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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 14

as introduced - 82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.

Current Version - as introduced

  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to a new sports stadium; creating a task 
  1.3             force to study stadiums; mandating issues to be 
  1.4             studied; imposing a deadline; inviting proposals; 
  1.5             requiring a report. 
  1.7      Section 1.  [TASK FORCE; FOOTBALL STADIUM REVIEW.] 
  1.8      Subdivision 1.  [CREATION.] A task force is created to 
  1.9   study issues related to proposals to construct a new sports 
  1.10  facility or renovate an existing football facility.  The task 
  1.11  force shall limit its study to proposals for creating a joint 
  1.12  facility for college and professional football or soccer or both 
  1.13  on the Twin Cities campus of the University of Minnesota or 
  1.14  renovating an existing sports facility.  The task force shall 
  1.15  report to the governor and the legislature.  The task force 
  1.16  shall have the following membership: 
  1.17     (1) three members of the Minnesota house of 
  1.18  representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house, with two 
  1.19  from the majority party and one from the largest minority party; 
  1.20     (2) three members of the Minnesota senate, appointed by the 
  1.21  subcommittee on committees of the committee on rules and 
  1.22  administration, with two from the majority party and one from 
  1.23  the largest minority party; 
  1.24     (3) five members appointed by the governor, two of whom 
  1.25  must be residents of the city under consideration for the 
  2.1   facility and at least one of whom shall represent the views of 
  2.2   those who are opposed to either direct state appropriations or 
  2.3   tax incentives for new stadium construction or renovation; 
  2.4      (4) two members appointed by the University of Minnesota 
  2.5   board of regents; 
  2.6      (5) two representatives of business interests, one 
  2.7   appointed by the speaker of the house and one by the 
  2.8   subcommittee on committees of the committee on rules and 
  2.9   administration of the senate; and 
  2.10     (6) two representatives of labor interests, one appointed 
  2.11  by the speaker of the house and one by the subcommittee on 
  2.12  committees of the committee on rules and administration of the 
  2.13  senate. 
  2.14     Subd. 2.  [ORGANIZATION OF TASK FORCE.] Appointing 
  2.15  authorities and the task force shall comply with the following 
  2.16  requirements: 
  2.17     (1) each appointing authority shall make all appointments 
  2.18  required under this act by June 30, 2001; 
  2.19     (2) the task force shall meet within 15 days of the 
  2.20  completion date for all appointments made under this act, at a 
  2.21  date and place determined by the governor, and shall meet 
  2.22  thereafter at the call of the chair; 
  2.23     (3) each appointing authority shall consider a geographical 
  2.24  balance in making appointments; 
  2.25     (4) the chair shall be elected by the members of the task 
  2.26  force at their first meeting; 
  2.27     (5) task force members shall receive payment for expenses 
  2.28  as provided in Minnesota Statutes, section 15.059, subdivision 
  2.29  6; and 
  2.30     (6) staff from the University of Minnesota, the governor's 
  2.31  office, and nonpartisan legislative offices may provide staffing 
  2.32  assistance for the task force at the direction of the chair. 
  2.33     Subd. 3.  [STUDY MANDATE.] The task force shall issue a 
  2.34  report on all matters under the purview of the task force, by 
  2.35  November 15, 2001.  In evaluating proposals for construction of 
  2.36  a joint facility on the Twin Cities campus of the University of 
  3.1   Minnesota, the task force must study the following issues: 
  3.2      (1) issues associated with the design, construction, and 
  3.3   operation of a joint football and/or soccer facility on the Twin 
  3.4   Cities campus of the University of Minnesota, including, but not 
  3.5   limited to, unique or conflicting programmatic requirements of a 
  3.6   joint facility, revenue generating opportunities; opportunities 
  3.7   for joint marketing, governance, and day-to-day operational 
  3.8   management of the facility; parking; infrastructure and 
  3.9   transportation impacts; neighborhood and community concerns 
  3.10  related to issues of noise, design aesthetics, and life 
  3.11  disruption, and methods to mitigate these issues; direct and 
  3.12  indirect economic benefits; opportunities for leveraging other 
  3.13  business development; long-term financial viability; 
  3.14  opportunities for nonfootball events; and analysis of comparable 
  3.15  projects at other Big Ten and Division I NCAA schools; 
  3.16     (2) financial considerations and options associated with 
  3.17  stadium construction in Minnesota and elsewhere, including 
  3.18  methods used to finance and construct facilities, arenas, and 
  3.19  associated development; 
  3.20     (3) examples in other states of stadiums shared between an 
  3.21  academic institution and a professional sports franchise; 
  3.22     (4) methods used to construct, finance, and operate new 
  3.23  football stadiums for professional sports use; 
  3.24     (5) the amount of enhanced revenue that will be generated 
  3.25  from a new stadium for the Minnesota Vikings, and the amount 
  3.26  that the team value will increase through the existence of a new 
  3.27  stadium; and 
  3.28     (6) the amount of enhanced revenues that will be generated 
  3.29  from a new stadium for the Minnesota Gophers, and the proposed 
  3.30  uses for that enhanced revenue, including expenditures on other 
  3.31  sports programs and proposals for expenditures on nonsports 
  3.32  university needs. 
  3.33     Subd. 4.  [SUBMISSIONS TO TASK FORCE.] (a) Any person may 
  3.34  submit a proposal for review by the task force prior to August 
  3.35  15, 2001.  Such proposals shall be the subject of the report 
  3.36  required under subdivision 3.  As an alternative, the task force 
  4.1   may choose to evaluate each proposal as a separate chapter in 
  4.2   the overall report.  The task force shall review a proposal 
  4.3   that, in the judgment of the task force, complies with the 
  4.4   requirements of paragraph (b), and report to the legislature and 
  4.5   governor by November 15, 2001, on the merits of the proposal, 
  4.6   including the financing that might be necessary to complete the 
  4.7   proposed stadium.  The report shall include the dissenting views 
  4.8   of commission members, if any, relating to the evaluation or 
  4.9   rejection of any specific proposal.  The task force may reject 
  4.10  any proposal it deems to be incomplete or untenable. 
  4.11     (b) At a minimum, any proposal to the task force must 
  4.12  include the following: 
  4.13     (1) a credible estimate of total costs of the proposal, 
  4.14  including construction, land, adjacent parking, and other costs; 
  4.15     (2) an analysis that provides a reasonable conclusion that 
  4.16  a substantial market exists for the sport proposed for the 
  4.17  stadium; 
  4.18     (3) a stipulation by potential users of the proposed 
  4.19  stadium that each user would cooperate if such a stadium were 
  4.20  constructed; 
  4.21     (4) a financing plan that identifies adequate funding 
  4.22  sources for construction, operation, and maintenance of the 
  4.23  stadium, including at least a $150,000,000 contribution from 
  4.24  nonpublic funds; and 
  4.25     (5) a proposed site, or an appropriate site selection 
  4.26  process. 
  4.27     (c) The task force shall report on the forms and amounts of 
  4.28  financial assistance necessary to complete each submitted 
  4.29  proposal.  The report shall include all other information and 
  4.30  recommendations deemed necessary by the task force. 
  4.32  metropolitan sports facilities commission may submit a proposal 
  4.33  for the renovation of the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome.  The 
  4.34  task force shall compare any proposal it receives for new 
  4.35  stadium construction with the plan for the renovation of the 
  4.36  Metrodome.  The comparison must include the estimated total 
  5.1   costs, including land and improvements, the proposed finance 
  5.2   plan for construction and operation, the public benefits gained 
  5.3   or lost, compatibility with the programmatic requirements of the 
  5.4   University of Minnesota and a professional football team, and 
  5.5   the amount of public financial assistance required.  The task 
  5.6   force's comparison under this subdivision shall be included in 
  5.7   any report it issues under subdivision 4. 
  5.8      Sec. 2.  [FUNDING.] 
  5.9      The task force created under this act shall be funded by 
  5.10  private sources as long as those sources are not principals in 
  5.11  any proposed stadium. 
  5.12     Sec. 3.  [EFFECTIVE DATE; SUNSET.] 
  5.13     This act is effective the day after final enactment.  The 
  5.14  task force created under this act shall cease operation upon 
  5.15  submission of a final report to the legislature and governor.