (failure to provide proof of insurance) or 
  2.8   169.797 (failure to provide vehicle insurance), the court may 
  2.9   not impose a consecutive sentence for another violation of a 
  2.10  provision of sections 169.79 to 169.7995. 
  2.11     (d) This subdivision does not limit the authority of the 
  2.12  court to impose consecutive sentences for crimes arising on 
  2.13  different dates or to impose a consecutive sentence when a 
  2.14  person is being sentenced for a crime and is also in violation 
  2.15  of the conditions of a stayed or otherwise deferred sentence 
  2.16  under section 609.135 (stay of imposition or execution of 
  2.17  sentence). 
  2.18     (e) This subdivision applies to misdemeanor and gross 
  2.19  misdemeanor violations of the following if the offender has two 
  2.20  or more prior impaired driving convictions within the past ten 
  2.21  years: 
  2.22     (1) section 169A.20 (driving while impaired); 
  2.23     (2) section 169.791; 
  2.24     (3) section 169.797; 
  2.25     (4) section 171.09, violation of condition of a restricted 
  2.26  license; 
  2.27     (5) section 171.20, subdivision 2 (operation after 
  2.28  revocation, suspension, cancellation, or disqualification); 
  2.29     (5) (6) section 171.24; and 
  2.30     (6) (7) section 171.30. 
  2.31     Sec. 2.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 169A.41, 
  2.32  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
  2.33     Subd. 2.  [USE OF TEST RESULTS.] The results of this 
  2.34  preliminary screening test must be used for the purpose of 
  2.35  deciding whether an arrest should be made and whether to require 
  2.36  the tests authorized in section 169A.51 (chemical tests for 
  3.1   intoxication), but must not be used in any court action except 
  3.2   the following: 
  3.3      (1) to prove that a test was properly required of a person 
  3.4   pursuant to section 169A.51, subdivision 1; 
  3.5      (2) in a civil action arising out of the operation or use 
  3.6   of the motor vehicle; 
  3.7      (3) in an action for license reinstatement under section 
  3.8   171.19; 
  3.9      (4) in a prosecution or juvenile court proceeding 
  3.10  concerning a violation of section 169A.33 (underage drinking and 
  3.11  driving), or 340A.503, subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (2) 
  3.12  (underage alcohol consumption); 
  3.13     (5) in a prosecution under section 169A.31, 
  3.14  (alcohol-related school or Head Start bus driving); or 171.30 
  3.15  (limited license); or 
  3.16     (6) in a prosecution for a violation of a restriction on a 
  3.17  driver's license under section 171.09, which provides that the 
  3.18  license holder may not use or consume any amount of alcohol or a 
  3.19  controlled substance; or 
  3.20     (7) in a prosecution for a violation of section 169A.20, 
  3.21  subdivision 2 (driving while impaired; refusal to submit to 
  3.22  chemical test crime). 
  3.23     Sec. 3.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 169A.54, 
  3.24  subdivision 6, is amended to read: 
  3.26  Except for a person whose license has been revoked under 
  3.27  subdivision 2, and except for a person convicted of a violation 
  3.28  of section 169A.20 (driving while impaired) while having a child 
  3.29  under the age of 16 in the vehicle if the child is more than 36 
  3.30  months younger than the offender, (a) Any person whose license 
  3.31  has been revoked pursuant to section 169A.52 (license revocation 
  3.32  for test failure or refusal) as the result of the same incident, 
  3.33  and who does not have a qualified prior impaired driving 
  3.34  incident, is subject to the mandatory revocation provisions of 
  3.35  subdivision 1, clause (1) or (2), in lieu of the mandatory 
  3.36  revocation provisions of section 169A.52. 
  4.1      (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to: 
  4.2      (1) a person whose license has been revoked under 
  4.3   subdivision 2 (driving while impaired by person under age 21); 
  4.4      (2) a person charged with violating section 169A.20 
  4.5   (driving while impaired) while having a child under the age of 
  4.6   16 in the vehicle if the child is more than 36 months younger 
  4.7   than the offender, and convicted of that offense or any other 
  4.8   offense described in section 169A.20 arising out of the same set 
  4.9   of circumstances; or 
  4.10     (3) a person charged with violating section 169A.20 while 
  4.11  having an alcohol concentration of 0.20 or more as measured at 
  4.12  the time, or within two hours of the time, of the offense, and 
  4.13  convicted of that offense or any other offense described in 
  4.14  section 169A.20 arising out of the same set of circumstances. 
  4.15     Sec. 4.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 169A.60, 
  4.16  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  4.17     Subdivision 1.  [DEFINITIONS.] (a) As used in this section, 
  4.18  the following terms have the meanings given in this subdivision. 
  4.19     (b) "Motor vehicle" means a self-propelled motor vehicle 
  4.20  other than a motorboat in operation or a recreational vehicle. 
  4.21     (c) "Plate impoundment violation" includes: 
  4.22     (1) a violation of section 169A.20 (driving while impaired) 
  4.23  or 169A.52 (license revocation for test failure or refusal), or 
  4.24  a conforming ordinance from this state or a conforming statute 
  4.25  or ordinance from another state, that results in the revocation 
  4.26  of a person's driver's license or driving privileges, within ten 
  4.27  years of a qualified prior impaired driving incident; 
  4.28     (2) a license disqualification under section 171.165 
  4.29  (commercial driver's license disqualification) resulting from a 
  4.30  violation of section 169A.52 within ten years of a qualified 
  4.31  prior impaired driving incident; 
  4.32     (3) a violation of section 169A.20 or 169A.52 while having 
  4.33  an alcohol concentration of 0.20 or more as measured at the 
  4.34  time, or within two hours of the time, of the offense, that 
  4.35  results in the revocation of a person's driver's license or 
  4.36  driving privileges for twice the otherwise applicable period; 
  5.1      (4) a violation of section 169A.20 while having a child 
  5.2   under the age of 16 in the vehicle if the child is more than 36 
  5.3   months younger than the offender; and 
  5.4      (5) a violation of section 171.24 (driving without valid 
  5.5   license) by a person whose driver's license or driving 
  5.6   privileges have been canceled under section 171.04, subdivision 
  5.7   1, clause (10) (persons not eligible for driver's license, 
  5.8   inimical to public safety). 
  5.9      (d) "Violator" means a person who was driving, operating, 
  5.10  or in physical control of the motor vehicle when the plate 
  5.11  impoundment violation occurred. 
  5.12     Sec. 5.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 171.09, is 
  5.13  amended to read: 
  5.15     (a) The commissioner shall have the authority, when good 
  5.16  cause appears, to impose restrictions suitable to the licensee's 
  5.17  driving ability or such other restrictions applicable to the 
  5.18  licensee as the commissioner may determine to be appropriate to 
  5.19  assure the safe operation of a motor vehicle by the licensee.  
  5.20  The commissioner may, upon receiving satisfactory evidence of 
  5.21  any violation of the restrictions of the license, suspend or 
  5.22  revoke the license.  A license suspension under this section is 
  5.23  subject to section 171.18, subdivisions 2 and 3. 
  5.24     (b) It is unlawful for any person to operate A person who 
  5.25  drives, operates, or is in physical control of a motor 
  5.26  vehicle in any manner while in violation of the restrictions 
  5.27  imposed in a restricted driver's license issued to that person 
  5.28  under paragraph (a), is guilty of a crime as follows: 
  5.29     (1) if the restriction relates to the possession or 
  5.30  consumption of alcohol or controlled substances, the person is 
  5.31  guilty of a gross misdemeanor; or 
  5.32     (2) if the restriction relates to another matter, the 
  5.33  person is guilty of a misdemeanor.  
  5.34     Sec. 6.  Minnesota Statutes 2000, section 609.035, 
  5.35  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
  5.36     Subd. 2.  (a) When a person is being sentenced for a 
  6.1   violation of a provision listed in paragraph (e), the court may 
  6.2   sentence the person to a consecutive term of imprisonment for a 
  6.3   violation of any other provision listed in paragraph (e), 
  6.4   notwithstanding the fact that the offenses arose out of the same 
  6.5   course of conduct, subject to the limitation on consecutive 
  6.6   sentences contained in section 609.15, subdivision 2, and except 
  6.7   as provided in paragraphs (b), (c), and (f) of this subdivision. 
  6.8      (b) When a person is being sentenced for a violation of 
  6.9   section 171.20, 171.24, or 171.30, the court may not impose a 
  6.10  consecutive sentence for another violation of a provision in 
  6.11  chapter 171. 
  6.12     (c) When a person is being sentenced for a violation of 
  6.13  section 169.791 or 169.797, the court may not impose a 
  6.14  consecutive sentence for another violation of a provision of 
  6.15  sections 169.79 to 169.7995. 
  6.16     (d) This subdivision does not limit the authority of the 
  6.17  court to impose consecutive sentences for crimes arising on 
  6.18  different dates or to impose a consecutive sentence when a 
  6.19  person is being sentenced for a crime and is also in violation 
  6.20  of the conditions of a stayed or otherwise deferred sentence 
  6.21  under section 609.135. 
  6.22     (e) This subdivision applies to misdemeanor and gross 
  6.23  misdemeanor violations of the following if the offender has two 
  6.24  or more prior impaired driving convictions as defined in section 
  6.25  169A.03 within the past ten years: 
  6.26     (1) section 169A.20, driving while impaired; 
  6.27     (2) section 169.791, failure to provide proof of insurance; 
  6.28     (3) section 169.797, failure to provide vehicle insurance; 
  6.29     (4) section 171.09, violation of condition of a restricted 
  6.30  license; 
  6.31     (5) section 171.20, subdivision 2, operation after 
  6.32  revocation, suspension, cancellation, or disqualification; 
  6.33     (5) (6) section 171.24, driving without valid license; and 
  6.34     (6) (7) section 171.30, violation of condition of limited 
  6.35  license. 
  6.36     (f) When a court is sentencing an offender for a violation 
  7.1   of section 169A.20 and a violation of an offense listed in 
  7.2   paragraph (e), and the offender has five or more qualified prior 
  7.3   impaired driving incidents, as defined in section 169A.03, 
  7.4   within the past ten years, the court shall sentence the offender 
  7.5   to serve consecutive sentences for the offenses, notwithstanding 
  7.6   the fact that the offenses arose out of the same course of 
  7.7   conduct. 
  7.8      Sec. 7.  [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 
  7.9      Sections 1 to 6 are effective August 1, 2001, and apply to 
  7.10  crimes committed on or after that date.