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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 714

as introduced - 81st Legislature (1999 - 2000) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to health; establishing a grant program to 
  1.3             provide prevention services for human immunodeficiency 
  1.4             virus and sexually transmitted disease infection to 
  1.5             adolescents; appropriating money; amending Minnesota 
  1.6             Statutes 1998, section 145.924. 
  1.8      Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 145.924, is 
  1.9   amended to read: 
  1.11  GRANTS.] 
  1.12     (a) The commissioner may award grants to boards of health 
  1.13  as defined in section 145A.02, subdivision 2, state agencies, 
  1.14  state councils, or nonprofit corporations to provide evaluation 
  1.15  and counseling services to populations at risk for acquiring 
  1.16  human immunodeficiency virus infection, including, but not 
  1.17  limited to, minorities, adolescents, intravenous drug users, and 
  1.18  homosexual men. 
  1.19     (b) The commissioner may award grants to agencies 
  1.20  experienced in providing services to communities of color, for 
  1.21  the design of innovative outreach and education programs for 
  1.22  targeted groups within the community who may be at risk of 
  1.23  acquiring the human immunodeficiency virus infection, including 
  1.24  intravenous drug users and their partners, adolescents, gay and 
  1.25  bisexual individuals and women.  Grants shall be awarded on a 
  1.26  request for proposal basis and shall include funds for 
  2.1   administrative costs.  Priority for grants shall be given to 
  2.2   agencies or organizations that have experience in providing 
  2.3   service to the particular community which the grantee proposes 
  2.4   to serve; that have policymakers representative of the targeted 
  2.5   population; that have experience in dealing with issues relating 
  2.6   to HIV/AIDS; and that have the capacity to deal effectively with 
  2.7   persons of differing sexual orientations.  For purposes of this 
  2.8   paragraph, the "communities of color" are:  the American-Indian 
  2.9   community; the Hispanic community; the African-American 
  2.10  community; and the Asian-Pacific community. 
  2.11     (c) The commissioner shall award grants to agencies 
  2.12  experienced in providing services to adolescents, including 
  2.13  community-based organizations, to fund services to prevent human 
  2.14  immunodeficiency virus infection and sexually transmitted 
  2.15  disease infection among adolescents, with an emphasis on serving 
  2.16  adolescents from communities of color and gay and bisexual 
  2.17  adolescents.  Grants shall be awarded on a request for proposal 
  2.18  basis and shall include funds for administrative costs.  To be 
  2.19  eligible for grants, an agency must demonstrate the potential 
  2.20  capacity to work with the adolescent community or communities to 
  2.21  be served by the agency by: 
  2.22     (1) having ongoing involvement with the adolescent 
  2.23  community or communities to be served and their representatives 
  2.24  by either (i) involving members of the adolescent community or 
  2.25  communities to be served and their representatives in the 
  2.26  agency's operation or program development through the agency's 
  2.27  policymaking body; or (ii) creating an advisory group comprised 
  2.28  of members of the adolescent community or communities to be 
  2.29  served and their representatives to advise the agency's 
  2.30  policymaking body on agency operations and program development 
  2.31  issues; 
  2.32     (2) having at least 60 percent of the agency's client base 
  2.33  consist of members of the adolescent community or communities to 
  2.34  be served; 
  2.35     (3) clearly defining service gaps and how cultural barriers 
  2.36  cause unmet needs experienced by the adolescent community or 
  3.1   communities to be served; and 
  3.2      (4) based on an analysis of service gaps and cultural 
  3.3   barriers, developing interventions to provide effective 
  3.4   prevention services to the adolescent community or communities 
  3.5   to be served. 
  3.6      (d) For purposes of this section, "communities of color" 
  3.7   are the African-American community; the American Indian 
  3.8   community; the Chicano/Latino community; and the Asian and 
  3.9   Pacific Islander community. 
  3.10     Sec. 2.  [APPROPRIATION.] 
  3.11     $500,000 for fiscal year 2000 and $500,000 for fiscal year 
  3.12  2001 is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner 
  3.13  of health for the grant program under Minnesota Statutes, 
  3.14  section 145.924, paragraph (c), to provide human 
  3.15  immunodeficiency virus and sexually transmitted disease 
  3.16  prevention services to adolescents.