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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 95

as introduced - 81st Legislature (1999 - 2000) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to advertising devices; requiring appropriate 
  1.3             place names to also be signed in Ojibwe or Dakota 
  1.4             language; appropriating money; amending Minnesota 
  1.5             Statutes 1998, sections 173.02, subdivision 6; and 
  1.6             173.025. 
  1.8      Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 173.02, 
  1.9   subdivision 6, is amended to read: 
  1.10     Subd. 6.  [VARIOUS SIGNS AND NOTICES DEFINED.] Directional 
  1.11  and other official signs and notices shall mean: 
  1.12     (a) "Official signs and notices" mean signs and notices 
  1.13  erected and maintained by public officers or public agencies 
  1.14  within their territorial jurisdiction and pursuant to and in 
  1.15  accordance with direction or authorization contained in federal 
  1.16  or state law for the purposes of carrying out an official duty 
  1.17  or responsibility.  Historical markers authorized by state law 
  1.18  and erected by state or local governmental agencies or nonprofit 
  1.19  historical societies, star city and star county signs erected 
  1.20  under section 173.085, and municipal identification entrance 
  1.21  signs erected in accordance with section 173.025 may be 
  1.22  considered official signs. 
  1.23     (b) "Public utility signs" mean warning signs, notices, or 
  1.24  markers which are customarily erected and maintained by publicly 
  1.25  or privately owned public utilities, as essential to their 
  1.26  operations.  
  2.1      (c) "Service club and religious notices" mean signs and 
  2.2   notices, not exceeding eight square feet in advertising area, 
  2.3   whose erection is authorized by law, relating to meetings and 
  2.4   location of nonprofit service clubs or charitable associations, 
  2.5   or religious services.  
  2.6      (d) "Directional signs" means signs containing directional 
  2.7   information about public places owned or operated by federal, 
  2.8   state, or local governments or their agencies, publicly or 
  2.9   privately owned natural phenomena, historic, cultural, 
  2.10  scientific, educational, and religious sites, and areas of 
  2.11  natural scenic beauty or naturally suited for outdoor 
  2.12  recreation, deemed to be in the interest of the traveling 
  2.13  public.  To qualify for directional signs, privately owned 
  2.14  attractions must be nationally or regionally known, and of 
  2.15  outstanding interest to the traveling public.  
  2.16     (e) All definitions in this subdivision are intended to be 
  2.17  in conformity with the national standards for directional and 
  2.18  other official signs.  
  2.19     Sec. 2.  Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 173.025, is 
  2.20  amended to read: 
  2.22     (a) A local road authority may shall erect a municipal 
  2.23  identification entrance sign within the right-of-way of a trunk 
  2.24  highway, but only with the written permission of the 
  2.25  commissioner.  Municipal identification entrance signs erected 
  2.26  without the written permission of the commissioner are 
  2.27  prohibited. 
  2.28     (b) Each road authority shall ensure that an official 
  2.29  notice or sign described in section 173.02, subdivision 6, 
  2.30  paragraph (a), designating a place having an equivalent Ojibwe 
  2.31  or Dakota name display the equivalent name with its Ojibwe or 
  2.32  Dakota meaning, no later than June 30, 2001. 
  2.33     Sec. 3.  [APPROPRIATION.] 
  2.34     $....... is appropriated to the commissioner of 
  2.35  transportation from the general fund for the purposes of section 
  2.36  2.  This appropriation is available for the fiscal biennium 
  3.1   ending June 30, 2001.