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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: SF1035

E Relating to elections; eliminating postmasters from the list for + inclusion
by the secretary of state in the legislative manual, reducing the +number of
copies to be printed and distributed and the number to be made +available to
legislators and adding county recorders and attorneys to the +distribution list;
requiring certain multimember state agency data to be provided to the+ secretary
of state in electronic format and expanding the required data to +electronic
mail addresses, requiring publication of the data including member +vacancies on
the web site of the secretary of state in lieu of publication in the +state
register; school district referendum notices not to be considered +official
ballots; authorizing the acceptance of current student identification+ cards for
election day voter registration purposes; registration cards without +telephone
numbers not to be considered deficient; modifying certain +requirements for
drivers license or identification card voter registration application
procedures; modifying the deadline for county auditor posting of +voting
histories after state general elections; requiring registration of +inactive
registrants; increasing the county auditor retention period for +prescribed
polling place rosters; modifying the requirement for county auditor +offices to
remain open before elections to accept absentee ballot applications +and
imposing the requirements on the offices of city or town clerks; +granting the
secretary of state the authority to designate alternative methods for+ handling
absentee ballots during declared national or state emergencies; +extending the
procedures for the formation of absentee ballot boards in counties +without
counting centers to all counties and modifying the authority of +absentee ballot
boards to count certain ballots; clarifying certain nominating +petition
requirements; modifying the time limit for candidate requests for the+ counting
of write in votes; expanding the qualification requirements for +combined
polling places in contiguous precincts; specifying a certain +accessible polling
place designation requirement; clarifying the inclusion of school +district
elections and referenda under the time limit for designation of new +polling
places; eliminating the requirement for voting booths to be provided +with a
door or curtains; modifying certain election judge qualification +requirements;
qualifying home schooled students for service as trainee election +judges and
eliminating the requirement for high school students completion of or enrollment
in a government course; modifying the date for preparation+ of eligible election
judge lists; providing for the appointment of +election judges without party
designation under certain conditions; prohibiting the +counting of trainee
election judges toward the minimum required number of +election judges;
modifying certain judicial election notice and ballot form +requirements;
modifying the procedure for the provision of official supplemental +ballots to
absentee or requesting voters; authorizing county auditors or +municipal or
school district clerks by written authorization to permit news media
representatives to enter polling places for a limited period of time +to observe
the voting process, restrictions;placing certain additional restrictions on the
conduct of +challengers; requiring polling place rosters to provide a statement
relating to +the penalty for giving false information; modifying the procedure
for successful +challenges to voter eligibility; prohibiting approach to or
conversation with +election judges during the ballot counting process;
prohibiting use of the +absence of election judge initials on ballots to
disqualify the ballots under +certain conditions; clarifying certain precinct
summary statement content +requirements relating to the number of votes received
by the candidates; declaring+ the scope of and modifying the procedure for
automatic recounts, requiring +payment for ballot question recount expenses by
the local government unit placing+ the question on the ballot and clarifying the
procedure for recounting by+ precinct; limiting the scope of recounts; providing
for the placement of +uncontested judicial offices on the ballot; requiring the
secretary of state to +supply county auditors with copies of example
supplemental ballots and +county auditors to distribute copies to municipal and
school district clerks before +the election; eliminating the authority of county
auditors to issue +certificates of legislative special elections; requiring
candidates for town +supervisor to designate the specific seat sought in
multiple seat elections; +extending the time limit for municipal or school or
hospital district clerk +election notices to county auditors and requiring
county auditor notice to the +secretary of state; clarifying certain canvassing
requirements and transferring +certain governing body or municipal clerk
canvassing duties to canvassing +boards; modifying the advance public notice and
demonstration system time +periods relating to the use of new voting systems;
authorizing the secretary +of state to experimentally use electronic voting
systems; requiring the +printing of the words official ballot on the front of
the ballot; permitting +electronic filing of campaign finance reports;
clarifying the procedure for withdrawal +of resignation from office; authorizing
the consideration of ballot +questions at annual town meetings; requiring town
treasurers to perform certain +election duties of town clerks under certain
conditions; clarifying certain +petition signature requirements to initiate
proceedings for the consolidation +of municipalities; modifying the filing
period for affidavits of +candidacy for hospital district elections (ra, ja)